The Billionaire's Retribution
The Billionaire's Retribution
Author: Anakin Detour

"Money can't buy happiness, they said. But it sure can tear a marriage apart,"

"Love comes first but money speaks louder than all…..”

Starling City pulsed with the evening rush; a hubbub of honking cars and bustling activity as the workday drew to a close. Amidst the swarming throng, Marcus navigated the pedestrian path. His camera draped around his neck, and a slung bag at his side, a recent contract dangled like an unwanted weight on his shoulders.

Supposedly a cause for excitement, the contract instead cast a shadow over him. The job offered clashed starkly with his principles, it goes against his morals and upbringing.

Tasked with filming in the adult film industry, Marcus grappled with an internal conflict. Though every fiber urged him to decline the offer, the brutal truth of financial need propelled him forward.

A freelance cameraman, he toiled incessantly to support himself and, most significantly, his cherished wife. She is from a rich family but yet decided to marry a poor trash bag like him this could only be an evidence of true love. She was everything to him, his world and reason for happiness.

After much trekking, Marcus reached his house, a rented apartment, where he lived with his wife.

The door wasn't locked, so he just pushed it open and walked in, he dropped his bag and camera.

"Hannah, I'm back" he called out.

"Welcome sweetie," a feminine voice replied, coming from the kitchen.

Marcus then went to the kitchen to greet her properly. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, giving her a nice peck on the cheek. "I've missed you so badly," he confessed.

"Aawwn, me too. So, how was work today?" Her innocent query collided with the contract he'd accepted, a heavy secret he buried within.

'No, I can't let her know' His mind raced, knowing Hannah's values clashed with the offer. Hannah was like the most well cultured person he had ever known, she would never accept him working in the adult film industry, and he respects her and her opinions very much, allowing her to know it might hurt her or cause an argument.

"Marcus?" She called again, snapping him back to reality.

"Oh.. was fine, it really went well" he said.

"That's good to know"

'I'll be going for my first shoot tonight, I have to come up with an excuse' he thought to himself.

"Hhhm, I have a new contract," Marcus said.

"Really? Wow, what's it about?" She enquired, focused on the food she was cooking.

"Uhhm…a new hotel would be launched open tonight, and I was lucky enough to be the cameraman" Marcus lied.

"That's nice Marc, I'm so proud of you" she commented.

"Well you could have said that with a kiss at least" Marcus joked.

"Oh, of course," Hannah laughed softly, her voice laced with genuine joy. As she turned around to face her beloved husband, she found herself captivated by the sight of him. His strong hands gently rested on her waist, pulling her closer. With a tender smile gracing her lips, she placed her hands around his neck, feeling the warmth of their connection.

Their eyes locked, and time seemed to stand still. In that moment, Hannah's gaze held a mixture of adoration and longing. Her captivating sea green eyes shimmered with unspoken emotions, drawing her husband even closer to her heart. It was as if her eyes held the power to pull any man into her world of love.

Her luscious, flowing brunette hair cascaded down her back, adding an additional layer of romance to the scene.Their eyes remained fixated on one another, building an invisible bridge that seemed to convey a thousand unspoken promises. Their lips inched closer, their hearts racing in anticipation of the impending kiss that would seal their unspoken declarations of love.

But just as their lips were about to make contact, their moment of pure emotion was shattered by a sudden burst of smoke emanating from the kitchen. She had accidentally burnt the food.

"Oh no!" She hurriedly put off the gas.

"Look what you've done Marc," she complained. As she coughed due to the intense smoke.

"Me? What did I do?" Mark asked.

"You know how distracted I am whenever I'm with you," she said, trying to repair the food.

"And you also know how distracted I am whenever I'm not with you" Marcus defended playfully.

"Stop it Marc" Hannah blushed.

"Well you didn't give me the kiss" Marcus said as he dragged her by the waist to himself.

"Let me prepare dinner Marcus," Hannah said with a smile.

"You know I'll never let you go, promise me we'll stay together forever" Marcus asked.

"Of course," Hannah replied.

They were suddenly interrupted by the ringing tone of Hannah's smartphone

“Just a minute” Hannah said as she went to the call, she swiped it sideways and answered the call.

“Hello Miss Hannah. You have to be here in five minutes” the masculine voice instructed.

“Who's that?” Marcus asked.

Hannah explained to Marcus about a friend of hers who always got into a fight with her husband, and now her husband is about to kick her out, she had to hurry to settle the fight. Marcus was against it since it was late, but she persuaded him and he allowed her. At least it was a perfect chance for him to go to the shooting and return in peace.

"Thanks a lot hun.” Hannah said she kissed him on the forehead, then rushed to leave.

"But what about dinner?" he reminded me.

“The food is already ready, just serve yourself please, I'll be back in a swift minute” she left.

Marcus heaved a sigh, he went to his room, had a quick bath and changed his clothes, he dished his food and went to the dining to eat.

Marcus was about to take a spoon from his food before his phone buzzed, he brought it out from his pocket then picked the call. “Alright sir. I'm on my way…”

“…thank you sir” Marcus hung up the call and left, forgetting about his food, it was urgent.

Marcus arrived at the studio, it was a very big one, Arriving at the shooting location, a surge of discomfort courses through Marcus as he walked through the passage, the walls were all covered with nude paintings, workers moving to and fro. He then brought up his phone, and texted a number. "I'm here sir"

"Wait for me at the visitors center, we are still waiting for the cast to arrive," the number replied.

Marcus located the visitors bench and sat there patiently, clients moved in frequently and he was getting exhausted already, he waited for almost two hours.

Then finally a man approached him.

"Welcome Mr Marcus" the man greeted, he was the director of the industry.

"Greetings to you sir" Marcus replied respectfully.

"I'm happy to have such a talented cameraman like you, I'll be glad to introduce to you the clients of today's filming.”

"Thank you very much sir"

"Come with me" Marcus followed him, they walked down through the passage and arrived at a room.

As they both approached the door, Marcus was met with a symphony of pleasuring moans that pierced his soul. The sounds, indicative of raw desire, echoed in his ears even before the cameras began to roll.

“Come on stop, the filming has not even begun” a feminine voice said.

“I know baby girl, I just wanna warm up before then” the man with her replied giggling.

“Arh..but you'll make me look exhausted. Arh please smash slower it tickles” the happy feminine voice said.

‘How disgusting and impatient’ Marcus thought.

Silently, the director opened the door, revealing a scene that shattered Marcus's world. His body became a statue, frozen in the grip of disbelief, as his eyes fell upon his beloved wife entangled in an intimate embrace with another man.

"Hannah!?" Marcus's voice trembled with a tumultuous whirlwind of shock and deep-rooted emotions, threatening to consume him whole.

Confusion mingled with fear, Hannah scrambled to cover herself, desperately questioning Marcus's unexpected presence. "Marcus... what are you doing here?" The words tumbled from her lips, a fragile attempt to comprehend the irreversible devastation that had unfurled before them.

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