The two rushed out, eager to know what was happening outside. But before Brittany could step outside, Levi held her by the shoulders. "Brittany, wait. Go back to bed, I will take care of this." He ended with a tone of finality, not leaving any room for her to argue. He opened the doors and stepped outside only to see a man in a white coat arguing with the police men. "I am a doctor in this hospital. You cannot treat me this way!" He said angrily. "Sir, no one is allowed to go in there without being checked." "What's going on here?" Levi asked."Nothing we can't handle sir," one of the men said. "Let him be. He is a doctor here and he is the one looking after Brittany. Allow him to enter." "Yes sir." Levi opened the door and the doctor dashed in, desperate to get away from the policemen. "I apologise for that." "What are you apolozing for? What happened?" Brittany asked. "They are a bunch of police men outside your door and I believe that your friend placed them there," the
Couldn't believe what Davina and her actions but he knew he was not in the mood for her tantrums. "Levi, you really wouldn't!"He was at a low point in his life. Tensed and troubled, the last thing he needed was drama but it appeared that she was ready to be very dramatic. He sighed heavily, "okay. I am rushing to meet someone now, how about you set a meeting for us so that we can discuss better when I am back.""Okay, I will do just that." Levi did not wait for the end of that conversation, he drove off before she could say another word. He never really understood what was wrong with rich people and they way they believed that the entire world should revolve around them. It took him less than six minutes to get to his uncle's place. He looked up and saw the light off in his bedroom but a silhouette standing by the window. "When did he love staying in darkness?" He asked, curious as to what was really going on with him. He couldn't tell what the man wanted to say but he knew fro
Levi adjusted on his seat. He couldn't think straight. How could the man be fighting with such deadly disease all by himself? How long has this been going on? How did he miss the signs? Does his mother know about this?"I have so many questions!" He said while running fingers through his hair "I believe I would be able to answer them later. But not right now. I need to lie down."Levi sprang up when he stood up causing his uncle to give him a weird look that did not deter him. "Really?" He asked. "Yes. I want to know everything that you have been hiding from me."He took a long look at his nephew. He was a very persistent young man, just like his father. "Okay, let's go to my room." Gilead's room was as big as Levi's palour. He had almost everything that one person could need right in the room. His miniature fridge, a California king size bed, a walk in closet that housed his clothes, a state of the art bathroom, a mini study for work, a large screen television set and a comforta
Her eyes peirced into Levi's soul and showed him all the damges that had been done to her. He could feel her pain and hurt. He could see the burises that lay bare on her body. They locked eyes for five minutes before she ran away. Levi used his eyes to follow her movement. She was scared, terrified, and she had nothing else to do. "Do you know her?" Jake asked when she left. He too, felt the tension in the room. He also saw the way her look pierced through Levi. He hadn't seen many people do that and it got him curious to know more about the girl. "No, but it's about time I found out." Levi finally snapped out of the maze he found himself in and rushed to go meet the girl.He finally saw her sitting by the curb, still crying her eyes out. The air was chilly and the young girl wore nothing more than a sleeves top and a baggy trousers. Granted, her thick blonde hair fell gorgeously on her shoulder and maybe it granted her the heat she deserved. "Hey," Levi said softly and she r
Levi went mute. How could one man plan such level of wickedness towards another person? Why would he allow himself to be that cruel and evil? Did he know that she was an orphan?"What?!" He intended to shout but his words came out as a whisper. "Yeah, that's the same reaction I had. For crying out loud, where am I supposed to see that kind of money? I am an orphan!" Levi sat and watched as the woman whom he knew you be conserved, kept shouting and letting her feelings out. He did not need to be told that she was greatly hurt by her situation. The more she talked and fought back the tears in her eyes, the more upset he became. The more he wanted to make Anthony suffer. "You should stop crying...""I am not crying. I am upset and I need to get justice." "Do you have any class today? If you do, I think you should go for it and just try to forget the incident that occurred. It will be taken care of." Alexia looked at him as if he had lost his mind. How would it be okay when she was
The principal gulped. He knew how much Levi had helped him over the years. His generous donations has made both him and the school to be very rich and successful. He was more a stakeholder in the organization than he was. If anything was to happen for him to stop making his donation, he would really feel it. "Okay, whatever you want." "Good," Levi nodded his head and walked to the door. "And the next time a student makes a compliant to you and you don't address it with all manner of professionalism, I will ensure that the precious job that you love so much is being taken away from you. Have I made myself clear?" The principal gulped again. "Yes, you have," he said while nodding his head. The young man walked away in contentment. He took steady stride to his class and passed by Anthony's lecture. Smiling as he saw the man teaching with so much passion, he walked in. As soon as he got in, he could not sight Alexia in the class and he shook his head. It would have been more exci
