Author: Jejewiyyah
last update2023-07-06 20:44:09

The day dawned crisp and clear.The sun poured through Ven's window alerting him that another day had dawned.

Ven woke up rubbing his eyes and stood up to check the time but to his dismay saw that it was already 7:30 AM. He was surprised that time has gone and he was still on the bed when he had a lecture around 9 AM this morning.

He hurriedly went into the bathroom to have his bathe and get ready for school as he knew the gravity of entering Professor Daniel class late.


At around 8:20 AM, he left the house after bidding his father farewell and started running to the park where he was going to board the cab that will take him to school as such was what he go through everyday for coming to school from home. He is a year two student of Achievers University regarded as the best University in Krumb studying Financial Management.

He got into the school campus, and since he was running due to time issue,he bumped into a lady and they both fell down though not intentional.

" Are you blind or you just decided not to use your eyes to see," the lady who turned out to be Elisa asked him.

" I'm sorry,it was not a deliberate action." Ven said to Elisa who he perceived would not hear any of that.

" It's not your fault, nonsense just get out of here," Elisa said using her hand to dust her clothes.

" Elisa that is bad of you,he said it was not intentional why then free the innocent guy",Nana said.

" I don't care, people like him behave like that always therefore they need to be treated that way". Elisa said hissing and started walking away from the scene leaving her friends.

" We apologize on her behalf please you know how she behaves sometimes". Her friends said and left to follow Elisa.

Elisa is a very beautiful lady who Ven and others admire greatly. She is an elegant lady indeed with a glossy skin with a slender body to match. She also has a long hair that is ebony- black that makes her alluring in the eyes of men.She is quite endowed all round which is enough to turn and man crazy with her well curved pink lips.

She is the daughter of a rich man and his only daughter and since she had been pampered all her life, she grew up with pride and arrogance in her.

Elisa has always been Ven dream woman and for that whenever he sees her he loses his subconscious mind which is why he didn't feel a kind of disappointment when she hissed at him and disgraced him.

She is also brilliant just like Ven although she follows Ven in grade and the next after him. Therefore,she sees him like an enemy and rival overriding her for the best results. Elisa always regard herself as the best in whatever she does since she was a child only to get to the university and lose to someone not in the same level with her.


When Ven got to class, kudos to his friend Alex, he was able to secure a seat for him at the front. Alex is his only friend because he does not really relate with people but the only friend and partner he has since he got into the university is Alex. Professor Daniel has started the lecture before he got to class.

"You people should make sure you read well for the examination, don't expect simple questions as my questions would be as complex as possible. If anybody come to my office for anything relating to examination, the person is in trouble". Professor Daniel said as he left the class after taking them on "the principles of business administration".


Elisa was going home after the lectures for that day with her friends, when she was confronted by Tom ( a notorious guy in the school and even rumoured to be the leader of a cult).

" Elisa,why are you doing this to me, I love you so much and you know this,why are you shunning me all this while"? Tom said as he was also a student in their department.

" Tom,are you mad or what? Is this the reason why you stopped me? I told you that I am not in a way attracted to you or even love you. Why will I stoop so low as to date a rascal a whole me!! This should be the first and the last time you will do this or you won't like what is going to happen to you", she replied him angrily.

" Just give me a chance and I promise you that in a way, you will not regret dating me. Nobody will ever disturb or even annoy you that I Tom won't take care of," Tom said and made an attempt to touch her.

"Don't you ever touch me again with this your filthy hands ( This she said after slapping him for attempting to touch her)". Elisa said this and walked away with her friends behind her.

"Boss let's deal with her, other students saw as she disgraced you", one of Tom's men said to him.

"Don't worry,we won't do it now but very soon. She need to understand the gravity of what she did and even slapped me,a whole Tom" he said still rubbing his left cheek.


Two weeks later

The atmosphere of the school with the students countenance depicts that of examination period. The exam is to start today and those who have exam are already in school prepared for the examination.

In the financial management department, particularly Ven's level,all the students are already in the exam hall awaiting the commencement of the exam. Ven was just looking around just to keep himself busy till they start the exam. It was then he observed that Elisa was not in the hall. However,he believed that maybe something kept her late,so she should be in the hall soon.

The examination started, and he still didn't see Elisa then he knew something had happened because Elisa is not someone who will even come late for examination,to the extent of missing a paper. She is someone who will always sit at the front during exam and then he definitely knew something was wrong. He then reasoned that he will talk to her friends after the exam about her whereabouts and he continued his exam.

