Back in the Pugilist dojo, the spectators cheered excitedly when team B on yellow and team D on red clashed.

Through the drones, they had a bird’s eye view of the battlefield, so they knew when team B saw their opponents and started preparing for the ambush.

Their hearts were on their throat at that moment, already expecting bloodshed but the reality was far from what they imagined. Team red reacted to the ambush remarkably well that the threat was completely nullified.

They were dumbfounded.

“The dark-haired boy and girl on the red team saved their teammates, they are so strong”. One of the spectators said dreamily. “Are they couples? They look like one”.

“Nah, the boy did everything. He noticed the ambush first; he was the one that saved the whole team singlehandedly”. Another spectator countered.

“The battle already started here, why are the other 2 teams so boring?” A spectator said, already annoyed.

Among the 4 teams, only Morales’s team, team D, and team B were fighting already. Team C was still cautiously poking around, acting cowardly which was an attitude that completely repulsed the spectators.

Though team A was not battling yet, what they were doing was even more boring. They seemed to be…, well, the spectators did not understand so they let them be and switched their view back to the exciting battle.

Unlike what Morales thought, the district was not too big. It was in a rectangle shape, and they were currently moving along the longer side, which brought that illusion of it being big.

Back in the district, the battle ended as swiftly as it started as the team B Pugilists retreated rapidly. Morales didn’t mind them though, he just smiled mysteriously.

“Leave them and focus on the fence”. He muttered smilingly.

His teammates were startled but they obeyed him, the power he showed a moment ago already earned their respect.

Inclining their heads, they were shocked. “So this was the bastard who discovered us. No wonder 4 came out to battle us”.

The enemy Pugilist still clung tightly to the fence, trying to hide his presence as much as possible. When he noticed the collective glares at him, his heart sank but he did not hesitate.

“Help!!” He jumped over the fence to the other side immediately while yelling.

Morales rushed at him with his teammates.

When their opponents heard the cry for help and turned, their hearts also sank. They gritted their teeth, weighed the pros and cons before decisively rushing back.

They could not afford to lose a teammate so early in the tournament.

Both sides finally clashed properly as they rained fists and kicks at each other. The black-haired girl finally showed her prowess in this setting, the only other male in the team also showed how incompetent he was.

Shockwaves billowed from the position of their battle as the sound traveled far and wide, showing how fierce the battle was.

The dojo Pugilist who briefed them previously was correct. After the first clash, his teammates relented to him being the leader without anyone voicing it out, this was the legendary silent agreement.

Though Morales had a complete advantage over his opponent, the same could not be said about his teammates.

He felt worried as the other male in his team was basically being toyed with. He kept coughing out blood as the Pugilist in yellow punched the hell out of him, the sight was pathetic.

Despite this, Morales refused to use any of his active skills for now. He did not know what the other 2 teams were planning, he had to be prudent.

The fight dragged on like this for 2 minutes with no clear winner in sight, both sides were still holding back. What happened next disrupted this status quo.

Team C finally arrived as the 5 Pugilists jumped down from above into the raging battle. They were attracted to the battle from the loud noise, so they decided to hide in the nearby roof of a damaged building.

As soon as they landed, all 5 energetic Pugilists erupted like berserk apes as they threw punches and kicks at the chaotic group of 10 surrounding them.

2 of them isolated the brown-haired girl in Morales’s team and started bombarding her. The girl kept staggering backward as continuous blows quickly left her face swollen.

Her teammates were isolated from her, so she was not getting help anytime soon.

She tried to persevere but she was completely in their grip. Morales wanted to help but the Pugilists of both teams C and B worked together to hold him back.

One of the Pugilists attacking her sent a punch at her chest, pushing her back. She gritted her teeth in pain, trying to retaliate but before she could even fall down, she felt something hard hit her head from behind.

Blood blossomed from her head as the other Pugilist smashed a brick on her head from behind.

