Chapter 8

Alex Davis came out of his office and walked towards the lobby. He had heard his boss’s voice earlier, but he thought she was attending to a client.

He had been busy in his office at the time so he couldn’t come out to check what was going on.

Alex was the manager in the laundromat, though none of the other employees liked him because he was rude and condescending.

He had been trying to woo Ms Ann but she had always snubbed him and kept him at an arm’s length. She’d have fired him but she couldn’t because he had helped her in building her company.

And she was scared that she might not find a competent person if she lets him go, so she has been enduring his immorality and avoided him at all times.

He knew she was avoiding him and it hurt his ego. This made him persuade Ms Ann to employ Jake as an errand boy to ease her work. Ms Ann had agreed then to get him off her back.Unknown to her, Dave was a spy that Alex had planned with to monitor her movements.

He had phoned Jake in his office earlier to meet him at the lobby. He has been waiting for Ms Ann to come and ask him for help. He intentionally persuaded her to apply for the contract, because he knew how corrupt the CEO of Joden Enterprises was.

Knowing Ms Ann, she’d never agree to such terms. Now he had been waiting for her in his office but was disappointed when she didn’t come knocking on his office door.

Jake came to the lobby and greeted him. “Ma’am is in her office with the delivery guy sir, and they’ve been in there for a while”.

Alex’s face changed at this statement and was filled with disdain at the thought of Clinton having access to Ms Ann when she wouldn’t even look at him twice.

He stormed towards Ms Ann’s office while Jake trotted behind. Alex was angry as he thought of her choosing such a mediocre person over him.

When he got to her door, he barged in and was riled up at the scene in front of him.

Ms Ann and Clinton were still standing, her cheeks were flushed and she looked embarrassed.

Alex quickly went towards Ms Ann like he was concerned.

“What happened here?, and why are your cheeks red??,did he try to touch you??, is something going on between you two??”, he asked simultaneously, giving Clinton a cold stare, then threw a questioning look at Ms Ann, demanding a response.

Jake,who was standing at the door, also came in , “What were you doing with her,Clinton?, were you trying to take advantage of her??" he asked with scorn.

Clinton remained calm and didn’t say a word.

“I know what you are, Clinton, you’re a gold digger!. Now I understand why your wife divorced you. It is not even up to two weeks, you’re already looking for another rich woman to suck on, you want to suck our boss dry just as you did to your wife, you’re just a parasite Clinton, a parasite!”, Jake added with disgust.

Clinton looked at him as he spat out those words and smiled, he couldn’t believe Jake was calling him a parasite, when he was the real parasite. He was always following Lucy everywhere so he could extort money from her and try to make friends with other rich children.

It was crazy how the parasite himself could utter such words without shame. But Clinton decided to keep quiet. He promised himself to expose him and make him suffer for every single word he had said to him later.

“How dare you touch our boss, you couldn’t look for a woman outside if you need to satisfy your bodily desires, you really thought you had a chance with her??, you filthy delivery man”, Alex added mockingly.

He glared at Clinton with jealousy and faced Ms Ann, softening his facial expression, “I hope he didn’t hurt you Ms Ann, here,let me help you out before he transfers his body diseases to you”, he said with fake concern, stretching his hands towards her.

Ms Ann was enraged when Alex tried to touch her, she shifted a bit to avoid his hands before they touched her shoulders.

“Why did you barge into my office like that Mr Alex?, and you Jake, I don’t remember calling for you, so why are you here poking your noses around?”, she asked with a straight face. She could see through them and guessed their intentions.

“I am an adult and I’m capable of taking care of myself. Okay!, you don’t get to barge into my office and disrespect me and Clinton like this!”, she added, annoyance evident on her face.

“You didn’t even bother to think, you just barged in, what if I were with a client, is this how both of you would have embarrassed me??,ohh!, i am disappointed, very disappointed in both of you”.

“Just because I gave you free hands doesn’t mean you get to behave however you please in this company!”, she said sternly.

“If you both had any idea of who he is, you wouldn’t be speaking to him in that manner”, Ms Ann continued, trying to defend Clinton, she was a bit worried that they might make the company forfeit his help.

Alex and Jake burst into laughter at her statement, pointing at Clinton, they laughed even harder.

“Oh really?, I forgot, I’m so sorry our dearest delivery man, we had no idea you were an award winning delivery guy Clinton”, Jake said contemptuously.

Ms Ann was getting tired of their drama at this point. She rolled their eyes and cast a sorry glance at Clinton. He nodded and gestured to her to leave them.

“Clinton is our new partner”, she said suddenly, making sure they heard her correctly.

“What did you say???”, Alex asked, shocked, Jake moved back a bit.

“You heard her Alex, or you need a hearing aid or an interpreter, Don’t make her repeat herself”. Clinton said calmly. He was enjoying the look on their faces.

“How could you Ann!, after everything I’ve done for this company, for you, you still cheated me. How could you make this good for nothing man, your partner just because he seduced you!”Alex spat angrily.

“Calm down Alex, you don’t have to pretend you actually care about this company when we all know it’s just a lie, you know about everything that has been happening and you decided to turn a blind eye to it, you didn’t even try to help Alex, so stop your drama”, Ms Ann said as his words provoked her.

Alex was stunned, Ms Ann had never spoken to him in that manner, he was taken aback and speechless.

“He is our new partner because he actually helped unlike you, so stop whining like a child and go back to work, both of you!”, she added, throwing a stern look in Jake’s direction.

Alex felt betrayed and embarrassed, he folded his fists angrily and threw a dangerous look at Clinton who gave him a sly grin. How could she have made such an inferior person her partner. He was suppressing the intrusive thought of punching the grin off his face.

“I want both of you out of my office right this moment and I mean it, I am still your boss so you had better leave”,She then went back to her sitting position.

Alex gave her a glance and headed out of her office, he vowed to get to the bottom of this, Jake quickly followed him out.

Clinton watched as the door closed, he had to do something about Alex too, he might try to harm Ms Ann. He made a quick note on his head to hire a secret bodyguard for her.

“I am extremely sorry for what just happened, please have your seat and relax a bit before heading out”, Ms Ann said to him, worried, she secretly hoped he wasn’t angry.

He faced her, picked his glasses from the table, and he was about to speak when his phone buzzed. It was his sister, she was waiting for him to pick her up.

He quickly pocketed his phone. “ We'll finalize all of these some other time Ms Ann”. He was about to open the door when he remembered something.

“And yes, I’m not angry, the contract is still on, don’t be worried about it”, with this, he stepped out and closed the door behind him. She heaved a sigh of relief.

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