" Ladies, I'm sorry to disturb you but I observed that Elisa was not in the hall during the exam,do you know what happened to her?" Ven asked her friends after the exam.

" We also don't know of her whereabouts, we've been trying her number since morning, we're actually going to parents house to confirm what happened" they answered him.

" Okay that is a brilliant idea, whatever happened please let me know tommorow" He said to them.

" Yes thanks a lot we really appreciate you," they said because they are still surprised that someone who was ridiculed by Elisa could still act like this.

" You are welcome, it's nothing," He also said.

They all went their different ways with Ven optimistic that the next day they should have resolved everything. He didn't know his love for Elisa is to this level not seeing her class really made his heart ache.


The next day, he also watched out for Elisa and up till the time he entered the class till the time they submitted their exam papers, Elisa didn't appear at all. His mind was not at rest as he was imagining all sort of things that could restrain her from coming to school. Definitely it was not a good reason, he thought.

"Please can we see you now?' her friends Nana and Glory asked.

"Yes,sure I was also expecting you for the feedback" Ven said as he had been watching them in the class and could read their mood. Their faces showed that of people who had been crying.

" We went to her parents house yesterday as agreed and when we asked them of Elisa, they were surprised because according to them she left the house yesterday morning for the exam. We confirmed that she was not in school throughout yesterday and therefore did not come to school. It was then it dawned on us that she had been kidnapped."

" I thought as much,so she had been kidnapped,so what are we going to do right now?" He asked as his mind was also not at ease.

" We don't know but her parents promised to report to the police this morning since it has already been 24 hours already to help in searching for her."

" But wait, did she have any issue with anybody in the school that led to that one threatening her?" Ven asked as he believe it might help in detecting the culprit considering her character.

" Not really, just that she was confronted by Tom two weeks ago and even slapped him. That is the only confrontation she had before she was kidnapped," They said.

" She slapped Tom? doesn't she know that Tom is a dangerous guy.But don't worry about that, l and my friend Alex will trail him and find out whether he was the one that did that. You can go home, nothing will happen to her I promise." He said to them with assurance on his face though he was actually scared of what might have happened to her.

" We pray so and thank both of you because we're just stressing you with all this" Nana and Glory appreciated them.

Ven and his friend Alex watched them as they were going and sighed. It was just somehow and wondered how her parents were coping without their daughter. As they stood there talking, they sighted one of Tom's men whispering into Tom's ear, something he smiled to.

" Alex let us follow them, they might be heading to the place they hid Elisa," Ven suggested.

" You're right though, let's follow them and see what it's going to happen, Alex agreed to what Ven said.


Since Alex has a car, trailing them was easy as they just continued to follow Tom and his men although not exactly behind them so that they won't suspect them. Tom unaware of this, was actually going to the hideout where they kept Elisa.

Tom actually kidnapped Elisa and made sure it was the week they were starting the exam. He did this the morning she was coming to school and sent his boys to kidnap her as he saw this as the best punishment for her as she loses two things.

He has the plan to rape her then free her after the exam since he believes that she won't be able to continue due to the psychological trauma she will experience or she could even commit suicide knowing the kind of person she is (too proud).

Tom got to the hideout and after looking everywhere to confirm that nobody was following him,he entered the hideout to execute his deadly plan.

"Hunn,hunnn hunn..." Elisa continued to wince in pain as she struggled to free herself. Her hands, legs and mouth were tied.

"You actually think you would disgrace me publicly and go scot free just like that. You didn't even only insult me but also had the temerity to slap me. A whole me!! now I will let you have a taste of my fury. Boys remove the cloth from her and let me hear her girlish cry, Haaaaaaahaaa Haaaaaaahaaa." He continued to laugh at her wickedly.

" You are stupid to believe I will cry because of you or beg you to spare me. Even if I am killed today, know that my spirit will haunt you forever. Elisa said bravely after they removed the cloth from her.

Meanwhile,Ven and Alex had gotten down from the car. They parked it somewhere not too close to the hideout to avoid being seen by Tom's boys. After confirming that it was truly Elisa that was kidnapped in that hideout,he instructed Alex to call the police and wait till they arrive while he is going to go inside and buy time till the police arrive.

" Will you really be okay entering that place alone without anybody?" Alex asked with concern.

