The day for the wedding ceremony was finally set by Reuben and Annabelle with the help of grandpa.

Since Annabelle had no family members, they spoke to his church founder to represent her family.

Grandpa was to be Reuben's only family.

Everything was ready for the ceremony and both Reuben and Annabelle anticipated the day.


Grandma Evelyn still had plans on punishing Reuben.

After her first attempt on nabbing him failed, she had found other ways to get to reuben but to no avail.

She could not find his whereabouts.

The technician who always helped her on such matters had quitted in a blue moon without any explanation nor prompts.

Grandma had tried to double his money for him to stay but the man just shook his head in rejection for his money.

His words was

" You have money and power, I ha
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