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By: ThePhenomenalScribe Updated just nowBillionaire

Language: English

Chapters: 48 views: 128

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"You are nothing but a poor rag doll, who will never become anything!" Vowing that he would never give love a chance, after his ex girlfriend dumped him, he decided to give love another chance with a lady he met in Los Angeles. However, a misunderstanding occured between them, making him feel like she betrayed him. With the bitterness in his heart, he promised to make her regret it. Unbeknownst to him, she was facing the dark side of life, and to top it all, she was pregnant for him. When he found out the truth, it was too late for him, as Quinn had already left the country, after being pressured by Harrison's ex girlfriend. Will she give him another chance to prove his love for her? What will happen when his ex girlfriend stands in their way of love?

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48 chapters
Say Yes.
Dressed in a bear doll costume, Harrison stood in front of the ferris wheel of the Marple Universe Amusement Park, trying to entertain the kids with his funny dance moves.He had been standing there for half an hour, but it seemed like the children preferred to play the other fun games rather than watch him dance.This was another of his part-time jobs. As ridiculous as it could be, he needed to do this for his girlfriend. They had been dating for a long time, and he felt that it was proper for him to propose to her.He glanced at his phone, it was just 9 pm in the evening. He had been working all day, and had barely had any minute to spare.Since he had been busy with his other part-time jobs, he hadn't been able to contact his girlfriend. While at it, he swiped his phone open, tapping on the call tab, and dialed his girlfriend's number.The phone rang thrice, before the receiver came through with a harsh tone."What?" She asked, abrasively. Her tone would sound rash to anyone that l
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Flower Boy.
"Rowena," he whispered her name, wishing that he could take off the doll head, and reveal himself.He could, of course, but won't that only make him feel embarrassed? She knew about his multiple part-time jobs, but she didn't think he would be working in the amusement park. If she had known, maybe she would have taken her engagement party to somewhere else.He could not move an inch. He was too shocked to even stretch his hand to give her the flower.Seeing that he was reluctant to hand it over, she yanked it from his hands, and turned away, focusing her attention on the man.If only she knew who was holding her flowers..."Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!" The crowd that stood to watch them chorused in eagerness.The man smiled, and pulled her closer to himself. He leaned forward, closing his eyes, as he planted a kiss on her lips.Right in front of Harrison, his girlfriend was kissing another man so passionately without a care in the world.He looked down at himself. Still in his bear
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Perfect Plan.
Harrison with a broken heart did not know what to do. He picked up the bundle of cash, and slipped it into his pocket.There was nothing more he could do. Sitting there like an helpless fellow was not going to make any difference. So, he got up to his feet, and dusted his pants.He began to strode out of the amusement park. It just seemed to him as though everyone had vanished, and he was left alone.He walked out of the amusement park, staring back at the area where they had officially taken his girlfriend away from him. There was a bar down the lane. He felt like he needed to take a few bottles to cool down his head. He could not even explain how he was feeling.Slowly, he dragged his feet on the tarred floor, heading down the lane to the bar, until he had gotten to the front of the bar.With a bitter smile curved on his lips, he stepped into the bar and found an empty seat just at the other end of the bar."Hello, sir. You are welcome to M & M, what would you like me to offer you?
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Hush Money.
It was already morning. The sun peeped through the window, caressing his face. It caused him to squint his eyes to get used to the brightness. He had been blacked out for hours, so his eyes needed some adjustments. He yawned, and stretched his body. While at it, his hand fell on something.No. Someone. He thought he was hallucinating. Maybe, he could be having another dream, who knows? His hands went down on her, and he realized that it was truly a human, lying beside him. His eyes flew open, instantly. His neck turned sideways, and there she was.It was not just any human, but a woman. The female gender!Realizing the situation, he began to wonder how he got here. He could not recall anything from yesterday night.All he could remember was that Rowena had dumped for her rich man, and he was heartbroken. He could recall that he had gone to the bar to take a few shots.That was it. He could not remember what happened next. He tried to, but the more he tried, the more his head throbb
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Just A Loser.
Harrison stared at the money on the bed. He could not help but want to laugh. Did she really think she could seal his mouth up with money?He wondered if all rich people were like this. He turned to her, his facial expression could not be explained. She looked at him, and gave an expression that said "what is it?""Nah, it's nothing."She rolled her eyes, and stood up, dragging the duvet. He was seated on the duvet. She stared at him, giving him the expression that he should get off the duvet."Get off the duvet or you turn your face to the other side. I need to dress up," she mouthed, clutching the duvet over her chest.Harrison could imagine what a pain in the ass she was. He turned over to the other side, facing the window.She made sure that he was not looking at her. She left the duvet to fall on the floor, as she began to dress up."I'm done." She said, and Harrison turned over. She picked up her bag, and after giving one last look at him, she left, slamming the door behind her
