Stolen Goods

Steve picked up the remote control, turned on the projector, and navigated the menus. Soon, a picture of two similar energy drinks popped on the screen. Aside from the colors, it was so hard to differentiate between the two products. Steve had to zoom the picture before Sean could see it clearly. Yet, they all looked alike.

“And do you know what the most miserable part is? The NovaCorp manufactured this canned energy drink in four different colors and ours is included. So the possibility of winning this particular case is very slim. When we compared the taste of each drink, they tasted the same! The exact same size of can was used, the label placement had no difference. Frankly speaking, if we lose this case, the conglomerate will be shaken in terms of finance. Billions of dollars will be used as compensation for NovaCorp, which is their expectations,”Steve muttered.

Instantly, Sean arose from his chair and said, “Let’s go to the company. You need not to be sad. As long they remain gu
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