The Milwaukee Monster, Jeffery Dahmer himself. A highly renowned homosexual, cannibalistic serial killer. He was killed in prison along with another man, both beaten to death. That was the story at least. Something isn't adding up here. Plastic surgery? A twin brother? What the fuck is going on?
I turn to Mills with the most startled look on my face, "Is this really what I think it is? Who I think it is? How…Why? We gotta talk, now!"
The Boss steps up to me and informs me, "We need to go talk, let's step into my office…you know where that is don't you?"
Laughter fills the air, from everyone except me. I'm sick to my damn stomach as Jeffery Dahmer stands himself up from the floor. It's him, it's gotta be him. The thick, brown frame glasses, the classic right side part in his almost ginger hair. Jesus, he was killed in prison, everyone knows that.
The Boss, with his huge gut, forcible directs me to his office. He rushes me past the Milwaukee Monster, who was standing up with his hand extended. I'm not shaking shit.
Inside The Boss's office I can still smell sex, pussy in the air but now it is mixed in with the very distinct aroma of Resolve carpet cleaner. It was a situation where we both could smell it but we both tried to ignore it.
I sit in the black leather desk chair on the visitor side of the desk. The Boss takes a seat in his more superior and comfy looking chair on the "Boss" side of the desk. There is so much racing through my mind and the boss can see it on my eyes, they are racing around my eye sockets like NASCAR stock cars.
"Listen Gregg, there's some things you need to know about this place." My mind stops racing as The Boss says this. No shit was the only thing I could think at that time.
I blast out, "How in the fuck do you have Jeffery Fucking Dahmer here? Better yet, why the fuck do you have Jeffery Fucking Dahmer here? Secondly, why would you black out the room with that queer psycho trying to sneak up on me?"
The Boss's thick grey mustache twitches anxiously back and forth as he explains, "This is a special division for special people, Gregg. We perform a different type of law enforcement around here." The Boss now stands up, buttons his jacket and begins his speech, "The division name is K.U.N.T., Killers Used for their Natural Talents. The name was a majority rules sort of deal, not my cup tea. Here at K.U.N.T. we are called upon from time to time to perform missions or tasks that regular, constitution abiding agencies cannot perform, ethically."
I lean back in my chair, intrigued but still utterly disgusted by the fact that Jeffery Dahmer is in the same building as me, "Excuse me, so we are a part of an unethical law enforcement agency that requires the help of arguably the most controversial serial killer in United States history? What's the deal with the press coverage reporting rigorously about his death in prison?"
"Gregg, sometimes we see people that we can use as an asset to the team. We need people her that can do what we want, when we want, how we want. That's what we are all about here." The Boss now unbuttons his jacket and sits back down, "Jeff is here because he has the most diverse skills of any serial killer we've ever seen on U.S. soil. Duke, aka John Wayne Gacy, is here too and so is The B.T.K. killer. Everyone has a place in this world and it is our jobs as sane people to determine that place for these gentlemen."
I nod my head as sarcastically as possible as if I am fully in agreement of this bullshit, "Oh, I get it. Ok, so we rescue soulless, masochistic human beings and give them jobs instead of life sentences and death sentences. Ok, loud and clear Boss." My sarcasm wasn't missed nor was it appreciated.
The Boss lashed out, "Listen you piece of shit, you're here, there is no leaving. Acceptance isn't needed. Whether you like it or not, you work for K.U.N.T. and that's it. We do what we do for a reason and the judgment you're passing on us is not needed nor is it appreciated."
I rise from my seat, pick up my chair and throw it into the drywall as I prepare my rebuttal, "Who the fuck do you think you are? Who do you think you're talking to? Do you know what I'm capable of? I'll fucki..." The Boss jumps in.
"I know EXACTLY what you're capable of! I PICKED you for this! I know about your childhood, mommy and daddy, I know about the President's right hand lady, I know more about you than you know about you! Pick that fucking chair up off the floor and put you little white ass right back in that seat!"
Mills enters the room now; the numbers have been turned out of my favor. Ok, they were never in my favor, I'm not going to attack my boss but now with Mills in the room, I'm going to sit my fat ass down and make sure if I even sneeze, that I let these guys know. I've had about enough of getting my ass beat lately.
