Hush Money.

It was already morning. The sun peeped through the window, caressing his face. It caused him to squint his eyes to get used to the brightness.

He had been blacked out for hours, so his eyes needed some adjustments. He yawned, and stretched his body. While at it, his hand fell on something.

No. Someone.

He thought he was hallucinating. Maybe, he could be having another dream, who knows?

His hands went down on her, and he realized that it was truly a human, lying beside him. His eyes flew open, instantly. His neck turned sideways, and there she was.

It was not just any human, but a woman. The female gender!

Realizing the situation, he began to wonder how he got here. He could not recall anything from yesterday night.

All he could remember was that Rowena had dumped for her rich man, and he was heartbroken. He could recall that he had gone to the bar to take a few shots.

That was it. He could not remember what happened next. He tried to, but the more he tried, the more his head throbbed.

"Where am I?" He whispered, sitting up on the bed, as his eyes roamed around the room.

It looked classic with its interior decors. From his observation, it looked like it was a hotel.

But wait! What was he doing in a hotel? How did he get here? Who brought him here? And more so, who was this woman beside him?

He could not even look at her face, because her back was facing him, and her hair had covered a larger part of her face.

What was he going to do? Should he quietly leave? As much as he wanted to leave, he needed to understand the situation of how the two of them got together.

Just as he was contemplating on what to do, he heard her moan, as she stretched her limbs. She slowly turned to his direction, stretching her hand, as well.

Before he could react, her hand was already on him, causing her, as well, to open her eyes widely.

As soon as she opened her eyes, he was the first person she saw.

"Heck!" She screamed, kicking him with her leg.

Since he was not balanced, he fell to the ground, giving her time to cover herself up with the duvet.

"Ow!" Harrison groaned, as he hit his body on the ground. He slowly got up, and sat on the bed again.

They stared at each other, waiting for who would speak first. They were so surprised, not knowing what to say at all.

"Who are you?" They chorused almost at the same time.

"What are you—"

"... Doing in my room?" They kept chorusing, as though it was a rehearsed verse.

"Okay, you first," she said to him.

"Believe me or not, I don't know. I don't know you or how I even got here. I was drunk last night, and I just woke up to find myself here." He explained himself, giving her a go-ahead to speak, as well.

She, too, had no idea how she got here. She did not know what to say or do. Should she be furious? It looked like he was telling the truth.

What use was it to get angry at a man who was wasted last night?

"I don't know, either." She responded.

There was silence in the room, with each of them having their own thoughts.

She gave him an inquisitive look. He frowned at first, not understanding what she meant, but her demonstration made him realize what she meant.

"Wait, what? No, no. I.. I don't think we did anything," he replied, quickly, trying to make sure she does not get the wrong impression.

Her facial expression changed, giving him a glaring expression. She looked underneath the duvet she covered herself with, and then, looked at him again.

"I'm really sure. Believe me, I didn't do anything. I don't even know you," he defended himself, seeing that she did not seem to believe him.

"There must be some kind of misunderstanding. I'm really sure about that. Sadly, I cannot remember what happened last night," he added.

She sighed. There was nothing she could do, other than to calm down. At first, she was furious. She thought that he had come into her room to sleep with her.

She could smell a trace of alcohol from his mouth, as he spoke. She believed him, but what she was more sure of was if they made out last night.

"Calm down, girl. Calm down. Nothing happened, it's just a misunderstanding," she said to herself, closing her eyes, as she inhaled and exhaled loudly.

"I believe you," she said, "it's definitely a misunderstanding, and I think I was framed."

He frowned, "framed? By who?" He asked.

He wondered why someone would want to frame a woman? What was their gain, anyway?

She glanced at him, "nevermind that. It's nothing."

In a swift moment, she turned sharply at him, making him shocked, as he was not expecting such reflex action.

"Was she always like this? Switching like a flickering bulb," he thought to himself.

"I want you to do something for me," she said, hastily as though she was in a hurry.

"What is it?" He questioned.

She was quiet for a while, not sure of how to even put her words.

She heaved a little sigh, "promise me you will not tell anyone about this."

What did she take him for? He scoffed, shaking his head. Was he disappointed? He could hardly tell how he was feeling at that point.

"Okay." Was the only response he could give.

She did not seem satisfied with his response, so she flared up.

With her slender index finger jabbed at him, she looked at him fiercely.

"I need you to promise me that you will not tell anyone about whatever happened between us. Seal your lips, and pretend like nothing ever happened. Do you understand me?" She said.

This made Harrison smile. Was it because of how she smiled or her possessiveness? He did not know.

He raised his hands above his head, "I promise not to tell anyone about us."

"Us? Ew! That's not what I meant!" She said, rolling her eyes.

She picked up her bag, and took out some money. She turned to him, and handed it over to him.

"Take it. That is your hush money."

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