Beeeeeeep. "I need to see Debra." Mills speaks to the beep. I assume he had a button to push or there was some sort of sensor that activated the beep. I hear the starting of something electrical, a motor or something of the sort.
Instant butterflies now. The hood has enhanced my sense of nervousness but also my sense of feel. We are going down…on an elevator. "Ahh, an underground lair, huh? Is this some sort of super hero league hideout? Sweet!" I was being as sarcastic as I could be; I just wanted to be personally addressed right now by anyone.
This elevator was traveling down forever, or so it seemed. I've been on elevators that have traveled fifty floors in about three minutes; we've been moving for at least five minutes. The elevator begins to apply its brakes, slowly. We come to a complete stop and nothing happens. Where's the sound of the door opening? Where's the beeeeeep noise? What's happening?
Suddenly, the intercom activates, "Debra will see you know Captain Mills."
Captain? Captain of what? He fucking shot me with a bean bag from an assault rifle for not getting dressed fast enough. The elevator door opens and all four men step out. One of them clips the zip tie holding the hood down.
For whatever reason, I didn't go for the hood right away. I slowly tip toes my way to the front of the elevator, to the point that I could feel the difference between the elevator floor and the actual floor. Once I cleared the elevator, the doors close and it sits stationary, waiting for more buttonized orders.
What the fuck do I do now? What the hell is going on? Why do I still have this hood on? "Hello? Is anybody there?" I must have looked and sounded like a little white test rat. Of course, there is no response.
The room or building or wherever the hell I am, is drop dead silent. I'm not sure what to do next, do I take the hood off, why wouldn't I take the hood off? Do I call out Hello again?
"Fuck it." I mumble to myself as I slowly pull the hood off of my head. The fabric is very abrasive now that I can focus on it, it'll be off soon. I give it one final tug, the hood is off but I am still in darkness. Ok, I kept my eyes closed because I am certain I don't want to see where I am. I want to have one last chance to turn around get on the elevator and leave without seeing anything, that way Mills wouldn't have to kill me.
I turn and face the elevator, open my eyes and all I see is dry wall. No seam, no crack, no separation for it to open and reveal an elevator. I run my hand up and down on the wall, nothing.
Now this shit is getting weird. I turn around again and face the room. I'm in a large white room with six rectangle tables and thirty to forty white rolling chairs. The walls are white, the tables are white, the chairs are white, shit even the light fixtures are white. The floor, it's white, looks like laminate tile. The ceiling, it's white too, solid not those push up tiles like you see in every modern office building.
"Mills? Debra? Hello? What am I supposed to do? Come on people, what do you want from me?" My internal anxiety is now transforming into external anger. I am now running on the assumption that this is all a dream. Holly is a dream, the four men that came to my apartment are a dream, the elevator I was just on is obviously a dream. All I need to do is wake up.
I hear a speaker activate, that slight white noise before the actual noise comes out is very apparent to me, "Lieutenant! Compose yourself." The voice sounds very familiar to me but it wasn't the same voice Mills was talking to. "I need you to calm yourself, walk the thirty-four steps to the other side of the room and turn ninety degrees to your right. You will then walk eighteen steps to the wall directly in front of you. Then wait. Clear?" It was more of a "CLEAR!" instead of actually asking me if I understood.
"Yes ma'am." I'm not one to disagree with a voice coming from nowhere. I very carefully but casually count off each step in my head. I walked all thirty-four steps as I slowly traveled across the middle of the room. I then turn to my right and counted off the eighteen steps as instructed. Now I am nose deep in a wall, "What's next Beautiful?" She might be hot right?
The speaker activates again, "Focus Lieutenant and do exactly as instructed. If you do so, you'll be just fine. Don't question my next instruction or any of my future instructions. Clear?"
I yell out, "Clear, but I need to ask you a question."
"You may proceed, make it a good one." I could hear a smile on her face, I swear.
"What's your name? You already know mine and you can see me obviously, just tell me your name." I was beginning to realize they want me here, they see me as a person instead of a fucking joke.
I hear the speaker activate yet again but this time there is a slight hesitation, "You'll know it when you see me." What? How the fuck will I know her name when I see her? Is it tattooed on her forehead or is she some long lost sister that has a HUGE nametag on her desk?
