Asher remembered clearly how Alicia smiled, as if what he saw was imprinted in his mind. That smile was so sincere and charming, making Asher's heart race every time he remembered it. Even when he was in a busy meeting room, the image of Alicia's smile still lingered in his mind, giving him quiet encouragement and happiness.

The meeting for the hotel opening preparations went smoothly. The large meeting room was decorated with a big projector screen on one side, while large windows on the other side let in the bright morning sunlight. At the long oval table, executives and managers sat close together, debating and discussing passionately.

Asher led the meeting confidently, giving directions and listening to input from his team. In front of him was a presentation slide showing the event schedule, guest list, and various logistical details. The atmosphere in the room was filled with enthusiasm and focus; everyone seemed eager to give their best for the much-anticipated hotel opening.

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