The New Vice President

Kimberly bowed her head at what Paula said. Unable to endure the insults any longer.

She told Matthias and spoke to him in a whisper, "Maybe we should go back to our seats."

Matthias nodded and followed her to their seats. The entire class broke into another round of laughter, seeing them retreat.

Paula shouted, "The two rats in the class seem to have run back into their holes."

Everyone laughed out loud again, knowing she clearly was referring to Kimberly and Matthias.

Matthias ignored them completely and turned his attention to Kimberly, who subtly pinched him.

"Is there a problem?" Matthias asked.

Kimberly raised her head and said, "They’re still laughing at us."

Matthias replied, "So?"

She sighed, "Maybe I shouldn’t have invited the class. I should have just gone to the park, blown a candle by myself, even if there was no cake. I could have saved myself this shame."

Matthias brought out his phone and started browsing the internet.

Kimberly wondered why he wasn’t responding unti
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