Chapter 123: Paid for All the Harm

Davina couldn't help but be taken aback by the sight of Atlantis appearing in a place where he clearly shouldn't be. Without waiting for an invitation, Atlantis boldly entered his son-in-law's office, instantly causing Davina to sense that his visit wasn't for pleasant reasons.

As Atlantis sat on the sofa provided in his daughter-in-law's office, Davina felt a wave of unease wash over her. She had a gut feeling that whatever Atlantis had to say wouldn't be good. Attempting to maintain a formal approach, she politely offered him a drink despite knowing it was unlikely to be accepted.

"No need," Atlantis curtly dismissed her hospitality. His unfriendly tone hinted at some underlying sarcasm, which Davina couldn't help but notice. She delicately settled herself on the couch across from Atlantis, her mind buzzing with questions about his unexpected visit after months of their unmeet.

Their relationship as in-laws had never been particularly close, hardly warranting

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