Chapter 6

Clinton stared at the document in front of him, he said nothing and waited for her to speak.

“The contract states that if you’re actually speaking the truth and you give me the 500 million dollars, you’ll own 50% shares in my company, she explained.

“And I’ll do whatever you want me to, I can be your mistress for a night, just name it”,she added with a sly smile.

When Ann noticed he was quiet, she quickly added,

 â€śI’m still a virgin so it’ll be worth the prize, you have nothing to lose.

Clinton was shocked at her outburst, he would never have thought she was still a virgin, he was slightly impressed but didn’t show it.

She believed he wouldn’t be able to raise such an amount of money, he was just making fun of her and she didn’t like it at all, she was determined to make him pay if he was joking around.

But deep down, she hoped he had the money because she wasn’t interested in sleeping with that cunning old man. If it had been a young and handsome man, she might probably have considered it a bit.

And she didn’t want to  lose her company either, she had worked hard to get to where she was, she wasn’t willing to give up now and let all her efforts be in vain.

She folded her arms and stared at him, looking at his reaction and waiting for him to back out.

Clinton was taken aback  when she made the last statement. He looked at her and knew she still had doubts about him. He couldn’t believe she was willing to go to such lengths to save her company.

“But, if you’re actually lying to me and fooling around”, she continued,

“Then, you have to leave my company and never come back, i must never set my eyes on you again, do you understand that??”. she said seriously 

He narrowed his eyes and gave her a sly look. He saw the desperation in her eyes and felt pity for her. She was trying so hard to mask her feelings but it wasn’t working. He actually had no intention of sleeping with her at all, he would never do it.

He just wanted to help Ms Ann save the company and didn’t want to take advantage of her helpless condition at all, he wasn’t that kind of person and he would never be.

Clinton was reluctant at this point and didn’t want her to have negative thoughts about him. He decided to clarify the issue before signing the contract.

“Ms Ann, I’m not interested in your bargain, i have no intention of doing anything like that, besides, it hurts to know that you think of me as that kind of person”.

“I know things are awkward right now but you need to calm down, I’m not like the CEO of Joden Enterprises, and you know it, and as for him, I’ll make sure he loses all he has for trying to take advantage of your situation”, he added with an evil grin.

Ms Ann watched him in disbelief, wondering how he planned on making such a wealthy person lose everything, at this point, she started thinking of the possibility of Clinton being extremely rich and powerful, but how, “she thought to herself, following his movements with her eyes.

She started thinking that he might be an undercover billionaire that doesn’t want people to know about him, but looking at him, he had no aura of wealth.

she wondered why he chose to be a delivery man, to her, he was just a simple guy with an average life, she quickly dismissed the thought  and questioned him;

“And how do you intend on making him lose everything, you don’t even know him Clinton, why are you suddenly so confident???, did you win a lottery or something??”, she teased with a fake smile.

“If you’re planning on taking advantage of me too, you don’t have to worry, I’ve offered myself to you already, you do not have to pretend to be something or someone you’re not, you don’t have to put yourself in trouble”, she said matter of factly.

“I am not an opportunist and I will never take advantage of you, I’m only doing this because you’ve been good to me and I don’t want you to lose your source of livelihood just because of a stupid contract”, he insisted.

“I remember the days when you’d order extra lunch for me so I won’t go hungry, or the days you comforted me, you made my work bearable and never said a harsh word to me, you have no idea what those moments meant to me”.

“So now that you’re in need of my assistance, it is my duty to help you because you deserve it”. he said assuredly. “Besides, it is not much money”.

Ms Ann flinched at this statement, “how can you say 500 million dollars is not much money?,  what are you??, a billionaire??, she added, sarcasm evident in her tone.

Ms Ann was still in doubt and it was obvious from her facial expression, she didn’t trust him , she remembered that that was how the CEO of Joden Enterprise was

kind to her before paying the deposit, then when it was time for him to pay the balance, he started asking her for sex.

Clinton signed and opened the document, he proceeded to pick up the pen on the table and flipped through the pages, he read through them carefully one after the other.

When he got to a page, he stopped and showed it to her, then he told her to erase it or tear it off. It was the part that stated that she was all his, if he paid her the money. Ms Ann didn’t move an inch from where she sat and kept staring at him.

When he saw that she didn’t oblige, he tore off the page, squeezed it and threw it in the trash basket beside the door.

Ms Ann wondered why he didn’t want her body, afterall that was what most men in his position would jump at, especially since she was still a virgin. 

She was surprised and wondered what kind of person he was.

“Fine then, since you claim to be a “gentleman”, and you said earlier that you’re only interested in helping me, then prove it to me right now!”.

“How???” , he asked.

“Send the money right now”, she said solemnly, folding her arms across her chest.

Clinton hesitated at first, when he saw that she was determined, he searched for his mobile phone in his pocket and brought it out, then he punched in a few buttons,he looked up and asked her for the company’s account details.

She took out a pen from her drawer, and wrote it on a piece of paper , then handed it over to him with reluctance.

He stretched his hand and received it, then inputted the details, waited for it to load and transferred the money to the company’s account.

“I’ve sent it, you can check now”, he smirked and started humming a song softly.

“Without going to a bank??, you think I’m an illiterate, just because I own a laundromat doesn’t mean I don’t know basic things, you can’t send such a huge amount of money without issuing a check or going to a bank, it’s not possible”.

She was feeling stupid already for trusting him, she should have known. Of course he was a delivery man, he definitely had nothing to offer her.

“The bank??”, he scoffed. "I don’t need to go to the bank, I have a bank manager to do that for meyou have no idea who I am, you’ll understand soon. Just check your company’s account balance."

He waited for her to check and relaxed on his chair.

She was still in doubt.

Few moments later,  her office phone buzzed, she glanced at him and reached for the phone on the table, she quickly opened it and went to her bank app, she punched in the password and waited while it was loading.

After sometime, it refreshed and she checked the account balance, she saw that the money had been deposited into the account . She opened her mouth in awe and was short of words.

She held her phone closer and wiped her face several times to see if her eyes were playing tricks on her. She checked the figures over and over again and counted the number of zeros behind it.

She realized it was real. 

“500 million dollars from Clinton Wells”, she said dumbfounded.

She looked up at Clinton and saw him smiling at her, she didn’t know what to say or how to react, she was beyond astonished.

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