The Boss continued, "You have no options, we've shown you a place that only a handful of people know exists and even less have even entered. We won't be able to let you go. This is NOT a take it or leave it, this is NOT an offer, this is a direct order from the President of the United States with my recommendation."
Mills turns towards me after pacing the floor, "Gregg, this is going to be a very fulfilling career for you. This will erase your past flaws and give you a fresh starting point once you have participated with us. It's very simple. We go out, me and my guys run perimeter and movement surveillance while you go out with the three agents and accomplish the missing. All you have to do is baby sit basically. If it gets out of hand, my team will assist." Mills walks by me, still pacing, and pats me on the shoulder.
I am starting to calm down a touch, "Ok, so I'm a baby sitter to three known dead serial killers. I can't go home; I can't leave this place ever?"
"No, you can leave here, you'll just need an escort but eventually we will want you to stay here, Mills and his team stay here, the agents live here, I live here too. It's kinda what we do, this ensures the secret of this place will remain a secret and not a public image problem for the Big Wigs." The Boss had calmed down also and was making it clear what was going to happen and why.
I casually stand from my chair and ask, "So what has qualified me to be recommended for this position?"
"Gregg, we have followed you for a long time. It wasn't on purpose at first but once we observed you enough, we learned about you. You killed Andrew, who you never called Dad. Your Mother shot herself in front of you. You were told your brother is dead. You had a cat named Goldie. You fought your way out of a horrific captive situation with limited resources." The Boss explained and listed these fucked up key events in my life.
Mills interjects, "We also recognized a case you were on, a serial murder case. You were hot on the tracks of The Slasher going around Newport News. He would cut blonde haired women's throats, cut off both of their breasts and carve "The Slasher" on the upper right thigh of each victim. You were within one to two steps of catching him until you Captain ordered you off the case. You have what it takes, I assure you."
I confusedly asked, "I have what it takes for what?"
"You have what it takes to get these guys in order and track new recruits down as needed. You also have what it takes to track these agents down in the event that someone were to get away from us." Mills explained.
"Where is Slasher, is he…here?" I had still never let go of this case. It haunted me when my childhood dreams took a break from terrorizing my brain.
"No Gregg, he's dead. Jeffery got him a while back, before we taught him what he was here for." Mills frustratedly explained.
I chuckle a bit before I respond, "So, do you guys actually have control here? Are you certain they can't get out?"
The Boss jumps in, "Do you remember your walk in this morning? They have all been through what you went through but they were blind folded and drugged up enough to put an elephant to sleep."
"We are safe down here, we have fun down here but when it's game time, we go hard Gregg. This is a legit unit with a legit purpose." Mills explained the best he could. I trusted him for some reason.
"Alright, explain to me how you raised all these serial killers from the dead." A reasonable question from the new guy.
"Basically Gregg, we do execute these guys, everyone that participates with the viewing of the execution and the removal of the body and all that, they think they are actually giving lethal injection or gas chambering these men. In reality, we have already secured and replaced the lethal doses and insert our own versions. At that point the President himself gives the orders to have certain bodies placed in certain areas. Then we snatch them up and teach them, inform them what they have been chosen for." No one flinches at this, every word The Boss said and not one reaction. Not even from me.
"You got all that Gregg? Is everything crystal?" Mills asked in more of a telling manner, but I know what he's doing and I know he wants me on this team, they all do.
I salute Mills, "Yes sir Captain! Boss, I'm onboard and ready and willing to support whatever you need from me. Please just keep me away from these guys sir." I put on my sad puppy dog face for that request because I don't want to have my heart eaten or my dick cut off and saved in a jar for viewing enjoyment.
"Gregg, you busted a HUGE load all over my floor and I'm supposed to go easy on you!?" There was a smile deep in his face somewhere.
"Sir, I actually busted it on the fake boss's titties and it crept its way down the slopes to the floor, I blame her." I couldn't hold in my laugh and neither could Mills.
We are all standing now. The Boss asks politely for us to get the fuck out of his office, I think that's how he put it. Mills took me to my office; I got an office out of this! It had Lieutenant on it and everything. I walk in and it is identical to The Boss's office except no cum stains on the floor and it smelled like candy instead of carpet cleaner.
I sit at my desk, wood grain with silver trim. I've got a computer, a desk and cell phone, a sweet cotton filled leather chair and blank walls. We have to do something about this.
