In the bustling cafeteria, Olivia's laughter filled the air as she mocked Asher cynically. "Hey, do you think you could be an heir? Maybe you should hire more actors to dramatize, Asher!" She taunted, accompanied by waves of mockery from those around her.

The cafeteria patrons echoed Olivia's sentiments, their looks filled with disdain towards Asher. Various whispers could be heard.

"Look, after being rejected, this country bumpkin is putting on a show!"

"Poor Asher! So desperate for Olivia's approval that he's hiring others."

"I think Asher's foolish. Wanting to date Olivia so badly!"

However, Olivia's echoing laughter suddenly subsided when Mr. Leonester, the butler, spoke calmly yet firmly, "You should be careful with your words, Mrs. Halbert. The Dixon family's power should not be underestimated."

The cafeteria fell into a hush. Those who were whispering seemed to avert their eyes, avoiding the sharp and intimidating gaze of the white-haired, yet dignified, man.

Meanwhile, Darren, unable to stand Olivia's mockery, stood up immediately, portraying himself as a hero defending his beloved. "Don't speak to Olivia like that! You have no right to insult someone like that," he hissed, his sharp gaze directed at Mr. Leonester, attempting to belittle the butler's position.

However, Asher remained silent, observing the scene before him with mixed emotions.

He felt hurt seeing Darren, who he once trusted, defending Olivia so fiercely. Yet, he also felt relieved seeing Mr. Leonester sternly rebuke Olivia for her demeaning behavior. In silence, Asher chose to take a wise step forward, restraining the turmoil within him.

Darren persisted with his harsh stance, his biting remarks flowing despite the increasing tension around him. "You're just a mere butler, Mr! You have no right to speak to us like that. Asher is no heir to anything. We all know that," he declared challengingly.

Mr. Leonester remained composed, but his gaze was powerful as he responded, "Mr. Alexander, what you believe and what is factual are two different things. Asher Dixon is the rightful heir of the Dixon family, and that fact cannot be altered by anyone's opinion or desires."

The argument escalated, turning the once lively cafeteria into a tense atmosphere. The students, initially bystanders, now engaged in discussions, dissecting what unfolded before them.

"Exactly! Asher isn't an heir, an orphan can't be an heir!"

"But hey, Asher carries the Dixon name. A respected family and company in this country!"

Meanwhile, Asher remained silent, but his eyes conveyed determination. He wouldn't allow anyone, including Darren, to undermine the rights or insult the Dixon family legacy. Although betrayed, he opted to keep a cool head, waiting for the right moment to act.

Amidst the escalating tension, Mr. Leonester finally concluded the conversation with a resounding statement, "It's time to end this debate. Facts cannot be altered by mere words. Asher Dixon is the rightful heir of the Dixon family, and that is a fact everyone here must accept."

Mr. Leonester's final words echoed in the cafeteria, leaving Darren puzzled and frustrated. Asher felt relieved seeing Mr. Leonester defend and affirm his position, yet he also sensed that significant challenges awaited in the future, both from Darren and others who might disagree with this acknowledgment.

Olivia stood with folded arms, her disdainful gaze still evident. She exhaled arrogantly as if challenging Asher. "We have no relationship anymore, Asher. Go play your role as an heir somewhere else!" she jeered.

Darren, who had been observing quietly, approached Olivia confidently. He embraced her waist affectionately, making Asher glare with a mix of hatred and hurt. His heart felt wounded by this betrayal. How could Darren, once considered his friend, become part of this betrayal?

"Asher, this is the real world. Don't think that with your fake titles and wealth, you can act like a wealthy person," Darren added coldly, attempting to assert dominance and bring Asher face-to-face with harsh realities.

Yet, Asher didn't give in easily. He stared at Darren and Olivia with cold eyes, his desire for revenge growing stronger. "Hah! Acting like a wealthy person?" Asher laughed cynically, his voice filled with confidence.

Mr. Leonester, who had been silently observing, finally spoke with a calm yet firm voice. "This isn't just about fake titles or wealth, but about integrity and morality. The reality you must accept, Asher, is that you are the rightful heir of the Dixon company, not just a title or money."

Mr. Leonester's words made Darren and Olivia pause momentarily. They realized that the power and influence of the Dixon family couldn't be taken lightly, considering the company's success and reputation.

Asher looked on cynically, then spoke with a cold tone. "Fine, think what you want. I hope you can all find happiness or suffer together!"

Then Asher walked out of the cafeteria, leaving whispers and curious glances from everyone. Mr. Leonester followed the young master from behind, becoming Asher's guiding light.

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