I announce loudly, "Yes ma'am. What are my directions?"
"Lieutenant, I need you to take three steps forward, don't question me, don't doubt me. Take three steps forward and follow the white line on the floor." Her voice was so convincing that even though I know that she knows I'm standing facing a wall.
"Three steps, huh? Ok, you're the boss." I smile and place my hands out in front of me as I take my first step, then my second and now my third. There is no smile now, my face dropped in amazement as I realize I just walked through a wall. I walked through a fucking wall, am I am X-Man or something? I walked through a WALL!
I am speechless at this very moment, this is a book about cops and people and what not but I just walked through a wall. This is officially getting weird.
I am now surrounded by metallic structures, like I'm in the back of a bowling alley. It's just a straight hallway, very dark but I can still pick up the white line on the ground. The machines are silent and still, on my left and my right. I walk the white line as if I were being forced to perform a field sobriety test.
Ka-shink, Ka-shink. One of the machines has turned itself on. I turn my head back and I see the very first set of machines I passed when I enter the wall have lit up with a green light. Each machine is, not to sound dramatic, launching a spear like object to the other machine.
What the fuck is going on? I stayed on the white line like I was told; I walked through the wall like I was told. What is happening? I have stumbled passed the second set of machines. The same process occurs. I turn about face and focus on the white line while these two sets of machines toss death spears back and forth.
I begin to walk again, trying to act casual. The third machine activates as soon as I exit its path. I'm so startled at this point, I take off running. I figured I could beat the sensors that are activating these killing devices.
Well, the woman said walk didn't she? I am running and running, staying on the white line, activating each mechanism as I speed passed. There is a glass door at the end of this, I can see it now. I run a touch faster. Suddenly, 15 feet in front of me, a large loud angry flame is expelled from the ceiling targeting my face.
I hit the brakes and then hit the deck. The flame is roaring just inches from my head as it passes over me. I'm on my back, flame over my head, machines tossing spears back and forth and a glass door just fifteen feet away now. I slowly slide my body towards that door.
Once I'm about two feet away from the flame, it deactivates with a loud hiss. I stand on my very shaky legs, wipe my brow and walk as normally as possible, carefully staying on the white line as instructed. As I approach the glass door I notice a camera above it. A black bubble just resting above the glass door peering into the death zone I just got through.
The door clicks for three seconds; I push and enter the next area. The white line has disappeared but has been replaced with a direct left turn. I take two steps and then the speaker crackles to life, "Wow Lieutenant, that was…impressive. Please stand right where you are and await an escort." I could hear the slight chuckling in her voice.
I hear guards enter the room from the other side. They are shouting and it sounded as if they were getting physical with people. "Jeffy, Duke, Oakland let's go, in your rooms, now!" That's Mills voice.
Mills approaches with very authoritative steps and grabs me, walks me through this area very quickly. I only get glimpses but I peer into each room. There are three occupants in three separate rooms. Each appeared very familiar to me but Mills was pulling me so fast that my brain couldn't register; I couldn't put names to the faces.
Mills explains, "That was the general housing area for our…agents." We are now entering another room, like a doctor's waiting room but even less comfortable. Mills points to a chair along the wall, "Sit here Lieutenant. Sit and await further instruction."
I take my seat, sweat dripping from my hair line, my clothes dirty and tattered from my adventure through the dead zone. My brain running circles around my head, trying to figure out what type of agents those were, why there needs to be a dead zone and I was still stuck on that fucking wall thing.
Now that I think about it, this room looks more like a lawyer's office. One desk with a comfy black leather chair, two chairs along the wall in front of the desk and certificates and degrees on the wall. There's a bookshelf to my left, I'm not much of a reader unless there are pictures involved but I get stand up and go over to it anyways.
The top shelf is all Stephen King Hardback novels. The next shelf is full of John Grisham, the next filled with Patterson. The bottom, however, contained what seemed to be hundreds of journals. I grab the very top one and open it up. It's got drawings in it; I flip through and see drawings of suicides, decapitations, old ladies being strangled, people being eaten. What the fuck?
