Adam Arnault

The conglomerate had been their prime interest since they were born. Each of them wanted to take over the business empire in order to oppress the rest.

“These explanations are not valid, Chairwoman Elizabeth. If you aren't going to do what is necessary by choosing one of us instead of picking a church rat over us, we will take laws into our hands. You cannot just pick any man from anywhere to rule one of the major properties of the Arnault family. It is an abomination. Heed to our complaints and save yourself from impending troubles that will arise soon.” 

Caleb Arnault, the Chairwoman 's fifth grandson cautioned. He was the only person who would talk to the Chairwoman as if to his peers. He had little or no respect for the elderly woman. 

When he finished speaking, the Chairwoman arose and dusted the edges of her long skirt, which meant that she was done conversing with them because she had seen that the discussion would lead to no end. So then she decided to put an end to it herself. While others watched her hoping for an expected outcome, they were met with blazing and unapologetic eyes.

“Do whatsoever you want to do. If you take laws into your hands, the same law will turn around to strike you. If eventually I realize that you've done great harm to the young man seated here and to the conglomerate, I won't hesitate to chase after each one of you, regardless of how related we might be. My advice is this, return and build yourselves into the adults you've become. You have to raise families too. Stop dwelling on the past, but look into the future. When next we meet, I hope we don't bring up this topic again.” The Chairwoman warned sternly and took the flight of stairs. On the other hand, Steve led Sean into his apartment. 

It would have been better if the men adhered to her warnings. However, since they were blinded by jealousy and fury, the Chairwoman 's warnings were weightless to them. 

The following morning, was the day for Sean to assume office, Steve appeared early into his room with some other servants to prepare the young master for the task ahead. 

He was dressed flamboyantly in a tuxedo suit with a pair of nice black shoes. His hair was dyed black and curled with a few strands falling to the side of his face. His appearance transformed, and his skin glowed like the sun. 

After that, Steve then walked him down the stairs into the living room carrying a huge briefcase in his right hand. At this point, Brandon Arnault was the only person present in the mansion. 

The Chairwoman had left for a very crucial business meeting and Garrett's whereabouts were unknown. Meanwhile, Brandon, who was seated at the dining table, behaved like he hadn't seen them approaching a few minutes ago and focused on his food. 

Sean Zachary was already three steps away when Steve beckoned him to eat before leaving. Having no choice, Sean walked towards the dining hall and pulled out a chair far from Brandon. 

A servant appeared and dished out their meals and exited the place. The meals served happened to be one of Sean's favorites. He dived into it and ate non-stop. 

After they had finished eating, Steve directed Sean out of the living room into the long passage that had guards at both sides. Just as they headed towards the garage, a black car zoomed in and a tall man alighted. He was Adam Arnault.

Adam Arnault’s eyes scanned the entire surroundings until it landed on Sean and Steve, who were bent halfway. Their faces held shock as he slowly approached them. His eyes were those of a villain and lingered on their faces until he stood close to them. 

Sean wondered what he could have come for. Had he come to make threats about the conglomerate?  His heart skipped. Nevertheless, Adam bowed his head politely and smiled brightly at the astonished men. Steve even concluded that he had hit his head on a hard surface. 

“Hello. It looks like you are going out? Where are you off to?” Adam eyed Sean's classy tuxedo suit in anger. This man had only appeared yesterday but was already given a very beautiful and expensive outfit. What else won't he take from them?

“We are off to work, as you can see. Do you wish to see me?” Sean pointed a finger to himself with the most gullible eyes that Adam had come across. He watched the young man's action and chuckled. Sean was far unthinking than he thought.

But Adam shook his head and replied, “I didn't come for you. What made you think that way? You are still a pauper even if you are the new president of Globalsphere conglomerate. It will only last for some time. You will eventually walk out of this estate in shame and dejection.” While Adam's words were full of threats and hatred, his face proved otherwise. 

He had the sweetest smile that surprised Steve. On the other hand, it wasn't actually a smile but a sympathic look. Adam couldn't help but gaze down at Sean with a pitiful expression. 

If Sean knew the level of disdain he had imposed on himself within the last twenty-four hours, he would have fled, never to return.

“Who then have you come to see?” Steve threw back.

Steve stepped in for his master. He knew Adam was a silent serpent who wouldn't hesitate to destroy Sean Zachary in a twinkle of an eye. And his master, who was very accommodating might just allow him to have his way.

“I came for the Chairwoman Elizabeth. Do you also want to stop me from seeing my grandmother, Steve?” He smirked at the man who had decided to take part with a stranger. 

“The Chairwoman isn't around presently. Return to your residence.” Steve blurted hoarsely and assisted Sean Zachary into the vehicle. Then the black car with another closely behind, ignited their engines, and sped off. 

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