The Lost Heir.

At this point, Harrison could barely keep his eyes open. The beatings he had received and the hangover from last night made him feel dizzy.

He was not even in the right state of mind to think about what the manager asked him, he just answered, regardless.

"Yes. Yes, I am Harrison Fitzgerald, but I don't know what you are talking about. I'm not a young master or whatever you said. I..." He stuttered, holding his head in pain, "I'm just an orphan, who was abandoned by his family. I'm just someone that nature cursed."

He regretted his existence. He wished he was not even born. First, his parents abandoned him in an orphanage home, and now, the woman he thought loved him, not only left him, but betrayed him, too.

He just wanted to die, maybe it would be better than living a miserable life.

The manager picked up the ring with extreme care, and placed it gently in his hand.

"I found you standing outside the orphanage home, drenched in the rain. You had nothing on you, no form of identification, just the ring. A name was inscribed on the ring. "Fitzgerald". Then, the name, "Harrison" was written inside the ring, when you open the ring," the manager told him.

To be sure, he took the ring, and opened it. In between the ring were tiny letters written on it. It was true.

He was really Harrison Fitzgerald, the lost heir.

Harrison did not understand a single thing. What was he saying? Was there any other Harrison Fitzgerald, expect him?

The manager could not believe that he was the one who found the lost heir. The Fitzgerald's family had been searching for him for years, and they were unable to find him.

It was as though he disappeared. To make things easier for them, and quicken their pace to find him, they made a declaration.

It was declared that anybody who finds the lost heir would be rewarded.

It was a great honor to be rewarded by the biggest and richest family in the whole of America.

He placed the ring back into the hands of Harrison, and looked at him.

Excitement and fear were etched on his face. He did not know how to feel.

"Young master, this ring truly belongs to you, and you are the lost heir of the Fitzgerald's family. This ring is the Gerald's family heirloom, and only the one true heir wears it. Your parents have been looking for you for the past twenty years, and they never found you." He explained.

His explanation was not clear to Harrison. Although he was feeling lightheaded, he heard him clearly, but he did not still understand what he was saying.

He frowned in confusion, wondering what the man was saying. He did not understand a thing out of everything he said.

"Wha... What are you saying? What do you mean?" He asked, but the manager ignored him.

He was too excited to inform the Gerald's family that he had found their missing son, and the only heir of the Gerald's family.

He took out his phone, and typed a number. His hands were shaking as he typed away. Soon, he placed a call, and waited patiently, yet, eagerly for the person to answer.

His heart was beating faster than usual.

"Hello?" A deep voice broke the silence.

The manager wanted to shout that he had found the missing heir, but he had to calm down and speak.

He took a deep breath, and began. "Hello. Good day, sir. This is the manager of the Gerald's Suites."

"How may I help you?" The man asked.

"Sir, I have found the missing son of the Gerald's family. I have found the lost heir!" He almost screamed.

The man on the other end was surprised. The lost heir? That was impossible. They had searched for him all around, but they could not find him. Even with their connection, they were unable to locate him. So, how then did the manager find him?

"Are you sure?" The man questioned.

The manager nodded his head, as though the man could see him. "Yes, yes. I'm very sure."

The man was still doubting. He could not believe that the young master had been found, but he had to make sure that the manager's information was accurate, before informing Mr. Gerald.

"Listen, this is not a joke. Are you really sure that you have found the lost heir? Harrison Fitzgerald?" He asked again, his voice cracking into excitement.

"Yes, sir. I'm very sure. He is right here with me."

"Alright. Remain right at that spot, and I will be there in five minutes." There was excitement in the man's voice.

"If the manager has truly found the lost heir, then, the Gerald's family will know happiness once again."

For twenty years, they had been searching for Harrison, but it was all in vain. This made the Gerald's family so unhappy.

He could not wait to see Harrison. He wanted to confirm with his own eyes that the person the manager was referring to as Harrison, was truly the only son of mr. Fitzgerald.

He hurriedly ordered for a private helicopter, and moved out immediately.

"I need to understand what is going on. Who are you calling? And why do you keep referring to me as young master and the lost heir? Wh... What are you talking about?" Harrison could not help but ask.

He needed to understand the situation he was in.

"I know you might not understand what is going on now, but all I can tell you at the moment is that you are the only son of the Fitzgerald's family. The one true heir whose finger fits the family heirloom."

Harrison frowned, "Fitzgerald? Who are they? How come I've never heard about them?"

The manager was ready to attend to him, answering all his questions.

"The Fitzgerald's family is the richest family in the whole of America. They belong to the upper class group, and are only heard by a few people. No one has actually seen them before, except for rare occasions. They control almost everything in the industry, and has the largest conglomerate."

Harrison wondered how someone could be this rich. He was pretty sure that they were richer than the man Rowena dumped him for. He wanted to know more about the Gerald's, but before he could ask any further question, he was distracted by the sound of the helicopter.

He looked up, and found a helicopter coming down. He was in awe, as he had never seen such. From his knowledge, he knew it was a private helicopter, and only the families in the high class were able to purchase it.

In history till date, only a few people were able to purchase it.

Soon, an old man in his early sixties rushed to him. A few bodyguards in black accompanied him.

Before now, Harrison had stood up to admire the helicopter. The old man rushed to him, and gave him a hug.

He looked at him, and whispered, "you look so much like Harrison Fitzgerald."

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