Sept. 1998
Young and belligerent seventeen years old Jordan stood with his arms crossed around his body as he face off with his father at the Baleria International Airport.“I just said that I do not want to go. I will not go. You can’t make me” he repeated as he had been doing in the past five days since his father had informed him that he was leaving the country for his maternal uncle’s place in Rova.Stupid Rova that he heard they don’t speak English. How was he supposed to survive there? How would he cope? How would he make friends? Was he supposed to leave his friends here to go make friends with sheep on his uncle’s ranch? Who still does ranching as a full-time occupation again anyway? Stupid ranch! Stupid cows! Stupid Unc… No, he couldn’t really call his uncle stupid, even though he did not know the man well enough he had been nice enough to him the last time he and his family came to Baleria.When his Maman died. Jordan had been nine years old then and Maman was sick for a long while before his father told him one day when he came back from school that his mother was now resting with God.“I do not want her to rest with God, I want her here” was the first thing he shouted before he ran upstairs to check on the bed that his mother had laid on for months without going out while her body was racked with cough and the doctor was always coming and going till people could almost believe that the man lived in their house. Maman was nowhere to be found. Jordan still relived the way he had run down the stairs back, hitting his legs against the door of his father’s study as he shouted “Where is Maman?”“The undertaker already took her away. They would take care of her body then we can go see her later before the burial” his Parpa had replied in his deep voice as he raised his head from the correspondence he was penning.“How could he even think of work at the moment?” was the paramount thought on Jordan’s mind as he stalked out of his father’s study and slammed the door with all the fury of a nine-year-old. That was when he realised that his toe was bleeding but he did not care as he trailed his bloody footstep back to his mother’s room. Not even when Molly, their resident househelp, cook and caregiver called him did he answer. He slammed the door of his mother’s room and went back t lock it from the inside before curling on the spot where his mother had lain for months. He folded his body tightly as he curled up on the bed. He hated his father at that moment for the fact that he couldn’t even feel the heat of his mother on the bed again. He hated Molly for the stale scent that he had come to attach to his mother couldn’t even be detected on the sheet no matter how much he inhaled deeply. All he could breathe in was the scent of lavender and soap. He had curled up there and refused to stand up when he heard Molly’s voice calling him to come and eat something first.“How dare her?”He curled up without answering as he heard the knock on the door even after hearing the heavy steps of his father on the staircase.Not until his father said “Jordan, get up and open the door. The undertaker just called now. We.. we can go see her now” did he stand up.He ran to the door and flung it open and with a sulky look, he demanded “Where is she?”He did not stop hating his father till they got to the nondescript-looking establishment of the undertaker. Nor did he let go of his anger till they were shown to the no-frill room where his mother’s body was placed in the coffin on a slab.As he was about to rush in, his father laid a hand on his shoulder. Jordan looked at the man in annoyance.“Are you sure?” Parpa asked and that was when Jordan saw what he had been too angry before to see on his father’s face. His eyes were red-rimmed like he had been crying and grief weighed down the corners of his mouth making his moustache look droopy.Jordan nodded and his father patted his shoulder before telling him to go ahead as she followed slowly behind.Maman looked like she was sleeping. She seemed more at peace than she had been in the past few months that he had watched her deteriorate from the beautiful woman that everybody praised to the shell of her former self.“Maman” Jordan whispered as if she could answer him. “Maman are you okay now? Maman, are your lungs no longer bad?” Jordan felt his father’s presence behind him even before he felt his hands on his shoulder.“Jordan” his father called and his voice caught.“Parpa, is she fine now?” Jordan asked while looking at his mother’s hand that was always clutched around one handkerchief or the other as she placed the material against her mouth whenever she was coughing. The hand lay passively against her waist now and they seemed to be resting from all those works too just as his mother was.He heard his father sigh before he said “Yes, Jordan. She is fine now. She is at peace with God, where she would no longer feel all those pain anymore. Where she would..” he cleared his throat. “Where she could smile again and look down at you in happiness as she watch you grow happily. She will want you to be happy. That was what she said. For all of us to be happy”Jordan turned back sharply to look up at his father and he caught the tears that fell from his father’s eyes before the man quickly swiped them off with the back of his palm when he saw his son looking.“Is that what she wanted, Parpa? For me to be happy? For us to be happy?” he asked and his father nodded.