I Was A Waiter

The moment her large beautiful eyes finally found him, she popped out her lips unintentionally. This was beyond her imagination. The cameras and photographs didn't do justice to capturing the young man well.

The young man was like a heavenly being. She could swear on that. She had never seen someone as handsome as he was, yet he seemed not to have a clue about how hot he looked. Sexy, hot and cute at the same time. Her brain was in a turmoil and bubbled with a strange feeling.

What would she do when he kept staring at her down the stairs? After succeeding in diverting her gaze, she took the first staircase, but missed a step, thereby causing her to stumble on her feet. 

She would have rolled down the stairs if she hadn't held onto the banister. This little action made everyone look in her direction.

“I’m fine, mom. I'm good. I haven't fallen down, at least not yet.” She joked and all the listeners laughed except Sean, who found it uninteresting. 

If there was anything he wished for, it was to be out of the mansion as soon as possible. But when Parkersburg began to walk far from them, he had to follow the Chairwoman to the dining table and went ahead to pick the seat closest to her. 

Since he was in the midst of strangers, he couldn't let his guard down.

“Ms Elizabeth, we are more than excited to have you in our midst tonight. We didn't think you would make it. We almost lost hope of seeing you today. You don't know how much this means to us.” The wife of the man was almost jumping in excitement like a toddler. 

The Chairwoman watched the woman with immerse love. She had come to visit the Parkersburg family because of the woman. For over manh weeks, the woman had continuously pestered her until she gave in.

“Yes, Brandy. I am very happy to see you all, hale and hearty, especially these little cute boys on my lap. I have missed you all.” 

The Chairwoman tapped the boys and they giggled. Just then, the beautiful young lady walked out of the kitchen with trays of varieties of dishes in both hands. 

She set them on the table, returned the trays and sat beside her father. Subconsciously, her eyes darted to Sean's direction, but the latter didn't look above his lashes.

“I guess he is the head of Globalsphere conglomerate now, right?” Brandy asked, obviously speaking about Sean. 

She had observed his calm demeanor since they appeared and took a likening in him. He didn't look a troublesome person like the seven grandsons of the Chairwoman. 

Those grandsons were very terrific in making troubles. There was never a day they lived peacefully. One would say that it was because of this reason they had to separate. But the young man seated directly opposite seemed to be different from the men. 

For this, she would say that the Chairwoman had chosen well. However, his real identity was what she was yet to confirm.

“Yes, he is. He is named Sean Zachary. He was chosen as the new head of Globalsphere conglomerate a few hours ago.” The Chairwoman answered instead of the young man himself. The entire family nodded their heads. 

Patrick Parkersburg, who had been chewing silently, suddenly faced the young man with an expressionless face. Coincidentally, he had the same question in mind as his wife.

“I can tell that you aren't a member of the Arnault family, and I wonder why the Chairwoman had to pick you amongst her seven grandsons. What then have you been doing before this day?”

Parkersburg asked Sean, who stiffened in his attempt to take a bite from his chips. With his head lowered, his eyes moved to and fro as he expected the Chairwoman to come to the rescue like always.

Hwever, neither the Chairwoman nor Steve were ready to answer for him anymore. The Chairwoman expected him to follow the instructions she had given during their drive here. 

However, Sean Zachary's answer spilled out as, “I was a waiter in one of the biggest eateries in Seattle. I worked there for several years until the Chairwoman appeared today.”

This was his response because he had totally forgotten about the Chairwoman's tenacious instructions. The whole family exchanged bewildered looks because it was surprising. 

The Chairwoman almost choked on her food. 

The Parkersburg family was neither a close acquaintance nor an enemy to the Arnault family, particularly to the Chairwoman . In short, they were more of business partners. While the wife of the man, Brandy Parkersburg, was friendlier than others, the man, Patrick, behaved in a more corporate way.

Actually, when Patrick Parkersburg first met with the Chairwoman over a decade ago, he was the managing director of one of the biggest and most versatile companies in the country. This company produced and supplied varieties of products for the public.  

It was during this time that the Chairwoman visited the same company for business collaboration. However, it couldn't kick-start because of the director's absence and Patrick's reluctance to stand in place of his boss. 

Forward to few years later, Patrick's own company was on the verge of bankruptcy and the Globalsphere conglomerate was the only option they had. He had no other choice but to call on the Chairwoman for assistance. 

Not wanting to repay him for his past action, the Chairwoman accepted. Therefore, the more they collaborated, the more they got even closer. 

“A waiter?” Brandy looked amazed.

Being a waiter in a godsaken restaurant was the last thing Brandy expected from him. She had reasoned Sean to be one of the sons of the Chairwoman's acquaintances who was either in the middle class or higher. 

The Chairwoman was so embarrassed and dumbstruck. She dropped the cutlery in her hands and wiped her mouth hastenly with a napkin. 

The thing was, she didn't trust anyone enough to know about the man's identity, including her grandsons. It was because of this reason she had warned the young man not to reveal his true self. What is so difficult about keeping his mouth shut or saying something else?

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