Who The Robber Is

In a minute, she was able to find lists of transactions that took place in the company for the past two months.

“I have seen them. Here they are. These are the names of the customers who bought wristwatches for two months.” Felicia turned the computer to Sean and Steve. One after the other, they looked down the names of the customers who transacted on the screen. All of a sudden, Sean saw a name that looked very familiar.

“Isn’t that Davidson Rogers? What is his name doing here?” Sean exclaimed, attracting Steve to look at the screen a little closer. Indeed, it was Davidson Rogers's name! It was shocking news to everybody.

“Felicia, did you know anything about this?” Sean asked the woman, who was also amazed by this revelation. She looked at Sean like he had grown two heads for asking such a ridiculous question. How would she know? Would she have sat down to read each transaction slip every single day? She had no time for this.

“I didn't know either. Due to my tight schedule, I wasn
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