" Don't worry about me and play your role, I can actually handle hundred of them together" he said jokingly.

" You are not serious,be careful the police will arrive soon and we will come in to save you people" Alex said (laughing at Ven's statement).

In the hideout where Elisa is,Tom continued to mock Elisa oblivious of what he's going on. He was taking his time to taunt her before he will now execute his devilish act.

" Boys it's enough, let me have my way with her. I have been begging her all this while to date me, but instead of her to accept she will prefer to insult me and mock me. Finally, I have her to myself which is much better than dating her. Untie her and hold her for me!!" He ordered.

" If you try to touch her there trust me I will break all your bones" Ven threatened. Thank God that I came in before this bastard raped her (he thought).

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Tom asked as he didn't expect anybody other than he and his men to find out about the hideout.

" You don't know me?" wow!! that means you've not been coming to school you bastard",Ven said taunting him deliberately to make him angry.

" ohhh!! I heard you're a course mate and a scholar at that. What are you actually doing here?"Tom asked the information he got from one of his men.

" I'm someone who hold her dear and won't let you harm her" Ven said.

" You are actually stupid to believe that I will let you take her just like that," Tom said mischievously since he believe he can't do anything. Boys attack him and finish him completely!! he commanded.

The boys came rushing at Ven just as their boss instructed them. Ven is actually a skilled fighter as his father Kelvin made sure he was given adequate training in combat since he was a child because of the mission ahead of him. Ven was not aware of the mission but knew his father dedicate himself into turning him into a skilled fighter.

Tom's men attacked him one after the other. The first one threw his punch,Ven dodged it and hit him in his private part. The pain made him fall down and started wringing in pain. He took the second person hand and bent it. The second person shouted and Ven sensing that the guy was already weak carried him and fling him away.

The remaining two men came together rushing at him and threw their punches the same time. He hold the hand of the one at the right side and dodged the second person punch. He then kicked them both and they fell together on the ground.

" Tom don't be a weakling, attack me or is it only a lady you can attack" Ven said taunting Tom.

Tom unable to control his anger attacked him. Ven held his hand and pinned him down. He started punching me with everything in him until Elisa stopped him with her voice.

" Ven stop!!, Do you want to become a murderer because of this useless ass? he does not worth it," Elisa said.

" He deserves to be beaten mercilessly for what he did, but anyway the police will be here soon to whisk him away",Ven said and stood up.

He then walked to where Elisa is and untied her hands and legs. Elisa couldn't stand up as she was already week and sensing this, carried her and started to find his way out of the dungeon. Just as they were getting outside, the police arrived and went in to apprehend Tom and his accomplices.

Ven called her friends to inform them about the situation and to let her parents know as they were on their way to the hospital.

Her parents later came to the hospital and thanked both ven and his friend Alex profusely for their assistance in rescuing their daughter and in apprehending the culprits.As Ven and Alex made their intention known and stood up to leave,Elisa stopped him.

" Thank you so much Ven, I know I really don't deserve this, considering the way l behave towards you but I want you to find a space in your heart to forgive me," she pleaded.

" It's nothing really Elisa. You are a beautiful lady that everybody will want to have, therefore it's normal you behave like that so that you don't get played by men," he said lovingly.

They hug each other compassionately and were about to kiss when they heard someone clearing his throat. That happened to be Elisa's father.

" Both of you should know where to do that,or don't you know elders are here?_ Elisa's father said jokingly. A joke they all laughed at including Elisa. Ven and Alex bade them goodbye and left with the promise to check up on her regularly.


Few weeks later, Elisa was discharged and later written the exam and was awaiting her results just like others. Tom and his accomplices were sentenced to two years in prison for attempted rape and kidnapping of a young lady.

Things were going on well between Elisa and Ven although Ven has not expressed his feelings for her. They agreed to meet in the evening with Alex and Elisa's friend just to merry and enjoy.

Alex: "Everybody let's have fun today,no dulling please. Thank God we're not in the season of exam or are we? He asked them. They all laughed at him for uttering such.

They had fun, played and joked. It was then they realized Elisa was actually sweet to relate with. She played freely just like others and enjoyed themselves. When it was night, they finally stood up to go home. Alex opted to take Elisa two friends home and suggested that Elisa take Ven home. As he believe that will give them the opportunity to sort themselves out.

