Chapter 07

Charles's - [P.O.V]

I could tell he had an opposite Plan as my well trained eyes monitor his movements.

"Oh sure, I know right?" He asked with a smile before he pulled out his gun and fired it straight at me.

I felt the bullet pierce through me and it sent me to the ground, causing me to bleed immediately as I removed my gun firing it at him with my eyes closed as fear rushed through me.

I opened my eyes to see water shooting out of my gun.

My friend Ceepron, Betrayed me?

"I appreciate you for successfully transporting the world's deadliest and the most dangerous radioactive bomb to us, good thing Ceepron used someone we could eradicate without problems." He said as I looked at him a bit worried.

"You, my boy, will be eliminated within seconds." He pointed his gun straight at me as the rest of the men gathered around me with their hefty machine guns in their hands.

"After the count of three... We fire according to my order okay." He said nicely.

"One!" He called as I thought of my mother.

"Two!" He called as I thought of my brother Drian.

"Three!" He called as I thought of my love Benita.

"Fellow gentlemen, Fire!" He Orders.

I covered myself with the box as different bullets pierced through my body in return as I stayed still over the ground.

I could see my soul already leaving my body right now.

"Stop! You stupid goats! You are shooting at the box!" The man said, walking to my almost lifeless body over the floor.

I felt like a fire was burning inside of me.

It was no longer painful anymore.

It was something worse than pain.

The boom exploded into me.

I saw how the force swept away all the men around me and I felt how the force exploded through the entire area.

Completely destroying the buildings around.

It felt like I controlled it.

The chaotic power roared through the entire place.

I controlled it to stop, only to see that I was absorbing that chaotic energy into myself and when I opened my eyes, I found myself on my feet, seeing as my veins glowing blue in return.

Then I noticed that my skin was throwing out those bullets that were shot into my body as my torn out clothes rearranged itself and my wounds healed instantly.

It felt like I controlled time.

"Mum!" I said as I turned running back.

I soon reached back towards Ceepron' house.

He was nowhere to be found.

Ahh! He tricked me.

I frowned, annoyed before my phone rang in return.

I picked the call immediately.

It was Drian.

"Charles, they burnt our home." Drian said.

"What?" I was shocked.

"Who?" I asked, frightened.

"I don't know." He cries to me.

"Why?" I asked him, with my heart breaking inside.

"I just said I don't know Charles." He cries loudly to me.

"Bad guys are after me too... I'm tired, could it be that God is upset with us?" He said to me frustrated.

"Run Drian, Use the map Drian, let's find each other." I said to him as I kept the call on, as I began running as fast as I could.

I could hear him getting apprehended by them.

"Next time, you won't ever punch a man you don't know." One of the men said as Drian cried while being beaten.

Gilbert Luison was the only man Drian punched that I knew of… I continued using the map to find him.

I could tell he was in a dangerous situation.

My poor brother, Oh no.

"Ga!" A gunshot was released.

My race suddenly slowed down as chills went through me, then I ran even faster like my life depended on it.

"Bwar!" Another gunshot occured and my mouth was wide open in shock and I rushed towards my brother, holding him to himself while Drian fell to his knees as I tried holding up.

"Drian, don't you dare sleep!" I pleaded.

"Please don't close your eye.." I begged him as I tapped his cheeks repeatedly.

"Ga!" Another bullet pierced through his back.

I looked to see the ground of men in black suits and glasses entering their car and they drove off at speed.

"Burn all of you!" I screamed in tears, anger to revenge and I felt a heavy wave fire towards their car, from my hand.

Goom! - Their car flew six times crashing badly as I looked at my palm worried, my power was beginning to showface.

But they still succeeded to Leave.

Then blood rushed out of his mouth.

"I'm so sorry Charles, I couldn't make it." He sobbed, staring back into my eyes.

Tears rushed down my eyes as I held his shirt shaking, because I wasn't ready to lose him at all, not with all the power I had or the money I had under approval.

I carried him over my back as I rushed to the hospital to get him treated.

As soon as I reached the hospital... Drian pushes himself off from my back.

He fell to the floor at my sight.

"Please! don't even dare to think stupid!" I said to him hopelessly as I rushed to pick him up but he fought my hands Off.

"You have to leave!" He screams at me.

I stared at my brother, unable to leave his sight.

Even though we weren't blood brothers, our bond was extremely powerful.

I could die in his place.

What Gilbert has done to him will not go unforgiven.

A call-me-back alarm entered my phone and I opened the voice Mail.

It's our mum's Doctor.

"I wanted to inform you that If you can't get the fifteen thousand dollars to buy for her blood transfusion, then you should get someone with a blood type - O - to visit the hospital to donate the blood for her, her case is very fatal." She said to me and as Drian held my hand in his.

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