I'll have to get Mills to take me home so I can get some of my toys to put around the office, maybe even bring in a television or something. Maybe this won't be so bad. Maybe I can do this job, other than my horrifying fear of all the agents locked up just fifty to seventy feet from my desk. I couldn't hear them, I couldn't see them but knowing they were there really gave me the shakes.
I remember the night shortly after I killed Andrew and buried my mother. It was a very eerie night, dark and rainy. Cold rain, the worst rain. I had already been through so much and now all I could focus on was what was coming next. What could possibly happen next?
I slept in my Judith's room that night where earlier that day she had taken her life. The smell of piss and shit was still very overwhelming but I tried to sleep in there.
I lay facing the window with the pistol under my pillow. I don't know what I thought was going to happen but I really continued to wait for Andrew to rise from the grave right below the window and come get some payback.
I kept one eye and ear open that long night. Thank goodness I did.
I heard a very loud and abrupt shuffling from the other side of my window. Convinced it was Andrew clawing his way from beneath the dirt, I ran outside without even checking the window and saw this horrific beast digging at the fresh grave.
It noticed my presence and acknowledged it with an ear shatter growling roar! It was a Grizzly, trying to get to the meet under the ground. I couldn't let him get Judith so I raised the pistol and fired a shot right into his ass, probably right up his ass hole for all I know.
The bear moaned out in pain and turned to face me, turned to kill me. I knew I only had two shots left in my five round revolver. It was .38 special but the special didn't mean it could take down a bear.
Needless to say, the bear seemed to smile as I unloaded the two final bullets into its face. I knew I was now fucked for sure and turned to run, I was right at the back door.
When I entered the home the bear was at least two feet back. I slammed the door shut, but bears don't knock and wait for answers. The door exploded off the frame as the bear entered my humble home.
I sprinted down the hallway and turned right at the very end, into my brother's old room. The bear was so massive it was having trouble squeezing through the narrow confines of the hallway.
The bear moans and growls and I scream and panic, logical reaction in my book. I knew my brother had a hunting shotgun in here. I dove under his bed to find the pristine shotgun wrapped in a sheet. The bear was drawing closer; I could feel the vibrations from its growling.
I un-cocked the shot gun only to see there were no shells loaded. As I stood from under the bed, I came face to face with a grizzly bear stuck in the door frame. Its breath was filling the room almost as bad as its growls. I scurried towards the open closet and spot a lone shell sitting on top of the shelf. I jumped and grabbed onto the shelf in hopes it would collapse and drop the shell.
Instead it only strained the muscles in my arm a bit. I took the butt of the shotgun and hit the bottom of the shelf repeatedly. At this point the bear was ninety percent free from the door frame. But I knocked the lone red shell off the shelf of the otherwise empty closet.
Loading it was easy, cocking the shot gun was tough but I managed. I emerged from the closet only to see the bear freely roaming the room, searching for my location based on scent alone.
I emerged from the closet and fire on the Grizzly, right into his left eyeball. The slug from the shell passed through his eye and out of the left side of his head. Brain, blood and slobber were strewn across the far wall, slowly sliding in a snail like manner down the wall towards the floor.
The large brown bear remained on its feet, still facing me. It's breathing still in rhythm but very raspy and shallow. I stared the bear in its lone eye as I slowly watched this huge beast slowly slip away from this world and disappear into the darkness. I sat with him as he collapsed to the floor and I rubbed him as he died.
It wasn't his fault, it wasn't my fault. It was a catch twenty-two situation, one of us had to die and as bad as I hated my life, I didn't want to die in a bear's mouth. Poor bear, I wish I had one more shell so I could silence him, so I could save him from the pain.
I put my hand on his face and laid my head on his. When I finally woke up in the morning the bear had passed and I felt actual sorrow for this animal. I left the old house that day for good, I couldn't acknowledge my destruction of this animal anymore. There was too much pain involved.