On their way home, the duo (Elisa and Ven) just kept silent in the car each pondering on what to say. After a while Ven cleared his throat and then started a conversation.

" So you had fun today right?" He asked her just to initiate a conversation.

" Yes I really had fun,I didn't even know Alex is a clown. He was just cracking jokes throughout today." She said smiling.

" So was it only him you noticed throughout today? He asked jealously.

" Haaa.... haaa (Elisa laughed) why am I sensing jealousy here? don't tell me you're jealous of your friend?" She said after parking somewhere to listen to Ven.

" I'm jealous as long as it has something to do with you. Elisa I love you so much to the extent that I won't hesitate to fight anybody who want to harm you just as I get jealous easily when you mention other guys near me". Ven said with seriousness in his tone.

Right from the moment I met you when we were admitted into the school, I fell in love with you and would wish to spend the rest of my life with you. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" He asked her.

" Do you really love me as you claim or just wish to hang out with me?" She asked fixing her gaze on him.

" I really love you and I promise not to ever make you cry if you promise to be with me," Ven said.

" I also love you although I don't know when this feeling started growing. Yes I would like to be your girlfriend," she said happily.

" What!!! I don't even know what to say right now but thank you so much, I am really happy right now." He said and hugged her.

Then she continued driving as it was already dark and would like to return home soon as she was still suffering from the kidnapping trauma. When they got to Ven's house,he bade her goodnight and attempted to open the door to get down when she hold him back.

" You said you will make me happy, is this how to do that? won't you do the needful?"Elisa said seductively.

"Ohh!! My bad, I thought that we should be taking it little by little, not knowing you were expecting that,"he said smirking.

" I was not expec..." She was not able to complete it because Ven kissed her. He deepened the kiss and continued to kiss without pausing. After a while, they stopped breathing heavily after which they hugged each other.

Ven got down from the car and she zoomed off. He got to their apartment and was surprised to meet the door open. He knows that his father Kelvin hate opening the door at night and was surprised he did that today. Immediately he entered,he saw a traces of blood on the floor and knew for sure that something had happened.

When he got to Kelvin's room,he saw him on the floor in his pool of blood lying dead......

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    Bryan woke up feeling very tired. He tried stretching his legs but couldn't, then opted for his hands but it was still the same.He opened his eyes clearly, and saw that he had been tied with no way to move any part of his body. What happened the previous day flashed before his eyes and that answered the question he was trying to voice out when he could not move.He heard a voice whispering, but he could not see the person clearly. The whispering continued until he could not hear any voice again.He is hungry, tired and need water but nobody was there to give him. He thought of Daniella and wondered whether she saw his message and already delivered it to the Boss. He could end up dead before they attempt to kill him due to his condition.Few hours later,he heard footsteps and knew they were ready for him. He too was ready,he could die a lonely death." Are you sure this is the man?" He heard someone asking, but not in a whispering format." Yes,we confirmed it before taking him," the


    " Cheers to this victory,it was truly a success," Ven said,they were celebrating their success." This is your celebration boss," Bryan said, congratulating Ven.The shareholders meeting ended yesterday and just like they promised her,Kate Brown was able to secure her position as the managing director of Brown Hotels while Davis and his brother went home disappointed.During the meeting,when it got to Brown Hotel session,they were more than confident of the outcome with the kind of work and time wasted to convince the shareholders.But to their dismay,she had the percentage required to continue being the head. They would have lost their subsidiaries if they were not careful." Did you see the way she signed when she won?" Bryan asked and that provoked laughter on their part." With that success,we gained half of her shares," Ven said with delight and happiness." I have been wondering how you were able to convince them to support Kate Brown because I heard them saying even Kate Brown


    " What is the problem Elisa?" Alex asked,when he observed that she didn't touch her food." Nothing, I have something I need to check," she replied, going through her phone, without looking at him,of course she knows his eyes is all over her monitoring her moves.Elisa dedicated her time after the marriage into her business. She established her own business which is already growing into a big establishment popular in Kandon.Alex who was already nursing the idea that since she agreed to the marriage, everything will go on smoothly and was prepared to convince her and make her fall for him, but everything didn't go as he planned.He finally understood that it was only because of the pressure and nothing but that. She became cold and difficult to understand after the marriage to the extent of living apart,the last straw that broke the camel's back....They got to the newly gifted house bought in honour of their marriage by Kelvin's father who was obviously the most excited person on tha

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