Seeing what was written in the sky, Morales was stunned but this did not make his actions anyway slower as he immediately followed his 4 competitors inside the palace whose gates mysteriously opened to them.

The burly Pugilist, Dani entered first in a brash manner, followed by the strange Undead Wraith, the Psychic expert, and then Vice Admiral Machine.

“Take care of yourselves”. Morales did not forget to address his new subordinates before he entered.

This was partially showing his concern for them as their new boss, but it was mostly to declare his ownership over them, which served as a warning for any pirate who originally set their eyes on them.

“Yes, boss”. Shadow and the others replied immediately, feeling relieved.

As Morales entered, the 2 words kept on reverberating in his head. “The competition has started…, you have only 2 hours”.

He tried to guess the thought process of whatever A. I or person was expressing himself through


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