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Family Heirloom.
Harrison was not in for a fight. In fact, he was in the mood to exchange physical contact with anyone. It was not even his intention to punch him.He was only pissed off by what he said. He tried to escape and leave the place, but the bodyguards had already surrounded him, and their grips on him were tight, making it difficult for him to run away."You think you can escape? You planned to run away after punching me? You dared to lay your filthy poverty hands on me? Wait till you see my wrath. Beat him up!" The bodyguards, who were waiting to receive command from their boss, began to punch and kick him, causing him to fall.They did not give him any space at all, they kept beating him up. They did not stop, even when he was coughing out blood.One of the waitresses going to provide room service on the same floor Harrison was, saw the scene displaying. She could see how badly beaten he was, and the mess it had caused.Terrified, and not knowing what to even do in the situation, she ran
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The Lost Heir.
At this point, Harrison could barely keep his eyes open. The beatings he had received and the hangover from last night made him feel dizzy.He was not even in the right state of mind to think about what the manager asked him, he just answered, regardless."Yes. Yes, I am Harrison Fitzgerald, but I don't know what you are talking about. I'm not a young master or whatever you said. I..." He stuttered, holding his head in pain, "I'm just an orphan, who was abandoned by his family. I'm just someone that nature cursed."He regretted his existence. He wished he was not even born. First, his parents abandoned him in an orphanage home, and now, the woman he thought loved him, not only left him, but betrayed him, too.He just wanted to die, maybe it would be better than living a miserable life.The manager picked up the ring with extreme care, and placed it gently in his hand."I found you standing outside the orphanage home, drenched in the rain. You had nothing on you, no form of identificat
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Son Of The Greatest Man.
The old man could not contain his joy. He could not keep it in. He looked at Harrison again, and hugged him. There was no difference between him and his childhood self, only that he was now a grown up man."Young master, it is really you!" The butler said, touching his face to make sure that it was really him."Wh... Who are you?" Harrison asked. He was too surprised to even move a muscle, as the old man kept hugging him tightly."Uh, I'm sorry," he apologized, "my name is Theodore, the butler of the Gerald's family."Harrison could not believe it. It felt like a dream. He wanted to be so sure that he had parents, so he asked the butler."If I am the one you have been looking for, where are my parents?" "Your parents are abroad for a meeting. They will be there for a few days. I have been instructed to bring you back home," the butler replied, excitement written all over his face."Are you really sure that I am the one you are looking for? The son of Mr. Fitzgerald?" He questioned.
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1000 Dollars Per Gram.
Harrison was thrilled to be riding in a helicopter. This was his first time and his emotions were all jumbled up. He was both thrilled, nervous and excited all the same. Although he was loving the ride, he could hear the helicopter's blade whirring loudly, it was a bit uncomfortable or maybe it was just because it was his first time. Soon, they landed. The helicopter came to a rest at one of the biggest hospitals in the city. Harrison's mouth hung agape in the realization that he automatically was an elite member of the society now. The hospital was the biggest and best known to the city. Harrison looked around, this was the hospital for the highest class of the society. Only a few could afford the medical bills here and now he was part of those few. "We've arrived." The butler said while he stepped down urging Harrison to join him. Guardians lined up in an impeccably straight line to welcome both Harrison and the Butler. They all bowed when he stepped down. Harrison couldn't disgu
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99 Floors.
The video kept circulating and Harrison was the talk of the country. The news was making headlines and people were agitated wanting to hear the full story. It was not shocking nor surprising in the least how viral the video was going. In the last few decades, the Fitzgerald family was the top and the richest but they had been searching for their heir and he had never shown up. For years, everyone kept speculating, theories kept surfacing, everyone was making up their own stories. Nobody knew where the heir of the Fitzgerald was or who he was even. It was an unanswered question until the recent video surfaced on social media. Everyone was crazy over it. Meanwhile, on one end, Rowena was excited to know who the heir was too. Rowena was Harrison's ex girlfriend. Rowena screamed when she came across the video, "I wonder who he was." She muttered to herself while still scrolling through her phone. She let out another excited screamed. "He's in our city! He's in my city! If only I could
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