A Bon Vivant Billionaire

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A Bon Vivant Billionaire

By: Blenn Dan OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 14 views: 153

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The unexpected apperance of Chairwoman Elizabeth Arnault at Munchies Cafe transformed Sean Zachary's life. That same day, he was chosen as the head of Globalsphere conglomerate which was one of the biggest business empires in that country. In his first few days in office, he worked diligently and tirelessly to the greatest joy of the Chairwoman, and to the dismay of his enemies. However, Sean couldn't continue with that same attitude of diligence for he became intoxicated with the immense benefits that came with his wealth. Therefore, he left his assignment and focused on enjoying himself. “Boss! The leader of NovaCorp is after the conglomerate! He has strategized terrific plans to execute it. Right now, he is unstoppable. What should we do?” His right hand man asked, palpitating. However, Sean laughed hysterically and inquired, “What should I do? Tell me. I have nothing in mind. He isn't the only person whose eyes are on the conglomerate, is he? Let him come. The Chairwoman might be of help.”

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14 chapters
Chairwoman's Appearance
A sunny Thursday was just another time for Sean Zachary to follow his daily routine; which was going for his lectures at Quet College and rushing down to his workplace, named Munchies Café. A few minutes after closing from school, he arrived at the eatery and walked right inside, sighting some customers scattered across the hall and conversing with their partners. “This is a normal thing,” He muttered, and headed towards the large kitchen where the meals were being prepared for their potential customers. He was about to take another step when one of his coworkers suddenly appeared, startling him. “You’ve got to be kidding me, Sean. Where have you been? Some people have been looking for you!” Mason declared in a high-pitched voice. Unlike Sean who was a part-time worker at the café, Mason worked day and night, forfeiting his education. According to him, he needed to save some money before going into college. He had so many responsibilities to take care of, so, school was the last th
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Entering The Estate
“Come with me, Sean Zachary, to my residence where you will be honored as the new overseer of Globalsphere Conglomerate.” A smile crept up on her face after the sudden and unexpected announcement. All the customers seated in the eatery exclaimed in bewilderment. The Chairwoman had just asked a waiter to become the new head of a powerful conglomerate in Seattle City! What was she thinking? Didn't she have many grandsons?Sean, on the other hand, chuckled. Those statements sounded like jokes to his ears. What did she say he would become? A new head of Globalsphere conglomerate? What a fantasy! That kind of fantasy that would only happen in dreams. Therefore, his following response came as a question that was filled with extreme doubt. “Excuse me, ma'am. Are you sure of what you're saying? I am not related to you anyway. As a matter of fact, I am just a waiter here. Why do you need me?” He deliberately didn't make mention of her last sentence. He would have sworn that the Chairwoman ha
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Globalsphere Conglomerate
The two foolish men who thought it would surely be one of them brightened their faces until their grandmother beckoned the mysterious young man standing at their backs. It was only then they got full recognition of him.He was a young man dressed in a faded purple T-shirt and trousers. His brown hair, although neatly curled, lacked the glow it ought to have had. His grey eyes, pointed nose, and V-shaped face. Ultimately, he was a fine man, but that was the least of their worries.“Don’t get it twisted. How is it possible for me to make you head of a great conglomerate when I just caught you doing an abnormal act? If it were so, the conglomerate wouldn't last a month in your hands. Therefore, this man here will be the new head. Why am I telling you this?” The Chairwoman Elizabeth, suddenly added and quickly turned to her right-hand man, Steve, and snapped her fingers, laying down orders.“Take the young man to the designated apartment to be dressed appropriately for the upcoming cerem
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Becoming The Chairman
While they did so, their eyes darted to and fro in search for the next head of the conglomerate. Unknown to them, the tall and handsome young man beside the Chairwoman was whom they sought. After exchanging pleasantries with one another, they all took different elevators that led to the general hall. All this time, Sean couldn't help but shudder at the magnificent sight that was before him. The headquarters was much bigger than rumored. Almost everything was made of glass, except the marble floors. And also judging the manner the workers concentrated on performing their jobs, Sean concluded it wasn't one of those companies whose employees are hypotrical. Back to the present, in the general hall, everyone had already taken their seats excluding Sean Zachary, whose eyes roamed around the hall, unable to do anything until Steve whispered into his ears for him to sit down. Immediately he did, a few journalsits and pressmen then rushed inside in order to take photographs of the importan
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His First Visitation
