Chapter 149

There was no other fiasco with the doctors or staff in Serene Hospital, and the next day just like the doctor said, Darius was discharged from the hospital.

The fast rate at which he was discharged was quite shocking to the medical personnel attending to Darius. The reason was because a critical wound like the one Darius incurred should have one bedridden for more than a month even after a successful surgery, yet Darius was discharged in less than a week.

It was completely unheard of.

Of course, this was due to the self healing trait of the golden liquid, but as the medical personnel had no idea of the golden liquid in Darius’ body system, their shock at his fast healing rate was understandable.

Another peculiar thing was that the surgery Darius had left no scar on his chest! It was as smooth as an egg, and without the medical records, it would be impossible to tell that a surgery was performed on Darius.

Darius had just finished changing from his hospital gown to his casual wear when
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