“Then, Parpa, don’t cry,” he said as he hugged his father’s waist.Jordan had started crying in earnest on their way back to the house. He cried while he finally accepted to eat the toast Molly made for him. He cried when his father finally realised that he had hurt his toes when Molly said she found trails of blood when she came upstairs to call him. He cried as his father disinfected the cut for him and bandaged it. He cried himself to sleep.He was still sleeping when he felt his bed depressed and he woke up to see the stocky man that came for him, seated at the foot of his bed.“Who are you?” Jordan had said as he sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.“That breaks my heart,” the man said to him with a small smile as his scraggly beard seemed to be dancing as he spoke “To think my nephew does not know me,” he said as he stood up, his frame blocking the ray of light that shone into the room through the window. “I am your Uncle Law. the last time I saw you, you were so small, so you might not remember me”Jordan had a vague memory of the face. Not much but he knew that the face was devoid of the beard then.Uncle Law and his wife which Jordan had learnt he was to call Aunt Nubia spent some days with them with their squalling bald baby, Chione. They were nice to Jordan and Uncle Law told him a lot of things that he had not known about his mother. Aunt Nubia even let him hold the baby.That was a million years ago. Jordan thought as he stood his ground in the airport. How was he supposed to leave everything here and go and live with them? How could he leave his soccer team, his almost girlfriend Peina and his father who wanted nothing to do with him anymore and go to a county that was about 5501 miles away from Baleria? He had calculated it for God’s sake. He might even spend the whole day in the damn plane.“I won’t go” he repeated.Bassie Alarick looked at his son and he knew that his belligerence stemmed more from fear of the unknown than anything else.Bassie would not want to send his son to anyone if he had another choice as the boy was all he had left of Edrice, his love but the country was becoming more and more dangerous by the day. He had to send the boy out before he grew up around the influences that were already penetrating everywhere in the state. Just yesterday, his friend’s lastborn had left home to join one of them after he had been scolded for being spotted among them. No, he couldn’t watch his beloved son get embroiled in things like that, even if he would miss him. The boy have to go away while they tried to find solutions to the vermin that seemed to have infested their country,He firmed his voice and raised Jordan’s passport “You are going and that is that. I would not repeat myself nor try to explain why you have to leave for you”Jordan snorted “I know you are sending me away because you are scared. I am not a scaredy cat and I am not…”The announcer announced the onboarding.Jordan looked at his father’s face and he knew that he was totally serious. There was no way he would allow him to go back home today.He shored the pain in his heart and put on his tough boy exterior as he snatched the passport from his father’s hand “I don’t need you to go with me. I know the way. I don’t need you at all. Mother would have never sent me away if she was still alive”His father’s tired-looking face filled with pain as it always did whenever anyone mentioned Edrice “Jordan” his father whispered.Jordan looked away from the man’s face. Now was not the time to feel sorry for his father. The man was not feeling sorry for him. Yet he couldn’t help but note how older his father had gotten. It was as if he grew double time since his mother died eight years ago. People mistook Bassie for Jordan’s grandfather.Jordan sighed as he turned back to his father “Just so you know, I hate this and I do not like you right now” he said.Bassie smiled as he opened his arms to his son “I know, my son. I know”Jordan reluctantly went to his father and the man enveloped him in a tight hug before he released him and turned him towards the gate “Go now, my son. You don’t want to miss your flight”“I would rather do that,” he said as he looked back at his dad and saw the telltale wetness in his eyes. He forgot all his anger and frustrations for the moment as he said “I love you, Parpa”Bassie couldn’t hold back his tears as he replied “I love you too, son. We will see each other again soon”Bassie Alarick had no idea of how soon their soon will be as he watched the security officers check his son and passed him on. He waved till the boy disappeared through the gate.He sighed in relief despite the void in his heart.Now that the boy was gone. There are things to do.Related Chapters
The Comeback of Alarick Chp 1 - Too Cool To Allow
February 2010 Jordan Alarick brought out his head sharply from his wardrobe where he had been arranging the clothes he intended to take with him. He had not started packing yet but he wanted to get everything ready and in its place so he could do his packing in one fell swoop. It had become a force of habit, one couldn’t expect anything less from a man who had made his way steadily up to the highest rank in the county police department at such a young age. He knew that it was also a force of habit that made him jerk when he heard the shuffling sound in the hallway. He rubbed the part of his head that he had rammed against the upper part of his wardrobe as he straightened sharply. Jordan smiled as he heard hushed whispers from the hallway and he knew who could be the source of that. Well, sources, if one wanted to be particular. He placed his hand against his waist as he called out “I know you are there” Total silence. He changed his tone to a menacing one as he said “If you don’t
The Comeback of Alarick Chp 2 - Suspected Foul Play?