The door opens and I place the journal back on the shelf as Mills enters the room again. "Mills, what's going on man? Please tell me what is happening here. Come on, please." I pleaded with Mills to at least give me warning of what was coming next. He remained silent but I could see on his face that he could empathize with me.
I freely walk with Mills into yet another hallway. This one was lit well and carpeted with some brownish yellow tint to it. There are pictures of all the former President's of the United States on the walls. The odd numbered ones on my right and the even numbered ones on my left. Every fifth or so picture there was a door on both sides of the hall way, no name tags, no identifiers of any sort. Mills gets me all the way to George W. Bush Senior and we stop at the door on the right.
Mills pulls a card from his right front pocket and swipes it, like a hotel room key. We both enter the room, Mills and then me. As soon as Mills clears my line of sight, I see a man strapped down to a chair with the same style hood over his head as I wore earlier. His wrist and ankles are bleeding excessively, he's been struggling.
The man sits in this hard wooden chair only in a pair of boxers and the hood. His head is hanging low; he's slumped over as if he were sleeping or dead. I turn to Mills, "What are we doing here, what is he doing here?"
Mills doesn't speak; he walks over to the unconscious, clips his zip tie and removes the hood from his head. Mills looks up at me and smiles, "Look familiar?"
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Speech has escaped me, "Uhhh…yeah…err…that's, that's John. My old partner." I shuffle over to John as Mills smacks him awake."Oww man! What the shit was that for? Jesus, I'm a fucking cop motherfucker!" Obviously, John hasn't realized being a cop down here didn't mean shit. The he turns and sees me, "Gregg, Gregg what is this man? Get me out of here man!"Mills steps back, walks to the table and sets his knife and gun on it then exits the room. I scan the room; there are no obvious cameras, no signs restricting any sort of action. Am I supposed to kill him? Seriously? Is that what the gun and knife were left in here for?John is incessantly pleading to me, calling out to me to rescue him from this room. I never wanted to hear this fat fucks voice again in my life. I never wanted to see his fat ass face again. He was the one responsible for this situation I'm
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I opened the bathroom door with a feeling of empowerment, authority. In my mind, this is just another catalyst in my life, one that I will conquer. Mills and the boys were not at their desks anymore. The entire place was quiet, too quiet.Starting from the farthest part of the room the banks of lights begin to shut off. The darkness is creeping towards me, like it has always done. Darkness is scary but it's actually emotional darkness that I fear the most.Now, I'm standing in between the bathroom and The Boss's office, yet to move a muscle. If something was going to happen then it was going to have to come to me, I stayed put. The fact I was in the dark merely strengthened my remaining senses.I could smell something, something like corn chips or nasty ass feet. My skin was ultra-sensitive, like a radar device scanning all surrounding areas around me for any sort of approach or movement. My ears felt a
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I get with Mills to arrange an escort to my apartment. He is more than happy to get out of the office, almost as happy as I am. Mills guides me over to a large door, a garage door of sorts.What I see next is purely amazing. A huge garage with a large variety of cars, all black with black window tint. We've got an Escalade, Tahoe, Suburban, Malibu, Town car, two Mustangs one of which is a Shelby GT-500. That was all I could spot a one glance.Mills grabs a set of keys from the lock box on the inner most wall. We take the Tahoe just in case I need to bring a lot of shit out my sad excuse for a living space.I look at the key pad for the Tahoe and I see a purple button on there, along with the grey unlock and lock buttons. "What's the purple button for?"Mills responds, "Watch and learn Gregg." He pushes the button and the wall to our left opens up. It's a freight style elevator. The Ta
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In walks Holly, Barbie, Debra, whatever the fuck her name is. Her white blouse and black slacks are perfectly pressed and wrinkle free. She has on some shiny black heels that click their way across the floor with every step.She turns and closes the door slowly and remains facing the door for a while, too long. I notice this because I do care about this woman and I do want to comfort her if she needs it.I rise from my astonishingly comfortable desk chair, trip over my power cord on my way to check on Carbra (C for Holly, arb for Barbie and ra for Debra). I approach her from the back, it was my only option. Her arm is tense as I gently grab it and spin her around to face me.Her tears are genuine, her eyes only looking at the ground, shameful or sorrowful. I place my right index finger on her chin and raise her face towards mine. She begins to cry very hard now, almost panic-stricken.The feeling
