A large colony of ants, that was the best equivalent that Morales could use to describe the sight that revealed itself before him and every other person in his group. They were all shocked stiff like frozen fish.

Undead creatures filled their sight, not just undead but lots of undead creatures.

Scriii!! Yeea! Huuiii! Hoa!

If you’re looking for a cacophony of noise, this was a cacophony of noise.

Seeing this scene, they came to the realization extremely fast. This was the main attack point of the main undead army summoned by the necromancer, it was not at the front road that led to the town as they expected.

In a single wave, the loud noise being made by the overwhelming horde of undead creatures slammed into their ears.

The extremely high decibels sound hit their ears like they were hammered by a sledgehammer, despite being supers they started bleeding from the noise and other orifices in their body immediately.

Compared to the

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