Chapter 146

Darius, Director Yul and Vera all turned their direction to the man as he walked inside Darius hospital room.

Darius took a closer look at the man who walked into the room. He looked to be in his late thirties, with full black hair and a tall physically fit body, with a white lab coat on. He however had dark circles beneath his eyes, so one could tell that he was either stressed or not getting enough sleep.

Darius was surprised at the doctor’s appearance, but took a passive stance as the man would surely have a reason for coming inside his hospital room.

Sure enough, it only took a few seconds for the doctor to state the reasons for his appearance.

“Hello Mr. Reid. I’m sorry to barge in like this, but I heard all the details from outside the hospital room.” The man said.

“My name is Dr. Hills, and I’ve been working as a doctor here for the last ten years.” The man now identified as Dr. Hills said.

“Is there a reason for your appearance?” Darius who could not stand someone beating arou
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