“Not even once did I think that you had the potential to become a super after so many years, your sudden comprehension left me thinking. What happened? What did you discover?”

The mad witch flung her hair to the side as she stood up from her throne-like chair and started walking down.

Soft thud sounds echoed as she walked in the direction of the group of 5 that were alert, already ready for battle with her.

Though they were ready to battle with her any moment, this did not stop them from admiring the gorgeousness that was on display before them.

The mad witch was undoubtedly a beauty. Seeing this scene made Morales feel nostalgic. Just like the majority of the players then, he once crushed on this boss even though she always trashed them on every encounter.

Her long red hair flowed behind her, swaying to her every movement as she came closer to meet them. Her combat attire was all red. A red leather vest, red boots, red accessories, and weapons.

As Morales admired this scene, the system suddenly flashed him a notification.


You’re under the influence of a passive ability:

Intermediate overwhelming charisma: +15% to charisma and all charisma-related attributes.

Initializing resistance judgment…, judgment initialized

Your overall resistance is less than your opponent, you have been influenced. You have entered the intoxicated state, you are under the influence of the stun status for 10 seconds.

An active ability has been used against you:

Steps of the Bewitching Warlord:

You have been influenced by the following: -2 DEX, -3 STR, -2 INT, -10% OVERALL STAMINA.

-2% Reaction speed for 10 seconds.


Seeing this, Morales was stunned for a moment before quickly realizing what happened. He felt cold sweat fill his back on seeing the mad witch coming closer to him.

He could not move his body at all. Rolling his eyes to the corner, he saw that all his companions were also stunned like him. This scene made his heart grow cold immediately.

“Little Mo Mo, answer aunty Shasha”.

As the mad witch got closer while blabbering her nonsense, Morales no longer paid attention to her as he inwardly calculated the 10 seconds countdown.

She quickly got to his side with the same goosebumps-inducing smile on her face. Seeing how he was struggling, she smiled wider before extending a hand to caress his face.



At the exact moment that she extended her hand, Morales counted 10 as he quickly extended his nearest weapon, which was his teeth to bite at her outstretched hand.

Shasha reacted immediately as she smoothly shifted to the side. She dodged the bite attack completely, but a surprised expression was on her face. She clearly didn’t expect him to break free from her ability so fast.

“Interesting, you grew so strong in such a short period. I’m really curious now”. She calmly stepped forward to meet him again.

Morales did not face her directly, instead, he turned to face his teammates and gave each of them resounding slaps on the face. Surprisingly, this act gave them immunity to the ability as they escaped its effects.

“Bigfoot, attack her!” He yelled.

Bigfoot didn’t even need his reminder as he already rushed at this woman that dared toy with him. His face was already clouded with rage, but his movements were swift and calculated.


Shasha was caught off guard as the fast fist quickly hit her face before she could react. She staggered as the force threw her backward, her subordinates reacted immediately.

4 enraged dungeon protectors threw themselves at Bigfoot, but Morales’s side was also prepared.

Psychic currents stirred in the air as Hero released a fierce blast of the psychic wave at the dungeon protectors, stunning and keeping them in place for a second.

Before they could react, Tigerclaw already rushed to their side as his transformed tiger claws ripped flesh from a dungeon protector’s face.

Nightwing appeared behind the poor fellow like a ghost as a dagger was quickly stabbed inside his neck. In 2 seconds, he cooperated with Tigerclaw as they killed their first target.

Seeing this, the remaining dungeon protectors’ eyes widened to the limits like the green lantern’s light. “What just happened?”

The shock delayed their movements a bit and they paid for it dearly. Bigfoot quickly grabbed one of the dungeon protectors who was an Esper on the neck as his other fist punched rapidly at his face.

Morales arrived beside him eerily as his storm sword slashed at the already battered dungeon protector. Another casualty emerged in less than 5 seconds since the battle started, the dungeon protectors were horrified.

Unlike protector Davis, these dungeon protectors were all paper class holders, so the killing efficiency was frighteningly high.


Critical hit -210

You have killed a dungeon protector of a secret underground dungeon, gaining 6000 experience.



Seeing her 2 precious dungeon protectors get killed so easily and the other 2 on the verge of dying, the mad witch erupted completely.

She originally had the thoughts of keeping Morales alive to interrogate him, but what just happened removed any place for rational thinking from her mind. She was infuriated.

