The situation changed so fast that the trio of monster girls took some time to react. From Morales’s arrival to his growling order, everything was so systematic that they were left stunned.

As Lucia flew through the air due to the shoulder slam from her opponent, her eyes constricted suddenly as her warrior intuition warned her of incoming danger.


Sparks flew in the air as she turned in the nick of time, blocking the spear’s stab at the moment before it stabbed into her back.

She reflexively pulled while kicking with her left leg to disarm her opponent, but Bella did not let go as she took the initiative to jump at her also. With a booming sound, the sounds of flesh receiving vicious kicks reverberated.

Both girls coughed blood and fell back from the kick powered by their Pugilist energy. As one, they both did a backflip, landed gracefully before rushing at each other again.

By the time that this showdown started, Morales

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