After moving across the town and spreading destruction for over 20 minutes, the horde of undead creatures that started from the outskirts of the forbidden forest finally got to the Baron’s mansion.

And unlike the previous time, they ballooned in size again.

The giant mummified monster that smacked Morales was still there, but it was no longer leading at the front. Apart from the 2 giant skeleton warriors that accompanied her on the way, others already joined also.

3 zombies whose rotten flesh towered into the skies like skyscrapers lumbered forward like fantasy trucks, the kind that could crush mountains apart with a single step.

An undead fairy glowing with blinding dark light was also hovering in the air above the horde, dark undead magic power emanating from her body in waves like she was Hades himself.

These giants were the ones leading the horde, but they were also tons of mini-giant undead creatures among them now.

Everywhere tha


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