The Butler's Retribution With The All Sufficient System
The Butler's Retribution With The All Sufficient System
Author: I A_M
0001: Kendrew, Young Butler

"And where are you off to, young butler?" came the familiar, condescending voice from behind.

Kendrew froze, his heart sinking as he turned to face his second older brother. "K...Ka... I mean, Sir Kane."

He had almost slipped up, almost called him by his name, a mistake that had earned him a sharp slap across the face last time.

"I was on my way to my... t..the flower shop to..." Kendrew's voice trailed off nervously.

"What did you call me?" Kane's eyes narrowed dangerously, his voice laced with disdain.

"Uh? I... I..." Kendrew stumbled over his words, fear tightening his throat.

SLAP! The sound reverberated through the hallway as Kane's hand connected with Kendrew's cheek. Kendrew winced, feeling the burning sensation spread across his face, but he managed to hold his ground, trying to steady himself.

"I am the second young master of the Hughes family, and I expect you to address me as such!"

"But Kane, I am your br—"

SLAP! This time, the blow was even harder, knocking Kendrew slightly off balance.

Kendrew feared Kane more than any of his brothers. The cold contempt in Kane's eyes made him feel like less than human.

He glanced around desperately, hoping someone would intervene, but the other stewards, stewardesses, and family members who had gathered due to the commotion just watched in silence.

They were all the same. They treated him with the same disdain — as if he were something less than dirt.

Each time this happened, Kendrew told himself it was his duty to serve his family. He believed that the hatred directed at him was temporary, that if he could just make the flower shop as successful as the top businesses, maybe they would finally cut him some slack.

But was that even possible? He was barely allowed to leave the house, relegated to the role of a mere butler, and the flower shop was so small, nearly invisible to the world.

"And you still stand there looking at me?! Go and clean the third room in the second wing on the third floor!" Kane's voice was sharp and commanding, leaving no room for defiance.

Kendrew dared not oppose. "Yes... s... Second Young Master Hughes," he stammered, bowing his head obediently.

Hurrying away, Kendrew felt his heart pounding in his chest. The sting of Kane's slap still burned, but what hurt more was the sense of hopelessness that enveloped him.

As he climbed the stairs to the third floor, bitterness welled up inside him. No matter how hard he tried, he could never earn their love — not as a brother, not as a friend, not even as a son. Why?

Pushing open the door to the third room, Kendrew sighed heavily at the sight of the mess inside. "Geez..." 

It was a rather unused room amongst the others in the Hughes House which had over 20 rooms and four floors.

Hours passed as he cleaned and organized, lost in his thoughts. 

As he finished up, a fleeting thought crossed his mind. What if he could escape this life? What if he could somehow make the flower shop successful and leave the Hughes family behind?

Shaking his head, Kendrew chastised himself for such foolish fantasies. He was trapped, and deep down, he knew it.

Kendrew had just stepped into the shower when his girlfriend called. The ringing echoed faintly through the bathroom, unheard over the rush of water. 

Wrapping a towel around his waist, he stumbled out, nearly slipping on the worn carpet of his cramped room.

His quarters were the worst among the household staff. There was just enough space for a bed, his belongings, and a small bathroom where he bathed and cooked. 

He was sure on point to take a shit outside and only at night, avoiding any smells that might linger in his tiny room for days if he dared to shit inside.

Unlike the other servants who dined together or with his family members who all dined at the grand table, he ate alone. 

"These carpets are getting worse by the day," he muttered, steadying himself against the bed as he reached for his small Android phone.

He earned the least among all the staff and received no allowances from his father. He didn't have enough to buy something better than the meager size of his phone — a mere three inches tall. 

Seeing Candy's missed call, panic crept into him. 

Candy, his girlfriend, wielded power over him much like everyone else in the Hughes House. She demanded money and gifts, threatening to leave whenever he couldn't meet her demands.

He wasn't sure if he loved her anymore, but the fact that she was willing to be with him when no one else cared made him reluctant to let her go. 

With trembling hands, he dialed her number back.

"And who are you?!" Candy's voice pierced through the line, harsh and demanding.

Kendrew swallowed hard, his heart sinking. "Er... Candy, I was... I was in the shower and..."

"Shut up! Did I ask you that?! Who the f*ck are you?" Her tone was cutting, and he could imagine her eyes narrowing in frustration.

Kendrew closed his eyes, feeling tears welling up. He had always been fragile. "I... I'm Kendrew... Hughes..."

"Hmph. And what do you even do for a living?" Candy's voice dripped with disdain.

"Candy, I... I didn't see your call because..." He stammered, his voice trembling.

"Are you deaf or just stupid?!" Her voice rose sharply, causing him to flinch. "Tell me, what the hell do you do for a living, you worthless piece of shit!"

"I... I'm the butler of the Hughes..." Kendrew managed to choke out the words, his shoulders slumping.

"Oh, now I remember. You're the useless Hughes son. The disappointment." Candy's voice was laced with cruel mockery.

Kendrew struggled to hold back tears, a solitary droplet escaping down his cheek. He gripped the phone tightly, his knuckles turning white.

"Are you at home?" Candy's question cut through the silence that followed.

"Y-yes, Candy." He replied softly, feeling defeated.

"Good." With that, she ended the call abruptly, leaving Kendrew to exhale deeply. He realized he had been holding his breath. 

He used to love Candy before he found out she was a two-timer, maybe he still did a little. "Oh, Candy, when will you ever love me back?"

As he processed her words, his brow furrowed in worry. "Is she coming here? Oh God, she better not. My family would kill us. No! They would kill ME!”

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