Chapter 5: The Divorce

Without uttering a single word, Camille delivered a resounding slap to Damian's face, her anger boiling over. The source of her frustration? Damian had shamelessly claimed to be her husband in front of her coworkers, and Marcel's presence made the humiliation all the worse.

"Do you not remember my current position at the office?" Camille snapped, her voice dripping with contempt.

"I am a finance manager. Did you purposefully come to the office to embarrass me? I explicitly told you to avoid such behavior. Are you deaf?"

Reflexively, Damian held his stinging cheek, the force of Camille's slap reverberating.

His jaw dropped, eyes wide with disbelief. "Did you truly just slap me?"

"Do you want me to do it again?" Camille raised her hand, poised to repeat the act.

"You are the first person who has dared to touch me."

Camille let out a bitter laugh, mockery lacing her words. "Should I be proud?"

"After witnessing this riveting spectacle, you can decide if pride is warranted."

Damian played the footage capturing Camille and Marcel's escapades within the luxurious penthouse apartment. By revealing this damning evidence, Damian laid bare the fact that he was aware of the secret Camille had been keeping from him. The camera angle Davina had carefully chosen had captured everything flawlessly.

Silent and composed, Damian sat back in his chair, an air of serenity enveloping him. "Do you have an explanation for this evidence, Camille?"

"You were stalking me?" Camille inquired, her face flushing with anger.

"Must I remind you of your transgressions, such as poisoning my drink with sleeping pills?" Damian's question effectively silenced Camille.

Camille promptly unplugged the television, terminating the playback of the incriminating recording featuring Marcel. Meanwhile, Damian leaned back, emanating an aura of tranquility.

"Yes, I admit it. He surpasses you in so many ways. He holds the esteemed title of finance director at WW Technology, possesses more attractive looks, boasts greater wealth, exhibits superior skills, and excels in intimacy. He outshines you in all aspects," Camille spat out the words with disdain.

"Have I not provided for you adequately? Have I ever used a single penny of your money for personal gain? As for our intimate life, I can't recall our last time together because of your continuous avoidance. Marriage is not about job titles, so it should not define it," Damian addressed each of Camille's grievances.

"You are a disgrace! I have had enough of you. You appear so plain, are unemployed, and fail to satisfy my desires. You are a wretched husband, entirely useless and nothing but a hindrance to my career," Camille's voice trembled with anger as she unleashed a torrent of biting words.

Damian's pride had suffered blows in private and public spheres alike. If Camille was ashamed of having Damian as her husband, then Damian felt an even greater humiliation at her hands, with numerous witnesses to witness his degradation.

Damian could no longer mourn his crumbling marriage. Infidelity was a fault he could not tolerate, and mere text message affairs already exceeded the boundaries of acceptability. How can he bear the weight of his wife's physical betrayal? This time, Damian refused to remain silent.

"Are you suggesting you want a divorce?" Damian finally spoke after a lengthy silence.

Upon hearing Damian's question, Camille halted her advance into the room. "I have been eagerly anticipating that question. I have already secured a managerial position, and it will be effortless for me to find a superior partner. There is no longer any point in remaining married to you. So, can we proceed with the divorce?"

Damian grinned at Camille's admission. Without exerting effort, he finally compelled her to admit her true desires.

"Is there anything else you wish to disclose?" Damian queried calmly.

Camille placed a document on the table. It was the divorce petition to be submitted to the court. The petition contained pertinent details regarding their marriage, the reasons behind the dissolution, and associated requests such as property division and financial support.

"Let us simplify the grounds for our divorce, avoiding the lengthy negotiation or mediation process. I cannot spare the time for an arduous divorce should the reasons become overly complicated. Fear not. My best friend is a lawyer. I will enlist their aid to handle our divorce easily," Camille proposed, her voice tinged with certainty.

Damian leafed through the divorce petition in his hands. Was this the same petition that Davina had mentioned?

"Without consulting me, you have abruptly claimed sole possession of our joint property. You made this decision because you believe you are the sole breadwinner," Damian concluded, having perused the contents of the petition.

"Is that not indeed the case? Are you dissatisfied?" Camille arched an eyebrow, her ultimatum delivered with icy finality, leaving no room for negotiation.

"I will relinquish any claim to the belongings within this house. Rest assured, you may take everything, including my personal belongings," Damian acquiesced, agreeing to the terms of the divorce petition. It would soon be passed on to Claire's lawyer for filing in court. Today, the fairytale marriage he had once cherished transformed into a nightmare.

A smug smile adorned Camille's face, knowing she had achieved her desired outcome. "I will see you at the court hearing, Damian."

A few weeks later...

"Damian Wilson and Camille Wilson, the court has reviewed your divorce settlement. By signing, both the plaintiff and defendant acknowledge the following," the judge declared, reading through the agreement that Damian and Camille had reached. With sudden clarity, Damian realized his naivety in marrying a woman like Camille.

Never had Damian expected that three years of marriage would be reduced to a mere compilation of property and expenses, and all those cherished moments they had shared now seemed distant, marred by the reality of their dissolution.

"Have all attempts at reconciliation been exhausted?" the judge inquired.

"Yes, they have, Your Honor," Damian replied, his voice tinged with resignation.

"All parties are in agreement on the terms of divorce. Very good. Please sign the settlement agreement."

As Camille signed the divorce settlement without hesitation, Damian couldn't help but gaze at her. She had been everything to him for those three years, and now, suddenly, she was nothing. Regardless of how prepared Damian believed himself to be, the emotional toll was far more profound than he imagined.

"The court hereby grants your divorce," the judge announced.

Today, we marked the official end of Camille and Damian's three-year marriage. Camille appeared thrilled to be untethered from Damian finally.

"Davina, you've been my closest confidante. Thank you for everything you've done. I'll call you later, and let's celebrate," Camille declared, hurrying away with exhilaration. Davina and Damian exchanged glances.

"I'll walk you out," Davina offered, guiding Damian toward the court exit.

They walked side by side, making their way out of the courthouse. Davina was in high spirits, knowing she had successfully handled the job.

"This has been the easiest and fastest divorce case I've ever handled," Davina remarked.

When Camille and Damian requested a smooth, uncomplicated divorce settlement, Davina was surprised. As for the division of assets, Damian left the house and all his belongings behind, including his cell phone, laptop, and other personal effects. Since they had no children, there was no dispute over custody. Damian never mentioned Camille's violent tendencies, leaving the legal arguments sparse and straightforward.

"If all divorces were this straightforward, my job would be a breeze," Davina mused.

Damian heard Davina's words but remained silent, not uttering a single word. On the last step before exiting the courthouse, Damian halted, catching Davina's attention.

"What's wrong?" Davina inquired.

Exhaling a deep sigh, Damian felt a surge of relief. Although today marked the end of his marriage, for Damian, it signaled a new chapter in which he was determined to exact revenge on Camille.

"This isn't the end. It's the beginning of a revolution. Let me show you the true hell of life, Camille," Damian vowed.

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