By the roaring fire, Daniella and Rohain laugh over roasted rabbit and black coffee.

"I've never seen a helmet have the faceplate lock forward before. It is rather clever."

"Eating alone is not always an option. You learn to adapt."

"You know, people will not judge you for breaking an oath you made voluntarily."

"People always judge others, especially by their appearance."

"Are you concerned people will judge you if you are ugly?"


Rohain leans in.

"As you get older, you will notice how people become more interested in how you look than who you are."

"People are so callous in reflection of my guise?"

Daniella sighs.

"It's human nature to judge by the apparent. People are judged so radically for their appearance despite it being the one thing about ourselves we control the least. Being pretty can be a curse just as much as disfigurement."

"Why is the human race...

...so dogmatic?"

Daniella questions, trying to hide a world of pain.

"Most people are shallow, vile mons
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