Chapter 5968
He came from humble beginnings and didn't understand much about political maneuvering. His philosophy was simple, that was, as long as his brothers worked hard alongside him, he would ensure they were well taken care of. If there was food on his plate, there would be soup for his brothers.

However, Maikey was much smarter compared to him. When Maikey graduated from high school, he was the only talented student from his African-American neighborhood to be accepted into a reputable public university that year.

In that neighborhood, crime and divorce rates were sky-high. Many young people learned to shoot and do drugs before they even grew facial hair. If a day passed without a gunfight in the area, everyone would have trouble sleeping due to the unfamiliarity.

In such an environment, Maikey's acceptance into university was a testament to his exceptional intellect. However, once he entered university, the stark contrast between his impoverished background and the lavish lifestyles of w
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