The Burnsfield Project   Chapter 14
The alarm blares through the entire complex. It's more of a BWAAAH, BWAAAH, BWAAAH sound. It only cycles once then shuts off abruptly. Holly is at her station determining where the breach is and how far we have been breached so far. I instinctively draw my weapon from my shoulder holster and prepare for the worst.Holly yells out, "It's ok guys, it's up top. Looks like a farmer or something. I've opened the elevator to him; go retrieve him for me please."I concernedly asked Mills, "Seriously? Why bring him down here? Why would we do that?"Mills waves everyone off and says, "Let's go get our present Gregg. I'll explain once the target has been secured."We speed off on foot, my sneakers screeching on the linoleum floor. Mills doesn't even have his weapon out or anything. I try to place my pistol in my harness but apparently it's impossible. I must be one of
The Burnsfield Project   Chapter 15
Everyone's face dropped, even the people I didn't call out by name looked like their best friend just got anal raped and kissed by a male prostitute with Herpes. I stormed through the main work area, as Holly, The Boss and Mills fell in line behind me. I slammed my door open and proceeded to slam things accordingly. I wanted the mood to be as dramatic and traumatic as possible, just to show the level of severity I was at.I moved my desk chair to the visitor side of the room, as I didn't feel like sitting at the moment and I knew I wanted my sweet Holly to have a seat."Take a seat, any seat. Thank you for coming." The sarcasm was very thick from my inner most angry sarcasm voice.All three sat down and took a nice deep breath. They all three knew what I was about to say and how I was about to react but not quite sure how I would present it."I'd like to start with the farmer or h
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Chapter 40
Back in our lair, I informed Holly and Mills of my next moves, "Listen up, I'm going to go call the President and let him know that Jeffrey Dahmer, aka The Milwaukee Monster, has passed away from an unknown illness. I'm going to ask the President what he would like me to do as a replacement. After all that is said and done, I'm going to get my old Sarge on the horn and see what we had to do to get him to come down here and hang with us, lead us. Any exception or suggestions to this?"Mills spoke up first, "Gregg, we don't need another leader. We want you to be the leader of this group. You can call your buddy, but know that when you call him you need to ask him to come join the team, not lead it."Holly followed with, "I understand what you're saying Gregg. I get it. You are our leader, no matter who you bring down here; you are the leader of K.U.N.T."I hugged both of them and a
Chapter 38
Danny spent the night in medical so waking him with games and noises wasn't happening. Today was going to be the first true test of our skills down here. We go head to head with THE Susan Wilhelm. Its five o'clock in the morning, couldn't sleep, my nerves got the best of me throughout the night. "Wake up Danny." A gentle shove seemed appropriate.Danny sat straight up as if I were the monster in his nightmare he just couldn't seem to run fast enough to get away from. He looked literally like a large piece of shit that could breathe and talk. Little does he know, after Wilhelm falls, he will too, by my hands."Get to my office, you have three minutes." I instructed.He hadn't spoken a word to me, I didn't get a good morning, I didn't get a fuck you, nothing. That pissed me off the most. He was still trying t
Chapter 37
I check the monitor looking into the Obama room early in the morning. Danny is sound asleep on his cot and to me that is unacceptable. I hit the alarm button for the Obama room only, the interior speakers. Never have I seen a grown man, athlete or not, jump as high as Danny did.The mike was open so I could whisper sweet nothings in his ear or bark orders, whatever I want to do. Danny can obviously tell that the mike is open, judging by his hand signals and confused look.I was just fucking with him but all I said was "Flush time. Sorry big bro, we have Wilhelm on her way down right now. You're an unneeded liability to the K.U.N.T. team down here."Didn't take my elder to understand that message as he frantically scanned the room for anything of merit to grasp on to or anything to keep the floor from opening up and swallowing him whole. There wasn't anything in that room to
Chapter 36