As soon as she shouted, blood-red energy erupted from her position as the 5 attackers that were about to kill her remaining 2 protectors staggered before being thrown backward.

They all coughed blood from the impact after landing.


You have been hit by AOE Esper ability! 56 damage taken!

You have been inflicted by a mental ability. You are under the effects of the lightheadedness status.

You are now bleeding [light], and will lose 1 HP every second for 10 seconds.

Quickly bandage your wound!

-2% Attack Speed for 10 seconds.


The mad witch launched herself at the 5 boys before they could recover their wits as her legs covered with red energy slammed hard at Tigerclaw’s head.

The latter flew backward like a rocket, but she grabbed at the air as the blood-red energy manifested again and dragged him back. She jumped and gave him a downward sweeping kick.

Tigerclaw grew pale immediately as he repeatedly coughed out blood.

Shasha wanted to attack again to finish him but a psychic current suddenly impacted her mind, irritating her. She suddenly ducked, dodging to the side as Bigfoot’s strong leg kicked at her.

Swift stabs came from the wind next, aiming at her from nowhere but she reacted fast. Her red energy solidified to become a shield as she blocked the attack, she also yanked Nightwing from his stealth.

Morales finally arrived at her side with his sharp sword gleaming ominously. Seeing how she easily suppressed his companions, he did not dare hold back, the mad witch was miles stronger than Chakra.

He activated all his active abilities.


Reinforced Diamond Bones: +20% STR, +30% DEX, +30% END, +5% Crit hit rate when activated. +10 Physical and mental resistances.

           Duration: 1 minute. Cooldown time: 5 minutes.

Flicker Lv. 1:

Cost: 5 Energy, 15 Stamina.

Cooldown: 20s

For 5 seconds, enables instantaneous movement within a 5-meter radius. Grants 15% attack speed and reaction speed for the duration of the skill.

10% chance to activate flicker- it enables user’s movements to become like the wind, with a 5% chance to confuse opponents.


Morales's movements were barely noticeable by the naked eye as he arrived at his target’s side and attacked immediately.


He felt his sword hit a barrier; he knew that it was the red ability again but this did not stop his actions. He dodged her attacks that were aimed at him while his sword retaliated relentlessly.

After 5 consecutive stabs, the barrier erected by the blood-red energy flickered before shattering to pieces.

Bigfoot quickly took advantage of this opportunity as he rushed in swiftly and kicked at the mad witch. Shasha calmly reached out her hand at the leg, she did not retreat this time.

Empowered by her energy, her hands firmly grabbed the leg in one place. Before Bigfoot could react, she kicked at him in retaliation as her red energy ravaged his internals, causing him to cough blood again.


Tigerclaw shouted and leaped at her figure as his claws swiped swiftly at her head. She didn’t even dodge, she slapped the mischievous tiger down like it was a mere cat.

Hero was the only one that had time for himself but his attacks were being resisted by the mad witch. She tanked all the damage from his mental attacks.

After pushing them away again, she suddenly started turning swiftly in one place as her red energy revolved with her.

Morales felt his danger senses prick him in alarm but he could do nothing as she finished preparation for her move immediately.  

“Kneel!!” She shouted all of a sudden.

The red energy spread out at the same time as it hit hard at the 5 companions that were attacking her. Morales felt that he heard something crack, his legs gave way immediately.

He fell down on his knees weakly. He felt like musicians were beating drums on his head, what he thought was some distance away before now seemed to be beside him. He felt dizzy.

The others did not fare any better, only Bigfoot was still on his feet but blood was seeping from his nose, mouth, and ears without restraint.

The mad witch came before him with a soft smile outlining her face. She didn’t kill him immediately, she just pressed him on the head, forcing him to his knees before leaving him.

She came before Morales. “Tell me, how did you get so strong all of a sudden?”

Morales kept quiet as dozens of thoughts went through his mind. He wanted to curse at her, but he knew that doing that would only accelerate his time of death. He was reluctant.

He pursed his lips.

“I…, get lost!” He suddenly growled.

“I hate the stubborn you”. She said matter of factly before placing her hands on his head. Red energy gathered at her fingertips; Morales could already feel his heart in his throat.

As she wanted to twist her fingers, a green energy force field suddenly appeared and repelled her hands away.

“Leave him alone”. A green-haired man entered the room.


Thanks for reading.

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