
“Permit me to say it was a slip of the tongue. He is not a waiter. Disregard anything he uttters. He is merely overwhelmed with excitement.” Steve chipped in to save the situation. 

The Chairwoman turned to him with a grateful smile. If he hadn't stepped in, she wondered what would have happened. However, Patrick squinted one of his eyes in suspicion. He could tell that something was fishy because he was not a gullible person. 

Since the time he met the Chairwoman she hadn't mentioned anything about making a low-class man the new head of the Globalsphere conglomerate. They all believed the man would be from a reputable family.

“It doesn't really matter if he is a waiter or not. Nonetheless, his work as the head of a business empire kick-starts today. Hence, he should be fully prepared come what may. That being said, here is my daughter. She is a student of Seattle University and a famous fashion model. You might have probably seen her on the screen.” Patrick Parkersburg bragged and turned his eyes towards his daughter who was picking on her potatoes with fried chicken.

She gazed up to meet Sean's sparkling eyes on her. Sean wondered why he hadn't seen her if she truly attended Seattle university, which was the closest to his institution. 

There was a time when he worked as a part-timer close to the gates of the school. Peradventure, due to the thousands of ladies from wealthy families in that same higher institute, it was  impossible to single her out of the multitude.

“Nice to meet you. I'm Cassandra Parkersburg.” The excited lady introduced herself before her father could finish. 

Despite having potatoes in her mouth, she could still talk audibly, grinning from ear to ear. It was at that point that everyone in the room except Sean, of course, came to know of her obsession over the young man. But Sean was far from noticing anything. He looked disinterested and barely nodded when she spoke to him.

“I am Sean Zachary. Good to see you too.” Sean replied unenthusiastically.

The rest of the discussion went smoothly with the Chairwoman and Patrick Parkersburg dwelling on business-related matters. 

A hour later, the black SUV was seen driving out of the mansion heading towards the Arnault Estate. Upon reaching the mansion and entering the living room, the trio, which included the Chairwoman , Sean and Steve, met the seven grandsons from the Arnault family fully occupied in all seats with their legs crossed arrogantly. They all paused in their steps. 

The Chairwoman Elizabeth gazed at them one after the other, not knowing what to say. The highest reaction she had imagined would happen was for them to visit her one after the other and not collectively. 

She walked up to them feeling a bit hesitant. She plopped into a seat and cleared her throat. Looking up, she realized that Sean still stood beside Steve and beckoned him to take the seat next to her. 

This action attracted the rest of the grandsons, who glared at the young man with great contempt. They didn't a seer to inform them that he was the chosen head of the conglomerate. Apart from that, they were infuriated that they knew nothing about the mysterious man from anywhere. 

“My dear grandsons, good evening to every one of you. I assume you all are acquainted with the latest news on ground. This young man beside me has been chosen, and the decision is irreversible. I have my reasons for having taken this unexpected action. This is all I have to say. Does anyone have anything to say?” The Chairwoman clasped her hands together and kept on her elbows. Her sharp eyes moved to and fro waiting for them to spew out their thoughts. 

As expected, one of them rose to his feet. He was the fourth grandson of the Arnault family. He was named Adam Arnault, a top hotelier in Seattle. Across the state, he had four hotels that had been ranked five stars from year to year. However, he was a very greedy young man whose eyes had secretly been on the conglomerate. 

“I was amused when I watched the news a few hours ago. This should be one of the greatest shocks I have ever received since I was born into this world. If it had been given to the least of my brothers, I wouldn't have reacted this way. However, what has a stranger got to do with the Globalsphere conglomerate? What business does he have with our family? This is really amusing. You have to take back the position from the man and give it to your bloodline. This is all I seek.” Adam said. The majority of his cousins agreed with his sayings. 

For the first time, the grandsons of the Arnault family agreed on one thing. Despite the disunity that had dominated among them over the years, this particular matter made them become reconciled. It wasn't long when they began to whisper to themselves, each one of them trying to express his displeasure on the matter.

However, the Chairwoman barely listened to their bitter rants. She had taken her decision and that was it. She loved her grandsons but couldn't risk handing the conglomerate over to any of them. 

Some months before she picked Sean Zachary, she had researched on his academic performance, and it was incomparable with that of her grandsons, who failed woefully and shamelessly in their academics. 

Therefore, it wouldn't be good if a dullard ruled the conglomerate, which was what she desperately avoided.

“Your reactions aren't surprising. I had expected that. But then, the Globalsphere conglomerate has several companies merged with it and I cannot afford to risk it with any of you.” 

“Have you thought about your academic performances?  What about your managerial skills in each enterprise that you handle? I employed each of you in the business sector, but you all failed at it. As for Adam, he abandoned the job in his care without proper handing over to begin his own. What then should I have done to you?!” She bellowed at them.

The more they continued asking for the conglomerate, the more frustrated she became. For she was not ready to exchange the man whom she had chosen.

Despite her detailed explanations, her grandsons still viewed it as denial of their rights. They had made up their minds not to back down until they took back the conglomerate from the wretched strange man seated across the room. 

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