Chapter 18

Marcus was now sitting against the Dungeon wall. He had finally woken up from his power nap. 

"Hey System?"


"Can I really clear this dungeon"


The System remained silent.


Marcus laughed hysterically.

Marcus stood up and dashed towards the statue once again. 


Marcus pulled his hand all the way back and punched the statue with all the power he could muster. The statue cracked from the bottom to the top but left the crown unscathed. Just before Marcus could land another blow, the statue recovered. 

The Cycle continued for hours or so Marcus thought. Whereas actually it's been 700 years since he started punching the statue. The Time outside moves outside normally, but inside this Dungeon it flowed differently. Even though the results in the end would be directly proportional to the time he spent on, the time outside will flow regularly, so he didn't actually have anyt

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