Related Chapters
The Burnsfield Project   Chapter 12
I get with Mills to arrange an escort to my apartment. He is more than happy to get out of the office, almost as happy as I am. Mills guides me over to a large door, a garage door of sorts.What I see next is purely amazing. A huge garage with a large variety of cars, all black with black window tint. We've got an Escalade, Tahoe, Suburban, Malibu, Town car, two Mustangs one of which is a Shelby GT-500. That was all I could spot a one glance.Mills grabs a set of keys from the lock box on the inner most wall. We take the Tahoe just in case I need to bring a lot of shit out my sad excuse for a living space.I look at the key pad for the Tahoe and I see a purple button on there, along with the grey unlock and lock buttons. "What's the purple button for?"Mills responds, "Watch and learn Gregg." He pushes the button and the wall to our left opens up. It's a freight style elevator. The Ta
The Burnsfield Project   Chapter 13
In walks Holly, Barbie, Debra, whatever the fuck her name is. Her white blouse and black slacks are perfectly pressed and wrinkle free. She has on some shiny black heels that click their way across the floor with every step.She turns and closes the door slowly and remains facing the door for a while, too long. I notice this because I do care about this woman and I do want to comfort her if she needs it.I rise from my astonishingly comfortable desk chair, trip over my power cord on my way to check on Carbra (C for Holly, arb for Barbie and ra for Debra). I approach her from the back, it was my only option. Her arm is tense as I gently grab it and spin her around to face me.Her tears are genuine, her eyes only looking at the ground, shameful or sorrowful. I place my right index finger on her chin and raise her face towards mine. She begins to cry very hard now, almost panic-stricken.The feeling
The Burnsfield Project   Chapter 14
The alarm blares through the entire complex. It's more of a BWAAAH, BWAAAH, BWAAAH sound. It only cycles once then shuts off abruptly. Holly is at her station determining where the breach is and how far we have been breached so far. I instinctively draw my weapon from my shoulder holster and prepare for the worst.Holly yells out, "It's ok guys, it's up top. Looks like a farmer or something. I've opened the elevator to him; go retrieve him for me please."I concernedly asked Mills, "Seriously? Why bring him down here? Why would we do that?"Mills waves everyone off and says, "Let's go get our present Gregg. I'll explain once the target has been secured."We speed off on foot, my sneakers screeching on the linoleum floor. Mills doesn't even have his weapon out or anything. I try to place my pistol in my harness but apparently it's impossible. I must be one of
The Burnsfield Project   Chapter 15
Everyone's face dropped, even the people I didn't call out by name looked like their best friend just got anal raped and kissed by a male prostitute with Herpes. I stormed through the main work area, as Holly, The Boss and Mills fell in line behind me. I slammed my door open and proceeded to slam things accordingly. I wanted the mood to be as dramatic and traumatic as possible, just to show the level of severity I was at.I moved my desk chair to the visitor side of the room, as I didn't feel like sitting at the moment and I knew I wanted my sweet Holly to have a seat."Take a seat, any seat. Thank you for coming." The sarcasm was very thick from my inner most angry sarcasm voice.All three sat down and took a nice deep breath. They all three knew what I was about to say and how I was about to react but not quite sure how I would present it."I'd like to start with the farmer or h
The Burnsfield Project   Chapter 16
Throughout my entire attempt to sleep, I had horrific nightmares mostly of the agents in the glass rooms and if I were to fail at job, I would be the next feeding victim. I know a decent chunk of the secrets and I can't be set free from this job. Not yet at least.Every so often, I would toss and turn and then sit straight up, panting to catch my breath and sweating the coldest sweat the human body has ever produced. At my highest fear level, I would look down at Holly and kiss her forehead.At one point she mumbled, "It'll get better Gregg, I swear."I kissed her again and whispered, "I hope so, I truly hope so."Off and on all night, I would hear creeks and pops as if the floor were speaking to me in the form of the shifting weight of someone's footsteps. I slept with my back to the small side of the room and my gun under my pillow. I would crack my eyes open every so often just to make sure no one was sneaking up on me.
The Burnsfield Project   Chapter 17
Mills escorts me to Dahmer's cell. It's covered with hand drawn art work that he had worked on since his "death" in prison. The card is swiped and the elaborately long access code is entered."I'll be fine from here." I hand Mills my service weapon and close the door behind the rolling desk chair I brought with me.Mills looked at me as if I had lost my mind. I did. I knew this guy could dissect me like a school science experiment using only his pinkie fingernail. The fear emitting from me was very obvious to Dahmer."Good morning sir. You're new around these parts aren't you? My name's Jeffrey." He extends his hand out. I reach with mine, shaking just enough to be noticeable."Yes sir, name's Gregg, brand new around here Jeffrey, but the honor is all mine; meeting one of the most notorious and prolific serial killers in the United States history is nothing short of a god damn honor."