Jordan looked at his two solemn-looking cousins and he realised that they were serious. He closed his wardrobe and came to sit down on his bed. They both swerved to face him. “I am sorry, kids. I wish I could but I can’t. I..” “Why? Is it because you have serious business to attend to? We won’t disturb you at all” Henley said then he continued before Jordan could reply “Remember how I used to follow you to the Sheriff’s office here? Even deputy Shedrack allowed me to use the radio in the new car the other day. I could be your deputy back in your country” “What do you mean by you could? I thought we were asking for the two of us, you dunce” his sister hissed at him. Henley stuck his tongue out at her before facing Jordan “C’mon Jordan, let’s go with you” “Even if you do not want to take this dumb head with you, you can just take me and we will leave him behind” Fukayna pitched her campaign. “Fuka, you are bad!” Henley said, aggrieved. “Are you two disturbing cousin Jordan with yo
The Comeback of Alarick Chp 3 - What Answer?
“What made you say that?” Jordan asked his cousin. Chione was not one to mince words and he knew that she would tell him whatever it was that her suspicions were. Chione sighed as she sat down heavily on his bed, wrinkling the coverlet. Jordan looked over and looked back at his cousin when she did not say anything but was just kicking her legs lightly against the bed frame “Chi?” “Because I know you, Dan, and you have not been yourself since you got back last year, are you still blaming yourself?” “Whatever made you think that?” Jordan turned away from her as he tried to remember what he had been doing. “What would make you think I blamed myself, of course not. It had been natural and it was his time.” Oh yes, he remembered he had been sorting out his clothes. He was through though, but better to have something to do that would take him away from Chione’s scrutinizing eyes. He moved towards the wardrobe but his cousin blocked him before he got there. “What?” he asked with curt lau
The Comeback of Alarick Chp 4 - Fury And Grief
March 2012 The siren wails shattered the night air and hope-filled Jordan’s heart as their sound got closer. He looked down at his partner “Eric! Eric, hang on. You have to hang on, buddy. Help is on the way, you will be taken care of in no time. You don’t get to die on me, man. You hear me?” Jordan said desperately to keep his friend’s eyes open even as the brutal conviction settled in his mind. He had seen many scenes like this almost a year after he had joined the Baleria Police Department. He could almost feel his friend’s life flow out of him as blood flowed through Jordan’s hand. He had tried to apply the emergency first aid he learnt in the academy on his friend, anything to slow down the cold hand of death that seemed intent to claim this man. No, not Eric. He thought desperately as he called him again “Eric, please you have to keep your eyes open. You can’t sleep now, man. Don’t you dare sleep. What would you tell Aria? Damn you!” he shouted as he wondered why the siren he
The Comeback of Alarick Chp 5 - Not Enough Time
Jordan came out of the white home with blue trimmings and he felt like retching. He had never had to deal with a scene like that before, not ever in his life. He had thought he understood grief and all it entailed, after all, he had lost his mother at a very young age. At an age any child shouldn’t have to face such a thing, he remembered how much he loved his mother and how much it had affected him. He could remember how much it had affected his grades that year even though he had his father's support and love. Then he unexpectedly lost his father as well, at a time that he couldn’t believe it as the loss hit him with such an impact that he had not expected. A death he still had not been able to reconcile within his heart. He had thought he knew all there was to do when dealing with the grief of people he had to break the news of the loss of their loved ones to. After all, he had dealt with a few homicides back in Rova even though the county had a low level of crime rate. Since he
The Comeback of Alarick Chp 6 - Shameless Bastard
Jordan had not expected the scene that greeted him as he entered the house that morning. The lady that opened the door for him stepped aside with a sombre look. He did not want to believe what came to his mind as he saw the young lady looking so morose. No, they couldn’t possibly know. He had been specific with his instructions at the station the night before when he informed them not to send anyone over to Eric’s house yet. “I would do it first thing in the morning. I just want that poor woman to have a good night's rest first” he had told them and his colleagues had expressed their understanding as they promised to leave it to him to break the news. “It couldn’t be,” he thought in denial as he followed the young lady to the living room. “Yes, it could be” he affirmed when he heard the most hateful voice he had ever heard in all of his life. The soft-spoken, well-modulated voice of Lance fucking Dickson. “You will have to hold in your grief, ma’am. I understand that you might be d
The Comeback of Alarick Chp 7 - Colder Than The Slab
