The Challenge

It was finally Monday...

Matthias walked out of his cab, paid the driver, and made his way to the school gate.

He sighed, feeling like he hadn’t been to school in a month.

This time, he was coming as a different person, and it felt like a fresh start. He chuckled at the thought as he stood at the gate.

Two girls, Hayley and Lana, who Matthias knew well, happened to pass by and stopped when they saw him chuckling to himself.

Hayley, one of the campus’s classy girls, pointed at Matthias and whispered to her best friend, Lana, “Look, the trashy delivery guy has finally gone mad.”

Lana agreed, “Yeah, maybe his extreme poverty has finally touched his senses, and now he’s losing his mind."

Matthias heard them but just turned to look at them. They both hissed at him and walked past, almost shoving him out of the way.

Matthias let them go without saying a word and continued on his way.

"Oh my, I wonder what Paula is doing with that thing. He is is useless, not deserving of even the poore
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