Who's Boss?

Maya gasped, still unable to speak, only staring eyes-wide...

Before the man could fully comprehend what was happening, Matthias asked for his account details.

Within 30 seconds of tapping on his screen, Matthias forwarded the sum of $900,000 to the CEO's account.

The CEO raised his head from his screen after seeing the alert, his eyes widening in shock. He stood up with shivering legs and walked over to Matthias with the owner's documents.

He handed Matthias a pen to sign. After Matthias signed, he turned around to see both Maya and the man frozen in shock.

Matthias smiled. "Now, you'll have to follow me downstairs," he said to the CEO and he nodded.

The CEO was still in shock, unable to comprehend how a student who looked so poor could pay a huge sum of $1,000,000 as if it were just a mere $1.

He led Matthias and Maya down the stairs to the store where the Samsung phones were sold.

Arriving, Matthias smiled when he saw that Paula and Rafael were still standing at the counter, abou
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