Chapter 1
Character editor. Race and class. The choice has been made.
Before my eyes appeared a vast space. The strangest thing was that I did not see my own body at all, but I still felt it, a kind of invisible.
I noticed a large, about three meters high, oval mirror with a pale gold border, which hung freely in the air. A message flashed before my eyes.
Choose a race!
Hmm… I wonder who I should start playing as? I flipped through the list and poked at the first word that came across. A healthy monster with pale green skin appeared in the mirror. Her black hair was pulled back into a small ponytail. The evil look of the black eyes caused me some kind of hostility.
From the lower jaw, two fangs rushed upward. The muscles were bulging so that any bodybuilder would choke with envy, looking at this misunderstanding, but such a character is not for me. I never liked orcs. Let's try again.
Now a short, broad-shouldered dwarf with a lush red beard appeared in the mirror. A bulbous nose, bushy eyebrows and a kind look made a good impression.
Standard attire, including a simple shirt and trousers with a rope instead of a belt. Well, it's better, the orc only had pants. Again, a very not frail guy was in the mirror.
Are the developers trying to give the player something that they don't have in real life? After all, many dream of relief muscles. However, you can’t buy me like that, I didn’t care about them. Okay, let's look at the next type. Who's in line?
Long blond hair fell loosely down her back. The gaze of keen green eyes was already looking out for the target in order to hit it with its beauty, ugh, arrow.
Pointy ears looked pretty good, I wonder how I can squeeze through the trees with such locators? Yes, with such a sugary appearance in reality, all the girls would be mine, but somehow I didn’t want to look like that, well, it’s not mine.
However, maybe dig into the settings and make the elf more masculine? And then the default parameters completely discourage the desire to play for this ancient and proud race, which has always been one of my favorite races. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to achieve the desired look...
Okay, who else is there? Drow, hmm ... the same elves only with dark blue or dark purple skin, although there are drow with obsidian black skin, as well as pale gray, like ashes. Interesting, of course, but no.
There were also ogres, goblins, and many other unusual races. A very extensive list, but after thinking carefully, I decided to play as a person. Yes, trite, but I was not ready to change so much to play this game. I'd rather be in a human body.
Now the mirror showed an ordinary guy with dark hair and bright blue eyes, with a typical inconspicuous face and slightly pumped up body. However, this is not what I wanted.
After some fiddling with the settings, I finally got what I wanted using the capsule's capabilities. Now my own reflection was looking at me from the mirror, which I was used to in the real world.
The hair became a little longer, and their color changed to light brown. The eyes also changed from blue to grey. Straight nose, pursed lips, tired look, somewhat thin figure. Is that how I look? Yes, the girls would obviously have liked that type more, well, I don’t care.
Race: Human. Confirm your choice.
Yes, yes, quickly, I already want to plunge into this game.
Choose a character class!
Oh, how could I forget the class. Good players always analyze all available information to weigh the pros and cons of each class available. And only then, having counted on a calculator, and more than once, they choose. And I ... and what am I? I'm a bad player, hehe.
So, there are a lot of classes here. Which one to watch first? Oh I know! Warrior! My character got a sword and simple armor, after which he began to look a little more menacing. Oh yes, now the hare will be frightened of me for sure, however, if he is five levels below me.
Okay, next one. Necromancer. Her cheeks were completely sunken, her skin turned pale, and in addition to fatigue, some kind of detachment and anger appeared in her eyes. In his hands was a worn book with a skull. Come on, developers! If I see myself like this in real life, I will immediately go to church to cast out demons.
Archer. One name, the same character that I had only with a rustic bow and a quiver of arrows.
Death Knight, Ranger, Thief, Assassin, Palladin, Priest… all wrong. Why am I so fastidious, even insulting somehow. Have I really become so detached that nothing clings to me?
Maybe try social classes? All sorts of diplomats, merchants, ascetics or other varieties. Still, this game can be played without killing monsters, but only completing tasks and at the same time live happily ever after.
No, I still want battles, but I just can't decide. Ahh, don't care, let everything be decided randomly. That would be laughter if I still become a necromancer.
Enter a character name!
A character with the given name already exists.
Well, the beginning-oh-axis, now you need to come up with something. Eh-h… I would choose the Wanderer, but this is the standard naming of any player, and besides, it is also taken, but I was always called that because of my last name. Although I have an idea.
Character Name: Allon
Race: Human
Class: Random
The choice has been made! Welcome to Reine! Enjoy your game!
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