Chapter 125

“Excuse me?” Janet asked in a voice devoid of any emotion, but Darius could tell that she was annoyed at the moment.

“You heard me you bitch!” The young man replied harshly in anger. He was already in a worse mood after his plan to get in bed with the lady he liked fell through, and was already looking for an outlet to vent his anger. Hence, he wouldn’t let the chance that he deemed heaven sent slip from his fingers.

Darius frowned at the young man’s choice of words, and took a closer look at the man. Darius was now an awakened martial artist, so this meant that his mind power was now above the normal person; therefore he easily remembered the young man as the one who was in an argument with a female close to an hour ago. He could tell because the voice was extremely familiar.

If Janet Fox was merely annoyed before, this time she was truly infuriated.


It had been ages since someone dared use such a derogatory word to describe her.

“Watch your words. It was merely a small accide
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