Becoming The Chairman

While they did so, their eyes darted to and fro in search for the next head of the conglomerate. Unknown to them, the tall and handsome young man beside the Chairwoman was whom they sought. 

After exchanging pleasantries with one another, they all took different elevators that led to the general hall. All this time, Sean couldn't help but shudder at the magnificent sight that was before him. 

The headquarters was much bigger than rumored. Almost everything was made of glass, except the marble floors. And also judging the manner the workers concentrated on performing their jobs, Sean concluded it wasn't one of those companies whose employees are hypotrical. 

Back to the present, in the general hall, everyone had already taken their seats excluding Sean Zachary, whose eyes roamed around the hall, unable to do anything until Steve whispered into his ears for him to sit down. Immediately he did, a few journalsits and pressmen then rushed inside in order to take photographs of the important event. 

The ceremony soon commenced, and it was time for the Chairwoman   Elizabeth Arnault, to announce to the world whom she had chosen as the new head of the great conglomerate. 

“Dear viewers and Globalsphere conglomerate,” She said with all smiles. “I wish to say that this might not have been your expectations, but it was for the very best. I couldn't help but pick someone who was more competent than my first two grandsons. He might seem like a total stranger to you, but I can at the same time say that he is not. He is related to the Arnault family, so do not panic.” The Chairwoman stated to the wonderment of her listeners. 

Some of them started whispering and muttering words among themselves. To them, the Chairwoman was speaking in riddles. If she didn't choose any of her grandsons, who else will become the head of the conglomerate?

The Chairwoman breathed out and contined, saying, “Before I say his name and reveal him, I will firmly advise everyone to treat him fairly without discrimination or segregation.” Her owl-like eyes scanned the hall and no one dared to speak a word because they respected the Chairwoman with all their minds. 

“Without further ado, join me as I introduce Sean Zachary before you all as the next head of the Globalosphere conglomerate! Sean, please step forward.” The Chairwoman summoned Sean, who jumped out of his seat, and slowly approached the Chairwoman, and faced the bewildered crowd. 

It was an unimaginable thing for a strange man to rule the conglomerate. As a matter of fact, he had to be a bloodline of the Arnault family. Therefore, this shocking news didn't go well with everyone who either watched in the hall or through their smartphones and TV screens.

“Sean Zachary is now made the head f this great business empire. Treat him in the same way you treated me, without any discrimination, disrespect of any kind.  I believe he will lead the business empire to greater heights. Enjoy the rest of the show. Peace out.” Grabbing Sean's hand, they walked off the stage to greet some other people. 

A certain man caught the Chairwoman’s attention while Sean was left alone, stranded. Having nothing to do, he decided to tour and view the the other parts of the building. By the time he took a bend into a lonely passage, a strong hand suddenly swung him around. Sean's mouth widened after realizing whom they were. 

He had seen them at the mansion some minutes ago. They were the oldest grandsons of the Chairwoman. Garrett and Brandon Arnault. His lips trembled as he imagined what harm they inflicted on him in that bereft corridor. 

“What...what are you doing here? How can I help you?” He tried not to stammer but failed at it. Luckily, the two young men didn't notice him stuttering, for they were blinded by rage that simmered in their hearts. Their eyes blazed with fury like men ready to strike at anytime. 

“I should be asking you that same question over and over again. What exactly is your business in our lives? Why did you suddenly appear from nowhere to become the leader of the conglomerate? Who do you think you are? Even if you are from another planet, you aren't permitted to get into our family without being a recognized member. I am yet to look into your background.” Garrett rubbed his mustachec accessing the man before him.

Garrett had the feeling of being deceived by the Chairwoman. If the feeble young man truly belonged to the Arnault family, why weren't they aware of it? More so, his face and height gave him away. 

“I am who I am. Can I go now?” Sean, was so eager to disappear from their midst as soon as possible. However, the young men held back the helm of his shirt, sending intimidating glares at him. How dare he try to walk away in the middle of their discussion? No one had ever done that to them, speak less of the impostor.

“We aren't here for discussion. We are here to warn you to steer clear off from our family and the conglomerate. None of them is meant for you. I want you to return to the hall and inform everyone about your pretense, fake identity and deceit. If that is done, we will let this slide peacefully.” Garrett warned with a smug because he hated the man with all passion. 

Sean, who just turned his back, swerved to look at them almost immediately. Truly, he wasn't a member of the Arnault family, but then, he wasn't pretending to be one either. He didn't force himself into their lives. Why then would he tell others that he is an impostor? 

“I cannot do that. I have never told a lie about who I am. Why are you guys even persistent about this matter? Kindly speak to your grandmother. Perhap, she might have a change of heart.” Sean mocked and walked away. 

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