Chapter 33

"Dad...Mom and my lil' sisters" 

"Why don't you dispel that Invisibility Magic?"

Marcus chuckled as he spoke to the wall in front of him.

Soon after a minute of intense staring at the wall it finally gave up. The wall fell over and All four of them were standing there like mannequins. All of them had an awkward expression on their face except Evy, who was happy to see her brother and was chuckling and spreading her hands towards his direction as if wanting to be beside him. 

"How did you know it Marcus?" 

Albert asked, totally dumbfounded. 

"hehehe...who knows" 

was the reply from his son. 

"Ah, it must be Evy giggling, I don't know why but  she was giggling so much when we were hiding back there"


Marcus laughed as he narrowed his eyes at his father. 


Marcus grabbed his dad by his neck and exploded his way through the walls of the house and reached the woods b
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