Entering my office opened my eyes to the same exact mansion I was in when this bitch molested me. Three floors, eight bedrooms and three full bathrooms. Danny should be able to pinpoint the exact location and time Ms. Wilhelm will be in which area so we can go in and let B.T.K. and I have some fun."Holly, go wake up Danny for me please." I asked nicely.Holly exited my office without a word and hastily headed in the direction of the medical area. While she was out getting Danny, I pulled a jar out from my desk drawer. In said jar was Danny's pinkie in formaldehyde, which I placed as my center piece on my desk. Just to remind him who he was dealing with and how little I cared for him.I leaned back in my chair, the familiar squeak barking off like I expected, as I awaited my evil big brother to surface from the confines of the medical room. His face makes me throw up in my
Chapter 35
As I rested in the bed lying on my back, I couldn't quite slip into that sleep state. I couldn't keep my mind from wondering and plotting our potential plan to get Wilhelm. I HAD to have Danny because I had a deep feeling that he and Susan were more than just acquaintances. I was very confident that he was fucking her, yeah she was old and decrepit but I just knew he was fucking her.People will fuck over anything, especially guys. You want power, find the powerful chick to fuck, you want money, find the rich chick and fuck her. It's really the most classic tale of treachery, kill the king but you gotta fuck the queen first.I jumped up out of bed, still in my boxers, hair all a mess, and proceeded towards Jeffrey's cell to check on my traitorous brother and his new found friend Jeffrey. My mind was racing, hoping that he had been slowly disassembled like a cheap G.I. Joe and eaten leisurely wh
Chapter 33
Holly rolled in the advanced polygraph test machine we had. This machine was capable of not only capturing the change in pulse rate and anxiety during a false answer but it was also capable of detecting nonstandard eye movement or ticks on ones face during an untruthful answer. This machine also didn't require a yes or no answer, the response could be a paragraph if the tested wants to provide that much detail. The machine could remember and access all that information from weeks ago.Danny and I sat down at the metal table in the middle of the room. The presidential rooms were always used during poly tests because they had literally no stimuli at all. Once Holly set up the machine, she would leave the room too, can't be too safe.I took the finger pulse indicator and the chest bar pulse indicator and installed them appropriately. The retinal camera took very subtle changes but alignment wasn't hard
Chapter 32
I don't know what the hell kind of shot Holly gave me but apparently I've been out for two full days. My body is stiff and rigid, as if rigor had begun to set in. My brain felt like it had just been poured out of a crusty ass frying pan after being scrambled for too long. I felt around on my body trying to identify any sore or damaged spots that still existed. To my surprise, my body was basically good as new.I inch my way out of bed, almost like the bed was applying resistance because it wanted me to stay longer. Every joint my body had was now cracking and popping like baby gun shots being fired off for no reason in rapid succession. Once on my feet, I do the usual hardcore stretch, neck, back and shoulder. Pop, pop, pop.There is a nice suit and clean under garments waiting for me, hanging nicely on the back of the door along with a manila folder. I head to the bathroom to shit,
Chapter 31
I wake up to the television flashing a news story about four dead cops, three dead bodies in a house that was currently burning to the ground and a dozen witness accounts of four people on the scene "waging war on the neighborhood". The remote control was taped to one hand and my morphine drip taped to the other. I quickly tap the drip three times, feeling an instant gratifying rush of narcotics in my veins.I flip the television on with a quick flick of the wrist. Four dead officers, I used to be an officer. That could have been me on the side of the road, executed by a secret government agency out killing people to protect the political scheme of things.The randomness and spontaneity of the colors and pictures began to relax me instead of my normal anxiety overload. I zoned out, out from the television and the news. I zoned deep into my brain trying to understand why my life has boiled down to kil
Chapter 30
The large plane came in for the landing with a resounding swoosh sound. As we touched down the compression of the shocks on the plane caused all of our necks to snap a little bit but Jeffrey was fine in the truck, actually it was kind of bouncy for him.As the plane came to rest on the tarmac, the cargo door was opened and the lights were shut off on our end of the strip. We would move out in silence, quickly but silently. We all three manned our vehicles and eased out of the plane. My Tahoe scrapped the tarmac hard as we exited, unsettling Jeffrey a bit. Our three trucks formed a convoy of pure fearful ass kicking power. We exited the practically abandoned air strip and proceeded towards Jeremy's house, about 12 miles away. We entered the highway nose to tail, exceeding one hundred miles per hour. I was the lead so my lights were flashing and the rest were blacked out, even their headli