You're Fired!

Seeing Paula harassing Maya, pulling her hair, and trying to embarrass her, Matthias frowned.

He whispered to the CEO, "Please record the scene and send it to Harribug University’s official school page to notify the school that Paula is fighting another student."

"Oh, that is exactly what I will do to this mean young lady. She needs to be disciplined," the CEO said, thinking it was a good idea.

Matthias knew there was a rule against students fighting both on and off school premises.

He wanted to get back at Paula for conniving with Rafael Vicenzo to get the school management to kick him out of the dorm for punching Rafael.

The CEO did as instructed, especially because he also wanted to get back at Paula for slapping him earlier.

Matthias rushed to the spot where Paula was fighting with Maya.

“Enough, Paula!” Matthias said sternly.

He held Paula's hand and pushed her away from Maya, then pulled Maya up from the floor and held her tightly.

“Are you okay?” Matthias asked Maya, who was s
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