Chapter 1040

Yet, Godfrey was worried about the building collapsing and didn't dare step inside. Darius raised an eyebrow mockingly. "What's wrong, Godfrey? This is your office building, yet you don't have the nerve to step inside. Aren't I in here? And also your former head of security." He sighed and leaned back, crossing one leg over the other.

Godfrey gaped at him from the entrance. He didn't expect Darius to have the nerve to enter the building when it was on the verge of collapsing. He shook his head and cried, "You're a madman!" He squeezed his eyes shut, then opened them again to glare at Darius. "Don't think you can achieve anything by hiding in this stupid building! If anything happens to it, you're the first I'll go after for compensation!" He pointed at Darius.

Darius shrugged. "That's a refreshing take." He looked completely at ease.

Godfrey's eyes widened in shock. His breathing sped up. He knew he couldn't allow things to continue like this; he wouldn't benefit from this at all. As
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