Catching The Robber

They reached their car and headed for Rectaxs company. During the drive, Steve suddenly asked Sean a question.

“Do you know why I asked you not to allow his assistant to follow us?”

Sean shook his head negatively. “No, why?”

Steve gulped. “Davidson is not someone to be trusted. In as much as we try to blame SavorCorp for the attack, Davidson might turn out to be the masterplanner.”

Sean, who was staring ahead, looked at him immediately. He couldn't believe Steve would say such a thing. To him, Davidson Rogers didn't look like someone who would deceive others. He looked like a well behaved man.

“What, Steve? How could you say that? Davidson Rogers would never do such a thing. I fully believe that SavorCorp company committed the crime. If Davidson carried out the act, he would be manipulating himself. You know that, right?” Sean tried to defend the man he had only met for less than a hour.

Upon hearing Sean's statements, Steve smiled pitifully. He quickly realized that his master was
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