Inside the one-storied building sat a young man. His hair, clothes, and shoes were messy and rugged, he had a buff body filled with strength with a crazy look on his face, and a scar injury caused by a sword.

He was currently seated on a throne-like chair in the living room, 2 scantily dressed girls sat on his laps and his 2 rough hands were currently groping towards the unsafe territory.

Perhaps, feeling irritated all of a sudden, he abruptly squeezed hard, causing the 2 girls to yelp in pain but they quickly covered their mouths to muffle the sound.

Behind the throne-like chair stood 4 guards, their faces were stony as they pretended not to see the uncomfortable scene before them.

As this continued, the thudding sounds of steps running across the wooden stairs suddenly started reverberating. In a few seconds, the thudding sounds faded away before being followed by 2 knocks.

Knock! Knock!

The scar-faced young man’s expression warped i

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