Chapter 5901
In the past, he thought that he was just purely fortunate to have obtained the Apocalyptic Book with a stroke of luck. Recently, however, his uncle had mentioned that his parents had once obtained the Preface to the Apocalyptic Book, and this led him to speculate that there might be a connection between the Preface to the Apocalyptic Book and the Apocalyptic Book itself, but he lacked concrete evidence.

Now, he had suddenly discovered that the manager of Vintage Deluxe, named Raymond, was actually a good friend of his father from over twenty years ago. Moreover, it was Raymond himself who had delivered the jade vase to his father-in-law, Jacob.

At that time, Charlie was waiting outside the VIP room while Raymond and Jacob were inside. Charlie hadn't witnessed what exactly had happened, but according to Jacob's account of the incident later, Raymond had taken the jade vase out of its exquisite packaging and handed it to Jacob. However, it had slipped from Jacob's hands and fell to th
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