The Burnsfield Project   Chapter 18
I enter the main area; The Boss is standing there just staring at me, either in amazement of my bravery or in amazement of my stupidity. Next thing I know, I hear applause. Everyone in the room is applauding me, even the little councilor guy. "Gregg, I knew I picked the right guy for this job. No one ever goes into the rooms with the agent and closes the door behind them. No one ever has and I thought I would never see that. Very brave, good technique to gain and show trust." The Boss is practically separating my shoulder with all the pats on the back he's giving me.I reply simply, "Well, that's what I get paid for, right?""Damn straight Gregg." Finally, The Boss confirmed I am actually getting paid. Had me worried for a minute.I stretch a bit and let the boss know, "I'm going to go take a shower and lay down if it's ok with you.""Go ahead bud; we'll
The Burnsfield Project   Chapter 19
The backup power kicks on with an oddly loud thud. The backup lights kick on, they are red like the ones on a submarine. The red softens the severity of the light change and allows for more comfortable movement in the darkness.I slip on some shorts and an undershirt along with my shoes. My tactical light clips perfectly into place as it should. As I approach the door, I tell Holly, "Don't leave this room, once I shut this door don't open it unless I know four times, two sets of two."She nods her head and gets her gun out from the dresser.A very loud alarm sounds, louder than the encroachment alarm from earlier. A lot louder than before. I keep my body tight to the wall as I enter the hallway and listen for any noises that may lead me to clues.I'm not hugging the inside of the corner leading to the main room. I don't know what the alarm means or where it was activated at but I am assuming it is comi
Latest Chapter
Chapter 40
Back in our lair, I informed Holly and Mills of my next moves, "Listen up, I'm going to go call the President and let him know that Jeffrey Dahmer, aka The Milwaukee Monster, has passed away from an unknown illness. I'm going to ask the President what he would like me to do as a replacement. After all that is said and done, I'm going to get my old Sarge on the horn and see what we had to do to get him to come down here and hang with us, lead us. Any exception or suggestions to this?"Mills spoke up first, "Gregg, we don't need another leader. We want you to be the leader of this group. You can call your buddy, but know that when you call him you need to ask him to come join the team, not lead it."Holly followed with, "I understand what you're saying Gregg. I get it. You are our leader, no matter who you bring down here; you are the leader of K.U.N.T."I hugged both of them and a
Chapter 38
Danny spent the night in medical so waking him with games and noises wasn't happening. Today was going to be the first true test of our skills down here. We go head to head with THE Susan Wilhelm. Its five o'clock in the morning, couldn't sleep, my nerves got the best of me throughout the night. "Wake up Danny." A gentle shove seemed appropriate.Danny sat straight up as if I were the monster in his nightmare he just couldn't seem to run fast enough to get away from. He looked literally like a large piece of shit that could breathe and talk. Little does he know, after Wilhelm falls, he will too, by my hands."Get to my office, you have three minutes." I instructed.He hadn't spoken a word to me, I didn't get a good morning, I didn't get a fuck you, nothing. That pissed me off the most. He was still trying t
Chapter 37
I check the monitor looking into the Obama room early in the morning. Danny is sound asleep on his cot and to me that is unacceptable. I hit the alarm button for the Obama room only, the interior speakers. Never have I seen a grown man, athlete or not, jump as high as Danny did.The mike was open so I could whisper sweet nothings in his ear or bark orders, whatever I want to do. Danny can obviously tell that the mike is open, judging by his hand signals and confused look.I was just fucking with him but all I said was "Flush time. Sorry big bro, we have Wilhelm on her way down right now. You're an unneeded liability to the K.U.N.T. team down here."Didn't take my elder to understand that message as he frantically scanned the room for anything of merit to grasp on to or anything to keep the floor from opening up and swallowing him whole. There wasn't anything in that room to
Chapter 36
Entering my office opened my eyes to the same exact mansion I was in when this bitch molested me. Three floors, eight bedrooms and three full bathrooms. Danny should be able to pinpoint the exact location and time Ms. Wilhelm will be in which area so we can go in and let B.T.K. and I have some fun."Holly, go wake up Danny for me please." I asked nicely.Holly exited my office without a word and hastily headed in the direction of the medical area. While she was out getting Danny, I pulled a jar out from my desk drawer. In said jar was Danny's pinkie in formaldehyde, which I placed as my center piece on my desk. Just to remind him who he was dealing with and how little I cared for him.I leaned back in my chair, the familiar squeak barking off like I expected, as I awaited my evil big brother to surface from the confines of the medical room. His face makes me throw up in my