"You have been given twenty minutes to leave before security is being alerted." John said and walked away. "Next time," Levi patted his shoulders. "Watch the people you mess with and in your life, don't you ever threaten me," he turned on his heels and walked away. The class stood in awe, they could not believe what they were seeing. Did the high and mighty Anthony just get fired because of a nobody student? How is it possible?Who is Levi Strauss?They couldn't put together the pieces of the puzzle and while they stayed to think, no one noticed the mini panic attack that Anthony was going through. He was close to getting to the peak of his career. He had everything he wanted and then suddenly, everything went crashing down. How was he expected to go on with his daily life when he did not have a job? He couldn't fathom how they wanted him to live. He had no wife, no children and all his supposed girlfriend were only there because he forced them against their will. And now ever
It took the board less than ten minutes to finish watching the video the principal forwarded to them and they came to a conclusion. "This is one of the most disgusting videos I have ever seen." "So coupled with the fat sum of money we pay you, you still go out of your way and ensure that these students suffer and pay you before you pass them?!" The stakeholders said, enraged. Anthony could tell that he was fucked. He should have listened to John and left when he was told to. He swallowed loudly. He was in the presence of the most powerful men in the world and it would be a matter of time before one of them did the unthinkable to him. "How come we are just hearing about this now?" They passed their anger to the principal and Anthony could not be more excited. "Well, I did not know if the students were lying or if they were being truthful. It took one of the students, that I trust, opening my eyes to this injustice for me to really believe them." The principal said. "Who is this s
"So are you ready for it?" Gilead said as he approached Levi. "Yes uncle. I believe I am." "You must know how proud I am of you. You do know that right?" "Yes I do." Levi did not care of he was just father or his uncle. Since he came back into his life he has always treated him like his own son. He cared for him, gave him a bodyguard when people threatened his life. He did everything for him and never wanted to stop. He was more than happy that the man was just in his life and he did not care if he lied about being his uncle. "We should start going if we don't want to be late.""Yes. You are absolutely correct." Levi said. "Thank you for everything you have done for me, thank you." He said and walked away, heading straight to Brittany's room. "Did you ask him?" She asked when he got there but Levi could not answer. He was too mesmerized by the beauty standing in front of him. Everyday he saw new beautiful features in her and always asked himself how he ever got so lucky. "You lo
"Do you think that will work?" Levi asked. "It has to work because if that bastard does anything to my mother, I promise you it will be the last thing because I will use my own hands to kill him." "Okay, you just need to calm down now. I'm sure he will be able to..." Levi did not finish his statement when Brittany got another call. "Who is that?" Levi asked. "I don't know. Let me answer?" She said and picked the call. "Hello," Davina's voice was heard from the other side. "Davina." "I'm glad you already know who I am. Meaning that I don't need to do any sort of introduction, right?"."I'm guessing Henry gave you my number, isn't that right?" "Now now miss, it's not good to address your own father by his first name. That is disrespectful." "When that same father kidnaps my mother and wants to use her for randsom, I will do whatever the hell I want to." "Oh that is hardly kidnapping. What we are about to do will benefit you as well, you know." "How will lying to Levi to steal
"What? Today?" She asked. "Why?" "Well the company is having a party today and my uncle wants to use that opportunity and transfer the company and everything it holds to me. So you see, if we don't do this before that time, unfortunately, we may not be able to get what we want from this plan." "Wow, babe that's wonderful news. Congratulations!" Brittany said and ran to hug him. "Thank you but you did hear the other things I said right. We need to get this correct if not, it will not be funny." "Yes I hear you. I understand everything that you are saying. But I still think the time is too short. Don't you think she will notice and if she does and eventually finds out what we are trying to do, you know that every plan we have will be ruined like that. I honestly don't think we should do this." "We have no other option. It's either we do this now or we forget about it totally. Look, babe I believe in you. I know you can convince her. You just need to try and give it your all." "I h
