A Bon Vivant Billionaire
A Bon Vivant Billionaire
Author: Blenn Dan
Chairwoman's Appearance

A sunny Thursday was just another time for Sean Zachary to follow his daily routine; which was going for his lectures at Quet College and rushing down to his workplace, named Munchies Café. 

A few minutes after closing from school, he arrived at the eatery and walked right inside, sighting some customers scattered across the hall and conversing with their partners. 

“This is a normal thing,” He muttered, and headed towards the large kitchen where the meals were being prepared for their potential customers. He was about to take another step when one of his coworkers suddenly appeared, startling him. 

“You’ve got to be kidding me, Sean. Where have you been? Some people have been looking for you!” Mason declared in a high-pitched voice. Unlike Sean who was a part-time worker at the café, Mason worked day and night, forfeiting his education. According to him, he needed to save some money before going into college. He had so many responsibilities to take care of, so, school was the last thing he had in mind.

“Which people?” Sean inquired with his furrows creased. There was definitely no way anyone woukd come looking for him like he mattered to them.

When Mason saw his flummoxed reaction, he concluded that indeed Sean was oblivious of the lastest development. Two times had some strange men come for Sean only to see his absence. They tried his cellphone number, but the workers quickly recalled that Sean's phone had been stolen a week before that day.

“About four people appeared for two days searching for you. I really do not know the reason for that, but it seemed to be urgent, like they needed you in their lives. We wouldn't know if they were real or not. But then, they looked rich.” Mason looked excited. 

However, Sean couldn't understand what he was saying. Everything sounded unreal to him. As a matter of fact, he knew he had no friends or family who were affluent. How then was it possible for such people to come looking for him?

Therefore, he decided to disregard the news and continue walking. But then, Mason swung to his front within the twinkle of an eye. 

“I wasn't done talking,” Mason reprimanded. “Also, there is one more thing that you need to know. The managing director has chosen to go out of business due to the recurrence of having low sales. He said he wouldn't keep on paying our salaries because he has no money left on him.”Mason narrated feeling sober. 

This news was shocking to Sean Zachary who had regarded Munchies Café as his home, his dwelling place. He had been working as a waiter for good seven years, earning a few dollars until he was able to save enough for college, and after that, he switched to becoming a part-timer. So then, hearing this shocking news shattered his heart into pieces. 

As a matter of fact, it was all over for him. No other business owner would accept him because he had faced tons of rejections before he was employed at Munchies Café. 

“This cannot be happening. I will speak with the director. Where is he? In the office, right?” He questioned, eager to talk about things with the elderly man whom he regarded as a father.

But before Mason could respond to his question, four expensive black cars halted at the front of the building, attracting the rest of the customers who looked through the transparent ceiling to floor windows. The way they zoomed in was so superb that everyone had the curiosity to find out whom they were. 

The door of the first car opened and a well-dressed chauffeur emerged and opened the back door for the next person who turned out to be a skinny, tall woman. A well recognized woman. She was Chairwoman Elizabeth Arnault of Globalsphere Conglomerate. She was clothed in a dark leather jacket, black trousers, thick boots, and a black wristwatch. She was also in spectacles and her hair was gray due to her advanced age. 

Sean's heart began to palpitate as he wondered if the woman and her convoy had come for him. Were these the strange people that Mason talked about a few minutes ago? He ought to have at least described them better.

He glared at Mason, who was equally stunned as he was. In all sincerity, he and others had no idea of whom the men were because their faces were neither familiar nor recognizable. Therefore, he noted them as mysterious strangers. Little did he know that it was actually Chairwoman Elizabeth who sent them because she was desperate to have Sean at her residence. 

“I really didn't know it was Chairwoman Elizabeth. I swear! So stop glaring at me as if I knew.” Mason returned the glare as the unexpected visitors drew nearer to the transparent door. With every step the Chairwoman took, Sean gulped his saliva two times more. There was this kind of overwhelming aura that engulfed around the Chairwoman . It was strong enough to scare anyone to death. The glassy doors parted, and they all walked in with the eyes of everyone on them.

As they searched around, one of the men's eyes suddenly landed on Sean, and he directed a finger to Sean's direction, announcing, “That is him, Chairwoman. He is Sean Zachary ” The man cried aloud and the Chairwoman and every other person in the eatery turned to him. Sean didn't know what to make of it. Judging by the man's outcry, he assumed that he was in danger. 

“Are you really Sean Zachary?” This time, the question was asked by the Chairwoman herself. Walking in her stilettos, she approached the young man whose lips were tightly shut, and his forehead glowed with sweat. It was clear that their appearances and interrogation were the least thing he had expected. 

“Are you Sean Zachary?” Chairwoman Elizabeth inquired again but firmly.

Her question was a rhetorical one, for she already knew the answer. In short, there was no aspect of Sean that was hidden from her. All the articles about his birth, education and workplaces had all been submitted by her personal assistant.

“Yes...Yes...I am.” Sean stammered, and his lips quivered out of fear. After all, the Chairwoman, who was the head of one of the biggest conglomerates, was standing right before him. Why wouldn't he stutter?

Upon hearing his abrupt response, the Chairwoman simpered and folded her arms across her chest. Now that he had confirmed whom he was, it was time to take the next action. 

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