Chapter 114

When Emily, the nurse who was speaking to Vera, turned around and saw the middle-aged woman, her eyes widened in surprise.

“Director Yul!” Emily exclaimed in surprise.

The middle aged woman with a haughty demeanor was none other than the Director of Serene Hospital. Of course, as the Director of the hospital, she had a very high status in the hospital.

“Emily, what is the issue?” Director Yul asked with a frown on her face.

Emily hesitated to respond to the Director, but Director Yul glared at her. Emily had no choice but to recount the events that had led up to this situation. She did, however, leave out several details about when she paid for the treatments with her own allowance fees. She was aware of how difficult Director Yul could be, and she didn't want to make things more difficult for Vera.

As Emily narrated the incidents, the frown on her face grew increasingly prominent. By the time Emily was done, she was sporting a very huge frown on her face.

She turned to Vera who was s
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