She felt like the world suddenly turned upside down, her view, her perception, everything suddenly became inverted to her. She stretched her hand to parry a punch but her hand only brushed the air.


Another punch landed on her abdomen before quickly being followed by a series of other ones. The first casualty appeared in the battle; she was punched to death in seconds as she could hardly resist.

Her figure was a bloody mess.

Both team C Pugilists quickly went after their next target, a close-by team B opponent. This was how the tournament was, no ally was permanent, no enemy was permanent.

The black-haired girl in Morales’s team gladly helped as it became a 3 vs 1 scenario. She hardly cared about her dead teammate; they all came here to get admitted knowing the risks involved.

Combining her deadly attack combos with the 2 Pugilists, the unlucky opponent became the second casualty. The battle was now extremely fast-paced.

Morales fought at his normal pace while carefully observing the battlefield. He was content with the trajectory of the battlefield. So far as people get getting killed, the survival quota would soon be gotten.

He just had to keep himself alive till then.

At this moment, his danger senses suddenly pricked him, prompting him to duck immediately.


A sharp object firmly-hit him hard on his chest as the momentum that it carried flung him roughly at the fence wall.


Critical hit -102


You have been hit on the chest by a sharp iron rod. You have been inflicted with the mildly dizzy state.

You have been inflicted with the bleeding status: -2 HP for 10 seconds.

Quickly bandage your injury to curb this effect.


Morales coughed blood as enormous pain bit at him from the right side of his chest. He felt dizzy from the impact, only his timely duck prevented his heart from being directly impaled.

His back felt heavy as pain also struck him from the impact of his back hitting the fence wall.

Forcing his eyes open, he saw his teammates and some of the Pugilists of the other 2 teams impaled with the same iron rod. Blood already littered everywhere as they all moaned in pain.

Feeling something, he set his sight afar where he saw the last team A Pugilists preparing to throw their weapons for a second time.

Throwing the many questions that he had to the back of his mind, he gritted his teeth and pulled the iron rod out before rolling to the side to dodge the second-round attack.


He barely even moved before they arrived again, but he luckily wasn’t impaled this time.

From this fierce attack of the Pugilists of group A, 4 opponents died immediately to the iron rods and 2 were critically injured and bleeding fiercely.

The blonde-haired girl in Morales’s team was among the dead, leaving him with the black-haired girl and the good for nothing boy. What a combination!

After those 2 consecutive attacks, the 5 Pugilists of team A finally started rushing forward to meet their opponents. In their hands was the same sharp pointed end iron rod.

“I thought no weapons are allowed”. The black-haired girl bellowed angrily as she covered her bleeding leg with her hand. She was grazed by one of the iron rods.

As soon as this question was asked, something clicked in Morales’s head.

“Yes, who said that we can’t use weapons? We were not allowed to carry weapons inside, but who said that we couldn’t produce weapons from the surrounding on entering?”

“So this is what the instructor meant by Pugilists should learn to improvise and fight with their environment”. He finally came to the understanding.

His gaze hardened after this. He stood up, wiped the blood from his mouth before picking the same iron rod that just stabbed at his chest. The other Pugilists looked at him weirdly.

“Pick one, let’s confront and teach these guys a lesson”. He growled at the black-haired girl.

The latter gritted her teeth and also picked up one of the iron rods. Though the other Pugilists did not understand, they also hastily picked one of the iron rods for their own use.

“You, you have no place in this battlefield. If you love your life, go and cross the black line now. You’ll at least keep your life then”. Morales was merciless.

The other boy in his team bit his lip on hearing this. Hesitation showed on his face but he shook his head in the end, dropped the iron rod, and ran for his dear life.

Seeing their actions, the Pugilists of team A did not slow down as they rushed at them momentously.

Morales set his eyes on the one who injured him, he knew that this guy was the strongest Pugilist alongside him from the damage that he took.


Main Class: Pugilist

Level: 25

STR 30, END 12, INT 5

Health Points: 510



Sorry for the late release guys.

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