
Zachary typed in the password as Keenan read it, and suddenly lurched, finally realizing that the inexplicably familiar string of numbers was his birthday, "You're still on your old phone?"

Zachary looked closely, the paintings in the show were all human figures, familiar with the large color stacks and twisted lines of the netherworld painting style he had read about so many times in the art room of the lab building, "Oooh, this could be a genre, the underground overdrive style?"

But Dulce Hooper's soul has gone. How can a body without a soul move fraudulently?

Naturally, Callum Luna's ramblings alone don't count, Zachary: "How can they be sure it's Roderick Luna?"

His head was groggy from the low fever, and he had residual pain all over his body, and he didn't want to move at all, but he might have overslept a bit, and he didn't want to go back to sleep, so he started swiping at his phone.

Zachary guessed that they did not dare to easily give up

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