He was so good at hiding his fear and quickly dashed off before they could realize anything. The two young men watched Sean's retreating back in utter amazement. They wondered where the young man had gotten the boldness from. Was it as a result of the new position in the conglomerate?Brandon scoffed and adjusted his legs. He chose to remain quiet during the comeback of his elder brother with the man because he didn't see any need to interfere in their discussion. And again, exchanging words with the masquerader might be reduce his standards. “We just have to retaliate quietly and deal with the fool in an unexpected way. Yelling at him won't lead to anything. These kinds of people deserve to be taken unaware.” Brandon urged his brother. His words seemed appealing to Garrett's ears. Judging by his encounter with Sean a few minutes ago, it was obvious that he was a very stiff-necked man who would expect things in his direction. Even things that aren't met for him. “I agree with you,
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I Was A Waiter
The moment her large beautiful eyes finally found him, she popped out her lips unintentionally. This was beyond her imagination. The cameras and photographs didn't do justice to capturing the young man well.The young man was like a heavenly being. She could swear on that. She had never seen someone as handsome as he was, yet he seemed not to have a clue about how hot he looked. Sexy, hot and cute at the same time. Her brain was in a turmoil and bubbled with a strange feeling.What would she do when he kept staring at her down the stairs? After succeeding in diverting her gaze, she took the first staircase, but missed a step, thereby causing her to stumble on her feet. She would have rolled down the stairs if she hadn't held onto the banister. This little action made everyone look in her direction.“I’m fine, mom. I'm good. I haven't fallen down, at least not yet.” She joked and all the listeners laughed except Sean, who found it uninteresting. If there was anything he wished for, i
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“Permit me to say it was a slip of the tongue. He is not a waiter. Disregard anything he uttters. He is merely overwhelmed with excitement.” Steve chipped in to save the situation. The Chairwoman turned to him with a grateful smile. If he hadn't stepped in, she wondered what would have happened. However, Patrick squinted one of his eyes in suspicion. He could tell that something was fishy because he was not a gullible person. Since the time he met the Chairwoman she hadn't mentioned anything about making a low-class man the new head of the Globalsphere conglomerate. They all believed the man would be from a reputable family.“It doesn't really matter if he is a waiter or not. Nonetheless, his work as the head of a business empire kick-starts today. Hence, he should be fully prepared come what may. That being said, here is my daughter. She is a student of Seattle University and a famous fashion model. You might have probably seen her on the screen.” Patrick Parkersburg bragged and tu
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Adam Arnault
The conglomerate had been their prime interest since they were born. Each of them wanted to take over the business empire in order to oppress the rest.“These explanations are not valid, Chairwoman Elizabeth. If you aren't going to do what is necessary by choosing one of us instead of picking a church rat over us, we will take laws into our hands. You cannot just pick any man from anywhere to rule one of the major properties of the Arnault family. It is an abomination. Heed to our complaints and save yourself from impending troubles that will arise soon.” Caleb Arnault, the Chairwoman 's fifth grandson cautioned. He was the only person who would talk to the Chairwoman as if to his peers. He had little or no respect for the elderly woman. When he finished speaking, the Chairwoman arose and dusted the edges of her long skirt, which meant that she was done conversing with them because she had seen that the discussion would lead to no end. So then she decided to put an end to it herself
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First Day In Office
Adam watched all this and scoffed with disdain. What preferential treatment given to a nobody!Nevertheless, he walked into the mansion because the Chairwoman wasn't whom he came for, but Brandon Arnault.Meanwhile, the two cars arrived safely at the Globalsphere conglomerate almost an hour later. Sean and Steve alighted, and scanned the environment. A great number of workers could be seen rushing into the building like in hot pursuit. The manner at which they ran earned a chuckle from Sean. He still found it unbelievable that he would be managing such a large number of people at his young age. “Boss, let's walk in. This way please.” Steve spoke into his thoughts and led the way into the building. Entering, Sean Zachary was told to have his name written on a register along with the time he appeared at work. This has been a routine since the creation of the conglomerate. It was done in order to keep a track record of the leader. The elevator was the next place they stepped in. In t
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Stolen Goods
Steve picked up the remote control, turned on the projector, and navigated the menus. Soon, a picture of two similar energy drinks popped on the screen. Aside from the colors, it was so hard to differentiate between the two products. Steve had to zoom the picture before Sean could see it clearly. Yet, they all looked alike.“And do you know what the most miserable part is? The NovaCorp manufactured this canned energy drink in four different colors and ours is included. So the possibility of winning this particular case is very slim. When we compared the taste of each drink, they tasted the same! The exact same size of can was used, the label placement had no difference. Frankly speaking, if we lose this case, the conglomerate will be shaken in terms of finance. Billions of dollars will be used as compensation for NovaCorp, which is their expectations,”Steve muttered.Instantly, Sean arose from his chair and said, “Let’s go to the company. You need not to be sad. As long they remain gu
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