Aria’s rigid stance crumpled the moment they heard the front door open and closed. She lowered herself slowly back to the couch. “That is one downright rotten man. Lordy. I have never seen such an unfeeling fellow before. I was about to come run him off myself if you didn’t enter, Seargent” Jordan turned back toward the door that led to the kitchen and he saw Aria’s grandfather standing there with a fireplace poker in his hand. Jordan had no idea what the older man had intended to do with Bruce but he knew that it wouldn’t have ended well for the bastard, he almost wished he had come a bit later so he could see the old man wielding the iron on the baby faced bastard preferably on his face but as that could have earned the old man charges for assault on a police officer, he thought that it was a good thing he had come earlier after all. He wondered briefly how early Lance had woken up just so he could come over for his psycho display. “Grandpa” Jordan called and Aria jolted out of h
The Comeback of Alarick Chp 8 - Uncouth Mouth
“Your temper would be your undoing,” Lance said as he got up from the floor with as much dignity as he could muster, which was not much of anything as his chin was smeared with the blood he wiped from his mouth earlier and he had a fresh bruise coming up. “One more sick word from your uncouth mouth and you would see just how much damage my temper could be to you even before it became my undoing, which would not be your call anyway” Yeah. it irked Lance that it was not his call, at least not when they wanted the arrogant bastard. He would like to be around when he finally did himself in though. Oh yes, he would love to see him suffer and beg. He looked around furtively and raised his hand as if he wanted to snatch a fly in the air. That was the signal he had given the dickhead to leave the surrounding, he had no idea if he had seen him but he was not about to let Jordan find out. Jordan narrowed his eyes when he saw the suspicious way the inspector raised his hand and his hand instan
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Author's Note
I can’t thank you enough, dear reader, for turning the pages until this point. I really do appreciate you for checking out this book, adding it to your library, unlocking chapters, voting for this book, giving this book your gems, and for your amazing and inspiring review and in-chapter comments as well. You are the reason I kept going to this point. You are my strength. I appreciate you a lot. Lots of love and blessings to you! The Comeback Of Alarick is my first thriller story, and my first short story as well. I really hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it as well. I assure you that there will be more improvement in my writing style, plots, settings, and the way I portray the characters in my subsequent books. I would like to have your comments and suggestions on what you would like to see in my other books. I will appreciate that a lot, and I assure you that I will work hard to infuse your wants into my books. You can check out my other stories on this pla
Epilogue - Men OF Great Impact
Slowly but surely, peace returned to Baleria. It was not an easy task and it took the government over a year before they could decide to stop the influx of special agents they had to keep sending to Baleria to keep the peace.The death of Apache seemed to be like the death of a god to the miscreants of Baleria and its environs. Some of them resorted to retaliation and for months, it was more of a common occurrence on the streets of Baleria for rapid gunshots to resound all of a sudden in the wake of their crazed attempt to deliver a payback to anyone whom they believed had a hand in his death.Jordan escaped assassination twice and Valencia had to be taken under the wings of the secret service working for President Kalani. Jordan convinced Chione to go back to Rova before the heat heightened. Though she only went back to take a lengthy leave before coming back to join her cousin in the fight against the vermin that had penetrated every thread of Baleria and its neighbouring cities.Jor
Chp 34 - For Eric. For All Of Us
The door burst open and Valencia tripped over her feet as someone pushed her. She fell to the floor and looked up in fright at her father and Jordan. Sandra followed her in with a gun pointed at her.“She was snooping around, babe. Tried to swipe my phone” Sandra said without lowering her gun as Valencia stood up slowly.Jordan had no idea what was going on. Why was Valencia being treated like that even though she was part of them? He knew he shouldn't feel any empathy towards her, after all, she betrayed him. Yet, he couldn't help but wonder.“Is that so, girl?” Apache asked as he motioned for Sandra to bring his daughter over. “I am not your girl” Valencia spat out. “You are not the father that I thought I knew. The man I know will never do all those vile things. You can drop the pretence and just kill me the way you killed your other child!" she sneered.Fleeting surprise crossed Apache's face before he said "Oh, I see that Sandra is correct. You have been snooping. Where the hell
Chp 33 - Brain-Dead In Minutes
“Please, promise me that they will make sure he gets out first before they go all in. I think you need to tell your men again or let me just go with them. I am a cop in Rova. I have my badge, and I can protect him in there. I should be going in with them. I know Jordan. They don’t” Chione said rapidly as she turned to face the man beside her.Holt Hendrick, the aggrieved governor of Baleria removed the binoculars in his hands and looked pensively at Chione.”Who is this again, Todd”Todd Hendrick rolled his eyes before he answered without looking up from his laptop “You know who she is, Uncle. Chione? The reason we have the initial intel? My friend. Repetition is not my thing you know. Keep up, uncle”Holt nodded without taking his eyes off Chione. “Listen, miss. I have as much stake in this as you do. Well, more. Actually. This state has a lot of stake in this. In case you have not read the news, I lost my family. God knows it was the only thing they could talk about for months. This