Chapter 35
As I rested in the bed lying on my back, I couldn't quite slip into that sleep state. I couldn't keep my mind from wondering and plotting our potential plan to get Wilhelm. I HAD to have Danny because I had a deep feeling that he and Susan were more than just acquaintances. I was very confident that he was fucking her, yeah she was old and decrepit but I just knew he was fucking her.People will fuck over anything, especially guys. You want power, find the powerful chick to fuck, you want money, find the rich chick and fuck her. It's really the most classic tale of treachery, kill the king but you gotta fuck the queen first.I jumped up out of bed, still in my boxers, hair all a mess, and proceeded towards Jeffrey's cell to check on my traitorous brother and his new found friend Jeffrey. My mind was racing, hoping that he had been slowly disassembled like a cheap G.I. Joe and eaten leisurely wh
Chapter 33
Holly rolled in the advanced polygraph test machine we had. This machine was capable of not only capturing the change in pulse rate and anxiety during a false answer but it was also capable of detecting nonstandard eye movement or ticks on ones face during an untruthful answer. This machine also didn't require a yes or no answer, the response could be a paragraph if the tested wants to provide that much detail. The machine could remember and access all that information from weeks ago.Danny and I sat down at the metal table in the middle of the room. The presidential rooms were always used during poly tests because they had literally no stimuli at all. Once Holly set up the machine, she would leave the room too, can't be too safe.I took the finger pulse indicator and the chest bar pulse indicator and installed them appropriately. The retinal camera took very subtle changes but alignment wasn't hard
Chapter 32
I don't know what the hell kind of shot Holly gave me but apparently I've been out for two full days. My body is stiff and rigid, as if rigor had begun to set in. My brain felt like it had just been poured out of a crusty ass frying pan after being scrambled for too long. I felt around on my body trying to identify any sore or damaged spots that still existed. To my surprise, my body was basically good as new.I inch my way out of bed, almost like the bed was applying resistance because it wanted me to stay longer. Every joint my body had was now cracking and popping like baby gun shots being fired off for no reason in rapid succession. Once on my feet, I do the usual hardcore stretch, neck, back and shoulder. Pop, pop, pop.There is a nice suit and clean under garments waiting for me, hanging nicely on the back of the door along with a manila folder. I head to the bathroom to shit,
Chapter 31
I wake up to the television flashing a news story about four dead cops, three dead bodies in a house that was currently burning to the ground and a dozen witness accounts of four people on the scene "waging war on the neighborhood". The remote control was taped to one hand and my morphine drip taped to the other. I quickly tap the drip three times, feeling an instant gratifying rush of narcotics in my veins.I flip the television on with a quick flick of the wrist. Four dead officers, I used to be an officer. That could have been me on the side of the road, executed by a secret government agency out killing people to protect the political scheme of things.The randomness and spontaneity of the colors and pictures began to relax me instead of my normal anxiety overload. I zoned out, out from the television and the news. I zoned deep into my brain trying to understand why my life has boiled down to kil
Chapter 30
The large plane came in for the landing with a resounding swoosh sound. As we touched down the compression of the shocks on the plane caused all of our necks to snap a little bit but Jeffrey was fine in the truck, actually it was kind of bouncy for him.As the plane came to rest on the tarmac, the cargo door was opened and the lights were shut off on our end of the strip. We would move out in silence, quickly but silently. We all three manned our vehicles and eased out of the plane. My Tahoe scrapped the tarmac hard as we exited, unsettling Jeffrey a bit. Our three trucks formed a convoy of pure fearful ass kicking power. We exited the practically abandoned air strip and proceeded towards Jeremy's house, about 12 miles away. We entered the highway nose to tail, exceeding one hundred miles per hour. I was the lead so my lights were flashing and the rest were blacked out, even their headli