Levi got home late because they had to stop by and get dinner. By the time he arrived, his uncle was already fast asleep. The young man walked into his home and slept peacefully with his woman till the next morning. As the sun rose, so did Levi but when he turned, he realized that Brittany was no where to be found. He turned around on his bed and saw a note beside him."Hi, baby. If you wake up before I am done, just know that I am in the kitchen cooking." He smiled when he finished reading the message and he proceeded to move to his kitchen. He was not able to make it because his uncle was waiting for him in the palour.."Is everything alright uncle?" He asked from the way the man stared at him. "You walked out on me yesterday. And you are yet to apologize." "I am so sorry sir. It's just that Brittany was in danger and I had to go save her." "I know. Jake told me everything. Listen to me. It does not matter how upset you are. You should never hold a woman the way you did yesterd
"What?!" Officer Joseph shouted. "Sir you can't fire me." He said"But I just did. Young man, you made an illegal arrest and you did not even go there with your partner because you know that he would have called you out on your bullshit. No, you decided to go with a rookie who would not agrue with anything you did. Not only did you not just defame the law, you made a fool of it and I will not tolerate any sort of nonsense in my force." "But sir. I was just...""If you say you were doing your job one more time, I promise you I will have you locked up." "Sir, if I may," Levi said as he pulled himself upward from his chair. "What could that be sir?" "Sir, I would love it if officer Joseph here could tell us exactly what it is that he did to ensure that he had strong evidence to back up his claims." "What?" Officer Joseph said in shock. "Well, you keep saying that you were only doing your job so now I want to know, what exactly did you use as evidence to arrest my woman with? Becau
"Okay, I don't really care about all these nonsense. I just want Brittany to be released. Can you guys please just do that before you think of what to do to this riff raff?" Levi said angrily. "Oh certainly sir." Jayden said but before he could move, he stopped when his name was called. "Officer Jayden, the commissioner is around and he is requesting to see you." "Okay, thank you." "Oh I see that the commissioner is around. Release Brittany and we will all go see him together." Levi said. "The commissioner?" Officer Joseph said, shaking. He was slowly realizing what he had gotten himself into. "Yes, the commissioner. Oh are you shaking right now. Please don't shake. After all, I can't do anything to hurt you neither can I even fire you. So don't worry, you are definitely in safe hands." Levi said mockingly and walked away to meet Brittany as she walked out of the cell that Jayden was opening. Jayden opened the cell immediately and Brittany ran out. She hugged him tightly, scare
Levi got to the station before the commissioner did and immediately he got there he walked hastily into the station. He did not say a word to anyone because he knew the station well enough. It was the same place Davina had stayed when he got her arrested.The man walked straight, ignoring all calls from other police men till he was eventually stopped by one. "Sir, you can't go back there. That is where we keep the criminal," the young man said while holding him. "Sir, first of all, you will need to tell me who you want to see and then I will be the one to either allow you to meet this person or not." Levi stood without talking, waiting for him to be done with whatever he was saying. "So sir, what I am saying is that you will have to come with me and give me information as to why you are here," the man explained again, thinking that Levi did not understand him the first time. "Oh don't worry Dave, I know exactly who he is here to see," beside him, Levi heard the voice that he was
"Levi Strauss!" The voice of his uncle brought him back to reality as he looked and saw that the man was boiling with anger. "Uncle," he said. "Have you gone out of your mind?" The man screamed. "When did you start holidng women by their necks and trying to kill them?" He said angrily. Levi looked at him. He did not know if Davina was lying when she said that he was his father. And he did not care to know..all he knew was that he was angry, boiling with anger and having him around was not going to solve his problem or make Brittany to be released from jail. Angrily he left the scene and ran upstairs. "Levi! Come back here!" He ordered but the young man was far gone. His uncle stood there in shock. He did not understand what was happening but he knew that he had never seen Levi is a disrespectful child and for him to walk out on him when he was talking was something he never thought the man would do. "What the hell has gotten into that boy? Is it me that he just ran away from?" H
"Please take her away!" The leader said. "Take your hands off her I say!" Levi said angrily and almost bounced on the man. The cocking of a gun by the leader brought him to an halt. He turned around to see the man holding a gun in her hand. "Step away from my partner or I promise you that I will shoot." "You actually have the audacity to point a gun at me?" Levi asked, his eyes turning red. "Levi!" Brittany shouted. "Levi, look at me!" She said, her hands behind her back, drawing Levi's attention to her. "Take care of my mom while I am gone and get me out of this as soon as you can." She said while being dragged out. "I won't let you spend up to an hour in there." He shouted as he watched her being lowered into the back of the police van and driven away. As the car zoomed off, Levi turned to Ivy. "You have the audacity to bring police officers into my home to arrest my woman." He said silently, taking slow steps towards her. "I had to do what I did for us!" Ivy said, not sca