Chp 32 - Ticking Bomb Called Alarick
“So, you see,” Apache Isachar continued conversationally. “You are a problem. You are like, What is it called again? Yes, you are like a ticking bomb. a headache that wouldn’t go away. Just like your father.”When Jordan wanted to say something again, Apache raised his hand and said, “Did you learn nothing earlier? I know. I know you are dying to know about what happened to your dad. Don’t worry. I will literally grant you all your wishes. I will tell you about him. Then you will die. Kind of fitting.” He added with a smile.Then his smile turned into a sneer as he looked at him. “You. I saw potential in you and put Dickson on your case. If only you had not been so bullheaded, just like your father, this story could have ended differently. Sadly, you are your father’s son, and you will receive the same end as him. Well, too bad.”Apache stood up suddenly and moved quietly like a panther toward Jordan. “I mean, you even made me tell you that sob story on the day you had the guts to tell
Chp 31 - Benevolent Monster
“Glad you finally decided to join us, little punk.” Jordan heard as he woke up the second time. He was getting pissed off for repeatedly being knocked out. After being knocked out on the verge of the huge shock he was dealt earlier, he was just coming out of his unconscious state when he felt another blow to his head again and he went under.This time around, he had no idea if he would be allowed to stay awake or if another blow would send him back into an unconscious state. When he concentrated fully on the man sitting in the cane chair in front of him; he guessed he might be allowed to stay awake this time after all. He seemed ready to talk this time around. The bastard that Jordan had always held in high esteem. The man he had been in touch with, long after he had left the force. Rtd. ASP Allan Dexter.The man grinned unapologetically as he said “I can see that you have finally processed this. Go ahead then. Ask all the questions running about in that smart head of yours. I can’t
Chp 30 - A Bone-Deep Fright
“That was a great performance, Maria. You can go now.”Valencia shook her head slightly as she woke groggily from the sleep that had suddenly snuck up on her. Her father? Maria? She thought she was dreaming, but by the time she blinked hard and concentrated on the foggy figures in the room, she realized that she was not alone, as she had been for days. There were others.“Yes, sir,” She heard Maria say as the latter bowed to her father and turned to leave.“Maria?” Valencia called uncertainly. Her mouth felt leaden, and her throat felt as if it were stuffed with wet cotton.Maria didn’t say anything as she glanced at Valencia, then she quickly looked away and left the room.Valencia grew more confused. Why was Maria acting like that? Has she called Jordan? Would he be coming? What is her father's name? Her father! Her mind cleared when she remembered that she had heard his voice.“Dad?” Valencia called when she turned her head and saw the man that Bastion and Maria had told her was be
Chp 29 - Leaving So Soon?
Jordan got more than he expected from his cousin’s jotter.He did not just get the address but he got the full intel about the location and every other thing he needed to know about the layout of Isacchar’s home and headquarters of his operations. Jordan was awed by what he got just from decoding the shorthand on his cousin’s jotter and he understood that he had truly undermined his cousin’s prowess. Though he doubted that she could have gotten that much information while she was in Rova; he was more than grateful to have that with him.He tucked the jotter away again and looked over at the man who was currently struggling to get rid of the duct tape on his hands and mouth. He kept shaking his head wildly and making gestures to be set free.Jordan rolled his eyes and leaned over to rip the duct tape from his mouth. “You will not get away from this!” Lance Dickson shouted as soon as his mouth was free. “You will be arrested! You will be punished for kidnapping an officer of the law. I
Chp 28 - Stuck With A Psychopath
Limping badly and scarred-faced, Maria went through the door of the storehouse that one of the men standing outside it held open for her. “Thank you,” she said before she passed through. Valencia thought that her dehydration was finally making her lose it when she heard the voice. Maria couldn’t possibly be there. She looked up and was amazed when she saw that it was really Maria. “Maria?” She licked her parched lips and raised her head higher. “Maria, is that you?” Maria gingerly placed the tray in her hands on the table and quickly went over to pull back the curtains from the shrouded, barred window, then she limped back to Valencia’s side. “It is me, miss. It is me” she said with tears in her eyes. Valencia’s eyes widened and her excitement dimmed when she saw the huge, ugly scar that covered most of her right cheek “Your…face. What happened to your face, Maria?” she asked instantly, hoping that it was not what she thought. Yet she knew. Maria turned her face away from Valenci